Posts Tagged ‘astronomers’

Astronomers Discover Mysterious Radio Burst from 8 Billion Years Ago In Unprecedented Finding

Scientists have discovered by far the most ancient and distant “fast radio burst,” a type of enigmatic bright radio pulse from deep space, using a sophisticated radio telescope in Australia, reports a new study. The burst, known as FRB 20220610A because it was detected on June 10, 2022, occurred about eight billion years ago, making […]

The Golden Age Of Islamic Astronomers

Astronomical understanding, accurate calendars and knowledge of exact geographic latitudes and longitudes were essential for all Islamic cities and towns.  Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

Astronomers Are Freaking Out Over Bizarre Rectangle-Shaped Rings in Space

Image credit: JWST/MIRI/Judy Schmidt ABSTRACT breaks down mind-bending scientific research, future tech, new discoveries, and major breakthroughs. In the eight months since the James Webb Space Telescope launched on its mission to explore the earliest formations of our universe, it’s sent back mind-blowing photographs of mysterious structures, ancient galaxies and dying stars. The JWST has 100 […]

Astronomers watch red supergiant star explode for the first time

Astronomers watch red supergiant star explode for the first timeJanuary 7, 2022 An artist’s impression of the star. Image Credit: W. M. Keck Observatory / Adam MakarenkoIn a world first, astronomers have had the opportunity to watch a red supergiant exploding in real time.It’s one of the most destructive events in the known universe – […]

Contacting ET is ‘reckless’, say astronomers

Contacting ET is ‘reckless’, say astronomers Posted on Tuesday, 15 June, 2021 Is it wise to try to contact aliens ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 CSIRO A group of astronomers have warned of the potential dangers of trying to contact intelligent extraterrestrials.Most people involved in the search for signs of intelligent alien civilizations tend […]

Astronomers Detect the Most Distant Spiral Galaxy Ever Found

Using the telescope known as the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), a team of researchers may have found the most distant spiral galaxy ever seen, according to a statement. The galaxy, dubbed BRI 1335–0417, is estimated to have formed only 1.4 billion years after the Big Bang, making it the most ancient known galaxy with […]

Astronomers detect newly-discovered star FLIPPING its powerful radio beam in never-before-seen behavior

Astronomers have discovered a unique kind of star behaving rather strangely around 15,000 light years away, blasting its radio wave beam in odd directions and appearing to flip its polarity. The magnetar Swift J1818.0–1607, discovered in 2020, is one of just 30 other such objects detected in the Milky Way (so far). Swift is rare […]

Astronomers discover ‘celestial highway’ that could rapidly speed up travel through our Solar System

Astronomers have discovered a “celestial highway” to travel through the Solar System much faster than was previously possible. The development raises the prospect of rapidly sending crafts across vast swathes of space. The extraordinary superhighway network was discovered by an international team of researchers from Serbia and the United States. The routes can transport comets […]

Discovery of Gigantic ‘Planet’ Baffles Astronomers

A massive new ‘planet’ has been discovered that is so large it may not actually be classed as a planet, according to astronomers. The new discovery is called OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb and is thought to be more than 13 times bigger than Jupiter, our solar system’s largest planet. The Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute announced the […]

Astronomers Hunting for Water on Exoplanet Cloud Tops

University of Warwick astronomers have shown that water vapour can potentially be detected in the atmospheres of exoplanets by peering literally over the tops of their impenetrable clouds. By applying the technique to models based upon known exoplanets with clouds the team has demonstrated in principle that high resolution spectroscopy can be used to examine […]

For The First Time, Astronomers Have Found A Giant ‘Magnetic Bridge’ Between Galaxies

Next Story The study of magnetic fields is fascinating, and presents tremendous implications for how we perceive our physical material world. The leading scientists in this field are, as far as I’m concerned, over at the HeartMath Institute, which continues to publish groundbreaking research on how these magnetic fields, which all living things possess, reveal the interconnectedness of […]

Astronomers detect space rock 3 days after it passes close to Earth

     A space rock now designated as asteroid 2017 OO1 was detected on July 23, 2017 from the ATLAS-MLO telescope at Mauna Loa, Hawaii. An analysis of its trajectory revealed it had been closest to Earth on July 20 sometime between 10:27 p.m. to 11:32 p.m. EDT (between 02:27 to 03:32 UTC on July 21). […]

It’s not aliens: Astronomers figure out the source of mysterious radio signals emanating from Ross 128

     Strange signals emanating from a dwarf star are not evidence of extraterrestrial life. That’s according to astronomers who detected the unidentified radio signals, setting off public speculation that aliens were trying to making contact with Earth. Scientists from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico revealed last week that they were baffled by signals detected […]

Astronomers Just Did What Einstein Said Was Impossible: Weigh A Star With Gravity

Society has come to respect Albert Einstein for his astonishing intellect, particularly after he mapped out his famous theory of general relativity. However, one of his predictions, which he never thought would be directly observed, has recently been proven correct. Astronomers have now taken Einstein’s prediction of the light of a distant star being warped and magnified […]

Astronomers discover moon orbiting ‘Snow White’ dwarf planet

     A new study has revealed that the third-largest dwarf planet in our solar system has its own moon. Researchers used three different space observatories to confirm that dwarf planet 2007 OR10, which is nicknamed “Snow White,” is orbited by a moon. Snow White is a 1,530 kilometer-wide (950 mile) dwarf planet, while the new […]

Women Indigenous Rights Defenders Targeted by State & Corporate Terror

Christina Sarich, StaffWaking Times “I remember feeling that pieces of me were scattered around the world; I belonged to her, Mother Earth.” ~ Raquel Cepeda, Bird of Paradise Facing ever-growing levels of harassment from the current, crumbling power structure, a new breed of dis-obedient women is shaking up the world. No longer […]

Your environment is the hidden hand that shapes your behavior

     It can be tempting to blame failure on a lack of willpower or a scarcity of talent, and to attribute success to hard work, effort, and grit. To be sure, those things matter. What is interesting, however, is that if you examine how human behavior has been shaped over time, you discover that motivation […]

‘White Powder’ Sparks Security Alert At UK Parliament

Police locked down parts of Britain’s Houses of Parliament on Thursday afternoon after an envelope containing white powder, sparked fears of a chemical or biological attack. Areas were shut down by officers while they investigated a suspicious package. The security alert lasted for an hour and a half before police declared the incident over. RT […]

Price fluctuations not affecting Iranian exports

  TEHRAN, June 26 (Shana) – Member of Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Mehdi Sharifi Nik-Nafas, says the oil market in the fluctuating condition following separation of the UK from the European Union but it cannot affect Iranian crude exports. Sharifi made the remark in an interview with Shana when asked about the impact of the […]

Photos: Zarif meetings in Paris

‘Trump should be tried in militarily court over profiling Muslims plan’ If the United States is truly committed to its Constitution, Donald Trump should be tried in a militarily court, and summarily executed… Source Article from

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