Posts Tagged ‘status’

Status of US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency: Central Banks Diversify from USD-Assets to Other Currencies and to Gold


Mexican president demands $20 billion in aid and legal status for 10 million Hispanic individuals in exchange for helping U.S. with border crisis

(NaturalNews) Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has said that he will help the U.S. deal with the current migrant crisis but has placed several… Source

Robert Shiller Warns Of ‘Cataclysm’ For US Dollar Reserve Status If Confiscated Russian Assets Given To Ukraine

If the United States shifts frozen Russian assets to Ukraine, it would be cataclysmic for the US Dollar’s status as the global reserve currency, says Nobel Prize winning Yale professor, Robert Shiller. “If America does this to Russia today… then tomorrow it can do this to anyone,” he told Italian news outlet La Repubblica in […]

New anti-WEF think-tank appears to be an earnest attempt to resist the globalist status quo writes Rebekah Barnett

BY RHODA WILSON ON NOVEMBER 10, 2023 • ( 16 COMMENTS ) Positioned as an “anti-WEF” think-tank, the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (“ARC”) held its inaugural three-day international conference from 30 October – 1 November in London. Perth-based independent journalist Rebekah Barnett attended as a member of The Aussie Wire’s media team. The following is her experience of the invite-only conference, which was attended by […]

Many Turn Against ‘Sanctuary City’ Status–Tulsa, OK Becomes State’s First ‘Welcoming City’

As many cities have begun to turn away from “sanctuary” citiy policies, the City of Tulsa, OK, seems to be heading in the other direction. Source

Has The US Lost Its First-World Status?

Has The US Lost Its First-World Status? Authored by Daniel Nuccio via The Brownstone Institute, Everything is dirty. Nothing works. But everything’s also more expensive. And oh, by the way, you don’t have privacy anymore… That is how I described life in the US to a friend who had been living abroad for a bit […]

Supporters try to rekindle Puerto Rico status change

Supporters of changing Puerto Rico’s territorial status are turning to the Senate to keep a compromise bill alive as rapidly shifting political dynamics threaten to bury the proposal for a plebiscite on the issue. Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) introduced the Puerto Rico Status Act in the upper chamber Wednesday, leading 21 Democratic co-sponsors on the… […]

The US has Lost its First-World Status

Everything is dirty. Nothing works. But everything’s also more expensive. And oh, by the way, you don’t have privacy anymore. That is how I described life in the US to a friend who had been living abroad for a bit more than a decade when we met up earlier this year during his brief return […]

Reps urge Biden, Mayorkas to redesignate temporary protected status for Nicaraguans

Dozens of House members signed a letter asking President Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas to redesignate temporary protected status for Nicaraguans on  Wednesday. “We commend the Biden Administration’s decision to re-designate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Venezuelans in the United States,” the letter read. “However, an 18-month extension of TPS for Nicaragua… […]

Biden administration grants Temporary Protected Status to Venezuelan migrants

More than 400,000 Venezuelan migrants already in the United States.will be eligible for the protected status and also eligible to work. Source

NYC Official: Not Getting into ‘Politics’ of Criticism of our Sanctuary Status — ‘There’s Opportunity’ in Migrant Surge

On Thursday’s broadcast of NewsNation’s “Elizabeth Vargas Reports,” New York City Emergency Management Commissioner Zachary Iscol stated that the city isn’t “going to participate in the politics or the palace intrigue” over whether it should deal with the influx of Source

Biden administration announces extension of temporary protected status for Venezuelan nationals 

The Biden administration will extend temporary protection status for nearly a half a million of Venezuelan nationals currently residing in the United States, a decision that comes amid Democratic leaders’ pressure on the White House to take more action regarding asylum-seekers.  Under the extension, an estimated 474,000 Venezuelans who arrived in the U.S. as of… […]

Why the CAA’s charitable status must end

I appeared on Not the Andrew Marr Show to talk about the recent article which I co-wrote with Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt revealing that the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” was secretly funded by the Jewish National Fund, a group closely tied to the Israeli state. Watch the full interview in the video above. Palestine is Still the Issue […]

Uruk: Ancient Civilization Archaeological Superstar Status

Uruk, in southern Iraq, has reached superstar status in the realm of archaeological excavations of ancient civilizations by delivering the Sumerian King Lists among the 5,000 cuneiform tablets discovered Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama Has Lost His Heretofore Protected Status

 Obama Has Lost Protected Status, Following Tucker Sinclair Interview: Man Who Claims He Was Class of 83 At Columbia And Obama Was Not There Gains Traction On Twitter The Deep State, As You Know, Called Him “Renegade.” “But Gay Is Not The Issue; The Issue Here Is Fraud.” Be Discerning—This is a Very Tricky Very […]

Challenging the status quo: Israelis’ growing dissatisfaction with Netanyahu

Israel has had major resistance from Palestinians and now, surprisingly, many Jewish Israelis are expressing resentment towards the Israeli government as well. The rise of the extreme right-wing in the parliament has prompted many Israelis to stand up to Netanyahu. Why the discontent? Is there something wrong with this government? From the Palestinian point of […]

Tommy Douglas’s Status as Historic Figure Under Review by Feds for His Beliefs on Eugenics

The late founding leader of the federal New Democratic Party, Tommy Douglas, is under review as a national historic figure by the Directory of Federal Heritage Designations because he wrote a thesis paper for his master’s degree on eugenics. The Historic Sites and Monuments Board is examining Mr. Douglas’s “controversial beliefs and behaviour,” according to […]

Asa Hutchinson clashes with Tucker Carlson on vaccination status

“How many Covid shots did you take?” Hutchinson asked. “Zero,” Carlson responded to a round of applause from the audience. “I can see that you recoiled when I asked you that question,” said Carlson, a former Fox News anchor and longtime vaccine skeptic. “And I don’t think, honestly, you should be asking people about their […]

High Status Skeletal Find of “Ivory Man” in Valencia Turns out To Be “Ivory Lady”

In 2008, in southwest Spain’s Valencia, the skeletal grave of an ‘important person’ was undoubtedly found, with an array of precious artifacts. This included an elephant’s tusk, an ivory comb, a crystal dagger, an ostrich eggshell, and a flint dagger adorned with amber. Classified initially as “probable young male” between the ages of 17 and […]

The Patent that was created to track us, our behaviors, and our potential illness status.

JENNIFER BROWN MAR 10, 2023 A gander at US patent US 11,107,588 B2 Click to access US11107588.pdf “Methods and systems of prioritizing treatments, vaccination, testing and/or activities, while protecting the privacy of individuals” We start on page 1: So the big question here:  is this something like the vax passport/health app driven?  Or is this […]

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