Posts Tagged ‘teachers’

GOP-led Tennessee Senate approves bill allowing CONCEALED CARRY for teachers on school grounds

(NaturalNews) The Republican-led Tennessee Senate has approved a bill permitting teachers and staff members at K-12 public schools to carry concealed handguns on… Source

San Diego teachers sue California governor and attorney general for forcing them to conceal transgender status of children from parents

(NaturalNews) Two San Diego, California, teachers have taken legal action against California Governor Gavin Newsom and California Attorney… Source

The demon Kissinger plus sadistic teachers, procreating pandas and Irish nationalism, and more

The demon Kissinger plus sadistic teachers, procreating pandas and Irish nationalism, and more  Fri 3:54 pm +01:00, 1 Dec 2023  5 posted by pete fairhurst 2 [embedded content] A foul mouthed, funny and rambling monologue from the pagan Thomas Sheridan There is no need to agree with everything that he says, he is not a […]

Woke Teachers Trying To Ban Classic Novel From Schools To “Protect Students”

The Washington Post reports that “progressive” teachers in in Washington state are attempting to get To Kill a Mockingbird, authored by Harper Lee, banned in schools in order to “protect students.” The report notes that The Mukilteo School District teachers are adamant that the classic novel, published in 1960, is “outdated and harmful.” Set in the […]

UK government is monitoring teachers’ online activity and recording criticism of government policies and Ofsted

From A startling revelation indicates that the UK government has substantially amplified its surveillance of the social media activity of educators. Ranging from leading education experts to teaching assistants and librarians earning modest salaries, the magnifying glass of surveillance closely monitors posts criticising education policies. The discovery was made by The Observer, revealing that the […]

Judge Rules NYC Must Reinstate 10 Teachers After Refusing Coronavirus Vaccine

Ten employees terminated by officials with the New York City Department of Education for refusing to take the Chinese coronavirus vaccine must be reinstated, a New York judge said Wednesday, adding they must also be given their backpay. Source

Virginia Mom Sues Pro-Transgender Teachers for Pushing Her Child into Prostitution

A Virginia mother is suing her local school district for pushing her daughter into transgenderism, prostitution, and sex trafficking. Source

UK Teachers Union Advises Getting Rid Of Girls & Boys School Uniforms & Sports Lessons To Be ‘Trans-Inclusive’

Britain’s biggest teaching union is advising schools to stop segregated sports and to use gender-neutral uniforms in a push to become more “trans inclusive.” The controversial new guidelines from the National Education Union (NEU) also tells teachers to put an end to boy and girl classroom seating as it might “distress” trans or non-binary students. […]

Terrified British Teachers Allowing Children To Identify As Cats and Communicate Using Meows

Schools across Britain are allowing students to identify as animals including horses, cats and in one case the moon, and communicate with teachers using “animal noises”, according to a major investigation by The Telegraph. Students […] The post Terrified British Teachers Allowing Children To Identify As Cats and Communicate Using Meows appeared first on The […]

UK PM Says Teachers Must Not Allow Children To Change Gender Without Telling Their Parents

British prime minister Rishi Sunak has said that teachers must now allow pupils to change their gender without informing their parents. Sunak told teachers that letting boys identify as girls was ‘not a neutral act’ […] The post UK PM Says Teachers Must Not Allow Children To Change Gender Without Telling Their Parents appeared first […]

The Far Right Is Calling for the Execution of Teachers and Doctors

Tim Nordin was at home ahead of a school board meeting in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, last spring when he checked his email and found a threatening message from someone with the alias “Kill All Marxist Teachers.” “I am going to kill you and shoot up your next school-board meeting for promoting the horrific, radical transgender […]

Fingerprints of Unvaccinated Teachers Sent to FBI As ‘Huge List’ of ‘Vaccine Refusers’ Compiled By CDC

New York City teachers who declined Covid vaccinations had their sensitive biometric data in the form of fingerprints sent to the FBI and Criminal Justice Services, according to bombshell court documents. Attorney John Bursch stated […] The post Fingerprints of Unvaccinated Teachers Sent to FBI As ‘Huge List’ of ‘Vaccine Refusers’ Compiled By CDC appeared […]

Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI

Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI February 10, 2023 By Michael Kane On February 8, 2023, while arguing on behalf of fired NYC workers who declined covid vaccination, attorney John Bursch stated in open court that unvaccinated teachers in New York City were flagged with problem codes in their personnel files, and when […]

Thousands of teachers and workers protest in London in biggest walkout of a decade

Thousands take to the streets in London as half a million teachers and workers strike throughout Britain, calling for higher wages in the largest walkout in more than a decade. Source

Hundreds of Chicago Teachers Raped, Sexually Assaulted, Groomed Students in 2022

Hundreds of teachers in Chicago’s public school system raped, sexually assaulted, and groomed students last year. Source

CDC Pushes Teachers to Measure Commitment to ‘LGBTQ Inclusivity’ Instruction

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued an “assessment tool” for teachers and school administrators to measure their commitment to “LGBTQ inclusivity” in their classrooms. Source

Report: NYC Teachers Allegedly Sent Explicit Texts, Preyed on Students

Multiple female teachers in New York City have been accused of inappropriate behavior involving students, the New York Post reported Saturday. Source

SAD: 850 More NYC Teachers And Aides Fired For Not Complying With COVID Vax Mandate

SAD: 850 More NYC Teachers And Aides Fired For Not Complying With COVID Vax MandateDate: September 18, 2022Author: Nwo Report    Posted BY: ProTrumpNews Staff 850 more unvaccinated teachers and aides were fired for failing to comply with New York City’s COVID vaccine mandate for schools.This brings the number of NYC Department of Education staffers […]

6,000 Seattle Teachers And Support Staff Strike

Six thousand teachers and support staff in Seattle, Washington began a strike this morning, cancelling the first day of classes for 50,000 students in the state’s largest school district. The walkout followed a 95 percent vote by teachers, paraprofessionals and office workers to authorize strike action. The Seattle Education Association (SEA) did everything it could […]

Teachers’ Union Shuts Down Seattle Schools amid Worst Learning Loss in 30 Years

The Seattle Education Association shut down public schools for the first day of classes just one week after the U.S. Department of Education announced the worst learning loss seen in the United States in 30 years.

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