Posts Tagged ‘puerto’

Where pa’lante meets sumud: Puerto Ricans organize in solidarity with Palestine

The Zoom camera clicks on and Natalia Ibrahim Abufarah Davila, 35, appears. The Palestinian-Puerto Rican organizer has a soft aura and wears glasses, her face framed by a side part and thick braid. Born to a Palestinian father and a Puerto Rican mother, Abufarah Davila grew up between the two cultures and has since become […]

Supporters try to rekindle Puerto Rico status change

Supporters of changing Puerto Rico’s territorial status are turning to the Senate to keep a compromise bill alive as rapidly shifting political dynamics threaten to bury the proposal for a plebiscite on the issue. Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) introduced the Puerto Rico Status Act in the upper chamber Wednesday, leading 21 Democratic co-sponsors on the… […]

Puerto Ricans Desperate For Water After Hurricane Fiona’s Rampage

CAGUAS, Puerto Rico (AP) — More than a half million people in Puerto Rico remained without water service three days after Hurricane Fiona slammed into the U.S. territory, and many spent hours in lines Wednesday to fill jugs from water trucks while others scooped water from mountain runoff. Sweat rolled down the faces of people […]

Hurricane Fiona hits Turks and Caicos after ravaging Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic

Hurricane Fiona swept across the Turks and Caicos Islands on Tuesday as a Category 3 storm after having ravaged Puerto Rico, where most people remained without electricity or running water and rescuers used heavy equipment to lift survivors to safety. The storm’s eye passed close to Grand Turk, the capital of the small British territory,  after […]

Police Repress Demonstration Against Luma In Puerto Rico

The Police of the State of Puerto Rico, a dependent territory of the United States, dispersed Thursday night a demonstration of dozens of Puerto Ricans in Old San Juan, who were staging a protest against LUMA Energy due to the constant power outages. This is the most recent episode of the protests that have been […]

University Of Puerto Rico Students Have Declared An Indefinite Strike

San Juan. – The first student general assembly 2021-2022 at the Rio Piedras campus of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) has announced an indefinite strike starting today, while other universities are on strike. The university students, who arrived on stage at the main campus for the UPR, made the decision in light of the […]

How A Swimming Pool Became Puerto Rico’s Symbol Of Climate Change And Corruption

Above Photo: Protesters in the municipality of Rincón on the western coast of Puerto Rico have established a permanent presence at the construction site of a swimming pool that is being rebuilt after hurricane Maria destroyed it in 2017. Opponents of the construction say it is being built illegally. (Carlos Mercado / YouTube). Protestors have […]

The End of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

Above Photo: Lorie Shaull / Flickr U.S. representatives have introduced two bills that would finally end Puerto Rico’s subordinate Commonwealth status. But continued colonial rule may be the only option Congress seriously considers. The House Committee on Natural Resources held hearings on April 14, 2021, on two bills that propose to end Puerto Rico’s status […]

How COVID-19 pushed a tiny Jewish congregation in Puerto Rico far beyond its borders

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Puerto Rico’s Carmen Yulín Cruz Shreds Trump Over New Hurricane Death Toll Study

Researchers said their 4,645 estimate is “likely to be conservative” and the death toll that can be tied to the hurricane may actually exceed 5,000. But the high death toll is just one of the study’s alarming revelations, such as the lingering effects of the storm on the island’s older population. Never forgotten! Never again! […]

May Day Repression Reveals Savagery of U.S. Colonialism, Resilience of Puerto Rico’s People

SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO — Puerto Rico’s capital was the site of massive scenes of brutal repression as police clamped down on an International Workers Day march using overwhelming violent force, scattering thousands of protesters who gathered to resist austerity measures and anti-worker attacks on the people of U.S colonial territory. Despite the colonial administration’s […]

From 1937 To 2018: The Militarized Suppression Of Protest In Puerto Rico

From 1937 To 2018: The Militarized Suppression Of Protest In Puerto Rico By Jorge Juan Rodríguez V, May 3, 2018 Above Photo: From As I look on at my beautiful Puerto Rico and see the people rising against colonialism and economic tyranny only to be beaten and illegally […]

Six Months After Hurricane, Puerto Ricans Are Still Without Light

Six Months After Hurricane, Puerto Ricans Are Still Without Light Light posts hang crookedly over buildings, beautiful two story homes are now one level memories of greatness, debris and destruction blend in with the beautiful landscape of the San Lorenzo batholith, and the glow from candles lighting the dark night can be seen from the […]

Media Ignoring Puerto Rico’s ‘Shock Doctrine’ Makeover

Media Ignoring Puerto Rico’s ‘Shock Doctrine’ Makeover Above Photo: From Nearly five months after Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico, more than a hundred thousand US citizens there still lack clean drinking water, and almost one-third of the island has no reliable electric power. As initial life-sustaining recovery efforts still grind toward completion, Puerto Rico’s Gov. […]

Puerto Ricans Brace For Another Disaster: Foreclosures

Puerto Ricans Brace For Another Disaster: Foreclosures Above Photo: Alex Wroblewski/Bloomberg News/Getty Images.  A vehicle drives through streets filled with floodwater and past destroyed homes caused by Hurricane Maria in this aerial photograph taken above Barrio Obrero in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Sept. 25, 2017. Foreclosure horrors have now been added to Puerto Rico’s Dickensian experience […]

Puerto Rico: 1 million still without power 100 days after hurricane Maria

     Though some basic necessities have returned to the island, residents are angry that they are still in “recovery mode.” Puerto Rico is now in its 100th day since Category 4 Hurricane Maria struck the island, damaging vast amounts of infrastructure and nearly eliminating its electrical and running water systems. Though some of these basic […]

Catastrophic living conditions in Puerto Rico can teach us a wealth of truth about post-collapse survival

(Natural News) What would happen if the grid collapsed? Many people imagine it would not be too different from what happens when the power goes out after a storm, with long hours spent in the darkness playing cards by candlelight. You’ve got a cabinet full of canned goods, so you’d be able to get through […]

Depopulation of Puerto Rico: Manmade, Methodical, Disaster [Video]

After each one of these increasingly obvious manmade events, one thing is becoming abundantly clear. Local Government Officials are as clueless and oblivious to manmade weather reality, than the rest of the population is. Having dealt extensively with controlled opposition and disinformation over the last 20 years, it’s pretty clear to me when someone […]

Puerto Rico’s utility cancels controversial $300 million contract with Montana firm hired to repair electrical grid

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Doctors Fear Deadly Disease Outbreak In Puerto Rico

It has not been easy for people in Puerto Rico to deal with their daily routine after hurricane Maria took away almost everything they had. The conditions are so bad down there that there is no electricity in many parts of the island; most residents do not have access to clean water. However, those that […]

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