Posts Tagged ‘teach’

Oklahoma Superintendent Orders Public Schools to Teach Bible as White Christian Nationalists Go ‘On Offense’

Oklahoma’s Christian nationalist state superintendent of education Ryan Walters this week instructed all public schools to teach the Bible, which the New York Times called “an extraordinary move that blurs the lines between religious and instruction and public education.” Walters, an energetic supporter of former President Donald Trump, actively seeks the media spotlight for his aggressive Christian nationalism […]

Florida To Teach Kindergarten Kids The ‘Dangers & Evils Of Communism’ 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed into state law a bill aimed at teaching all students, including those in kindergarten, about the “dangers and evils of communism. He claimed it is necessary to do this […] The post Florida To Teach Kindergarten Kids The ‘Dangers & Evils Of Communism’  appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

What Heidegger Can Teach Us About Our Technological Moment

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Has anyone noticed how prophetically pertinent Leonard Cohen’s Song, ‘The Future’ is for the time in which we live? Here are some of the lyrics:  Give me back my broken nightMy mirrored room, my secret lifeIt’s lonely hereThere’s no one left to tortureGive me absolute controlOver every living soulAnd lie […]

Far-Left Universities Set Up Classes To Teach Satanism, Witchcraft

Multiple far-left universities in America and the UK have begun teaching students Satanism, witchcraft and magic. According to a report by The Washington Stand, several schools have started teaching their students how to practice dark […] The post Far-Left Universities Set Up Classes To Teach Satanism, Witchcraft appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

UK Church School Sacks Teacher For Refusing To Teach “Extreme” LGBT Lessons

A teacher has been sacked from a Church of England school because she refused to teach “extreme” LGBT lessons as part of religious education syllabus. 43 year old Glawdys Leger a teacher at Bishop Justus CofE School […] The post UK Church School Sacks Teacher For Refusing To Teach “Extreme” LGBT Lessons appeared first on The People's […]

Child Labor Is Such a Big Problem That California Will Teach Kids Their Rights at School

California public schools will now teach students about their rights to unionize after Governor Gavin Newsom signed a new bill into law over the weekend. The bill, which will create “Workplace Readiness Week,” requires schools to educate kids in the state about workplace safety and California’s child labor laws in an effort to “prevent child […]

Tax-Funded Ohio Group Sponsors Program to Teach Children How to Be Drag Queens

An organization funded by Ohio taxpayers is sponsoring a tutorial program to teach children how to become drag queens. Source

WHO: ‘It’s Time To Teach Toddlers How To Enjoy Masturbation’

The World Health Organization (WHO) says it’s time to teach toddlers “how to enjoy masturbation” while giving them the tools they need to “explore their sexuality.” The new guidance pushes “sexuality for infants” and demands […] The post WHO: ‘It’s Time To Teach Toddlers How To Enjoy Masturbation’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

An Open Challenge To All Christian Ministers Who Teach That Only ‘The Jews’ Are Israel

Here we will take a look at Part 1 of Sheldon Emry’s essay, “An Open Letter To Any Minister Who Teaches ‘The Jews Are Israel.” For those unfamiliar with this subject, we would suggest you also read our previous essay — Malachi: The Treachery Of End Times Anti-Christ ‘Judeo-Christian’ Ministers — in which Emry addresses […]

Father takes his 3-year-old son to “Drag Queen Story Hour Event” to teach him to be accepting of others

New dad Jack Beresford took his son Patrick to a drag queen story time reading so the 3-year-old could be happy with who he was and accepting of others. Wondering why the LGBT movement keeps on getting stronger because new-age parents want to teach their children inclusiveness from the get-go. Their belief system has become […]

Things We Should Teach Children (and sheep) About The Constitution

The constitution was a flawed document to begin with. It was a compromise between three factions. Those who wanted an empire which means stealing the Americans newly won freedom back from them. Those who did not really like it but tried to protect the rights of Americans as best they could by the way it […]

Things We Should Teach Children (and sheep) About The Constitution

The constitution was a flawed document to begin with. It was a compromise between three factions. Those who wanted an empire which means stealing the Americans newly won freedom back from them. Those who did not really like it but tried to protect the rights of Americans as best they could by the way it […]

Things We Should Teach Children (and sheep) About The Constitution

The constitution was a flawed document to begin with. It was a compromise between three factions. Those who wanted an empire which means stealing the Americans newly won freedom back from them. Those who did not really like it but tried to protect the rights of Americans as best they could by the way it […]

Trump: No Teacher Should Teach Kids Transgenderism Without Parental Consent

Former President Donald Trump slammed teaching transgenderism to kids without parental consent during his rally in Ohio on Saturday night.

Hillary Clinton To Teach MasterClass On Losing Elections

CHAPPAQUA, NY—Meet your instructor! MasterClass has announced its latest expert tutor, Hillary Clinton, who will teach a series of lectures about how to lose presidential elections. “We are honored to welcome Hillary Clinton to our world-class lineup of instructors,” said CEO David Rogier. “She is one of the world’s foremost in losing so thoroughly and embarrassingly, having lost […]

New North Dakota Law Makes It Illegal to Teach About Systemic Racism

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Rookie Move: Christian Prays God Would Teach Him Patience

LOS ANGELES, CA—Get a load of this idiot! Rookie Christian James Hamperton made the classic mistake of praying God would teach him patience while attending church this Sunday, and now his week is filled with the most irritating little delays and annoyances. What a rube! Hamperton told reporters that he prayed on Sunday, “Lord, just […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Teach the Controversy

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Israel Says Unvaxxed, Untested Teachers Won’t Be Able To Teach & Won’t Get Paid

Israel announced this week that teachers who are unvaccinated or who fail to provide a negative covid test will not only be barred from entering schools, but will be denied a salary. Israel’s Health Ministry has instructed school principals that starting from October 3, they would be required to block entry to any teachers who […]

Gov’t Doesn’t Allow Public Schools to Teach About Money

by Admin · Published September 18, 2021 · Updated September 18, 2021 [embedded content] Comment: Rockefellers own our education system which has been totally rigged by the Oligarchy. Our Schools are a waste of time and money. They don’t want us to learn about money because they want us to be slaves to their corporations. […]

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