Posts Tagged ‘figure’

Second Shooter? Video Shows a Dark Figure on Top of the Water Tower

As we reported several days ago, at least three witnesses said they saw a second shooter on the Butler water tower. Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post Second Shooter? Video Shows a Dark Figure on Top of the Water Tower first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

US aggression on Baghdad kills leading figure in Kataib Hezbollah

7 Feb 2024  Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English The drone strike has killed and injured several people, including top officials of the Iraqi Resistance faction, Kataib Hezbollah. An attack that targeted a car driving through a road in eastern Baghdad, Iraq, led to the martyrdom of a prominent leader of Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah, […]

An Advanced Species Trying To Figure Out Why American Sheep Still “VOTE” In Rothschil’d’s Corporations Illusion of Elections


Lurking ‘Devil-Like Figure’ Reemerges On Painting Following Its Restoration

A demonic figure has reemerged on a 1789 painting by English artist Joshua Reynolds after the artwork underwent restoration to mark the 300th anniversary of Reynolds’ birth. The “devil-like figure” had over time appeared to fade out or been the subject of attempted removals from Reynolds’ “The Death of Cardinal Beaufort,” explained the United Kingdom’s […]

Tommy Douglas’s Status as Historic Figure Under Review by Feds for His Beliefs on Eugenics

The late founding leader of the federal New Democratic Party, Tommy Douglas, is under review as a national historic figure by the Directory of Federal Heritage Designations because he wrote a thesis paper for his master’s degree on eugenics. The Historic Sites and Monuments Board is examining Mr. Douglas’s “controversial beliefs and behaviour,” according to […]

Britain Lost a Symbolic Figure with the Death of Queen Elizabeth II and Gained Nothing with the Appointment of Liz Truss

Around the world, condolences are being expressed on the death of 96-year-old British Queen Elizabeth II. Among the leaders of countries, the first foreign leader to congratulate Charles III on his accession to the British throne and express condolences in connection with the “irreparable loss” was Russian President Vladimir Putin, British media said. This is […]

One In 8,000! This Unique Terracotta Figure Is Unlike All The Rest

Let’s begin this story with an exercise. If you are not driving, lie down on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet on the ground about your hips-width distance apart. Now, place your right ankle above your left knee on the thigh. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read […]

Why is the ONS Claiming Just 1% of Covid Deaths Are in the Vaccinated When PHE Data Shows the True Figure For August was 70%?

The ONS has published a new study on Covid deaths which purports to show how few vaccinated people die of Covid. Here’s how the Telegraph reported the headline claim: “Only 59 fully vaccinated people without serious health conditions died from COVID-19 out of more than 50,000 deaths in England this year, new figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) […]

New LeBron James Action Figure Comes With Real Flopping Action

U.S.—McFarlane Toys has released a brand new, special edition action figure of the universally adored sports hero LeBron James. Unlike previous figures of LeBron, this one will feature realistic “flopping” action to immerse children in the NBA play experience. “We wanted to make a toy that really captured what kind of player LeBron James is,” said […]

Triplets Have Conversation With Unseen Figure

Triplets Have Conversation With Unseen Figure By Frances Mulraneyvia Daily Mail, UKThe creepy conversation between two-year-old triplets and a ‘ghost’ in their room was captured on a baby monitor as their mother reveals the young girls claim to have seen a ‘monster’.Caitlin Nichols, 25, said she overheard her triplets Presley, Millie, and Hays screaming and […]

As Iran’s election nears, the regime is trying to figure out what to do with social media

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Holocaust facts: Where does the figure of 6 million victims come from?

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Wax Museum Removes Trump Figure After Visitors Keep Praying To It

SAN ANTONIO, TX—The wax figure of the 45th president of the United States was removed from display at Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks as a result of loyal supporters praying in humble supplication at its feet. “Our museum is just not set up for masses of faithful Trump supporters lying prostrate through these halls in holy reverie,” […]

Holocaust: Origins of the Symbolic Six Million Figure Hoax

Preface to The First Holocaust by Don Heddesheimer By Germar Rudolf Published: 2003-01-10 The following video explores “The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure” in depth. As we all know, roughly six million jews were killed by National Socialist Germany during World War II, or so we are told. This genocide is today generally referred […]

Turkey extradites Iranian social media figure facing fraud charges

Turkey has handed over to Iran a popular Iranian social media figure, Milad Hatami, accused by Tehran of money-laundering and fraud in connection with online gambling, a senior Iranian police official said on Tuesday. “He has been extradited …and faces charges linked to cybercrime, fraud and money laundering,” Brigadier-General Hadi Shirzad, head of Iran’s branch […]

Israel assassinated senior al-Qaida figure in Tehran three months ago – report

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

754 new virus cases tallied Wednesday – the lowest figure in 3 days

The number of new coronavirus cases diagnosed in Israel dipped to its lowest in three days on Wednesday, while positive test rates continued their slight downward trend since the beginning of the week. There were 754 new virus cases diagnosed in 24 hours, according to Health Ministry figures released Thursday morning. That followed 841 cases […]

Was Rama Based on a Real Historical Figure?

Rama, one of the principle figures of the Hindu text the Ramayana is revered throughout India and the world. Many historians doubt that Rama was an actual person, however, many Hindus believe he was a real historical figure and argue that there is enough circumstantial evidence to suggest that the legends about Rama, although written […]

Opposition MK calls for recount of coronavirus deaths, claims figure inflated

An opposition lawmaker called Wednesday for a recount of coronavirus fatalities, claiming Health Ministry guidelines for registering deaths were including many who may have died of other causes, inflating the toll, panicking the public and pushing decision-makers to apply lockdown measures. A senior Health Ministry official rejected the claim and stressed that officials have no […]

In EU-Wide Poll, Majority Think Migrant Integration ‘Unsuccessful’, Figure Rises to 73 Per Cent in Sweden

A European Commission poll has found that a strong majority of people in France, Germany, and Sweden believe the integration of migrants has failed in their country. People in all 28 member states were asked: “Generally speaking, how successful or not is the integration of most immigrants living in [your country].” Overall, across the open borders […]

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