Posts Tagged ‘terrified’

My medical colleagues in Gaza are exhausted, and terrified of what is to come

When I left Gaza two weeks ago, my colleagues at the European Hospital in Khan Younis were already overwhelmed. Now, they are terrified Israel will invade the hospital and kill patients like they did at nearby Nasser Hospital. Source

Bloomberg Terrified At The Prospect Of America Exporting Its Gun Culture

Bloomberg Terrified At The Prospect Of America Exporting Its Gun Culture Submitted by Gun Owners Of America., Bloomberg, the news media company named after and owned by prominent anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg, is terrified of a worldwide gun culture. In a recent series of articles, Bloomberg journalists detail how firearms companies are “fueling violence across the world” through […]

Terrified British Teachers Allowing Children To Identify As Cats and Communicate Using Meows

Schools across Britain are allowing students to identify as animals including horses, cats and in one case the moon, and communicate with teachers using “animal noises”, according to a major investigation by The Telegraph. Students […] The post Terrified British Teachers Allowing Children To Identify As Cats and Communicate Using Meows appeared first on The […]

Why is Pfizer Terrified of this Woman?

Why is Pfizer Terrified of this Woman? After reading Pfizer’s March 3, 2023, transcript from their motion to dismiss hearing, I can tell you this brave American hero isn’t going away any time soon. Karen Kingston Brook Jackson is an experienced director of FDA clinical trials who reported dozens of the FDA violations she personally observed […]

Pfizer is terrified of discovery in Brook Jackson’s legal case against the company – “Pfizer lied. People died,” says attorney

(Natural News) Earlier this month, Judge Michael J. Truncale met with whistleblower plaintiff Brook Jackson and defendants Pfizer, Ventavia, and ICON to hear Pfizer’s motion to dismiss the False Claims Act case that Jackson filed against the pharmaceutical giant on behalf of the United States. As you may recall, Jackson came forward with allegations against […]

Ukrainian refugees terrified in the England of diversity

Ukrainian refugees are refusing to stay in accommodation offered to them in British neighborhoods with a large proportion of Muslim residents. reports . Channel 4 News. According to Channel 4 News, many Ukrainian women who have moved to cities like Birmingham find it difficult to adapt to areas characterized by more “diversity” than what they […]

U.S. Jewish leaders are ‘terrified’ that Netanyahu ignores their warnings

The new Israeli government shows that Zionism is finally a nightmare for Jews. Israeli leftwingers report that they are “under attack,” “afraid,” and blacklisted, and that anti-occupation activists will be subject to violence of the sort Palestinians have always faced. And the “Reform movement is enemy number one” for the new government. Source

8 Facts that Explain Why the Left Is Terrified of ‘My Son Hunter’

Joe Biden once said, “We choose truth over facts.” At Breitbart News, we say, why not have both? In order to fully appreciate the facts in My Son Hunter, we highly recommend you read these true stories from Biden scandal lore.

CNN ‘Woke’ Staff Terrified As New Boss Begins Firing Anti-Trump Employees

‘Woke’ staff at CNN are “terrified” that they will lose their jobs following a recent purge of anti-Trump employees, including prominent names, at the network. Far-left staffers are reportedly working in a state of fear […] The post CNN ‘Woke’ Staff Terrified As New Boss Begins Firing Anti-Trump Employees appeared first on News Punch.

Black Man Chases Terrified Asian Woman Down Dark Alley to Prove Black Men Are Not a Threat

He is literally growling at the woman as he runs after her, but she’s a racist bitch for being scared? In what kind of addled brain would this even make sense? Share now! Source

“Utter Desperation” – Body Count Rises As Terrified Afghans Mob Tarmac At Kabul Airport, Cling To Departing Planes

According to WSJ and other English-language media outlets, at least three people have died Monday during the frenzied struggle to leave. A group of 60 nations has asked the Taliban to allow any refugees who desire to leave the country to do so without inflicting harm on them or their families. American troops are now […]

Joe Biden Appears to Yell “My Butt’s Been Wiped!” to Terrified Reporter

President Joe Biden was filmed apparently yelling “my butt’s been wiped” to a terrified reporter who attempted to ask him about immigration on Sunday. WATCH: “Does immigration need to be in reconciliation?A pathway for citizenship?” @POTUS was asked returning to the White House “There needs to be a pathway to citizenship whether it needs to […]

The Real Reasons Why California Leftists Are Terrified Of The AR-15

This past week a US District judge in California struck down the state’s 30 year ban on high capacity semi-automatic rifles which leftists label “assault weapons”. The judge called the ban unconstitutional (which it is). In response, the progressive media has lost their collective minds, screeching in horror at the idea of AR-15 rifles being […]

Jewish Community ‘Terrified, Angry’ Over Release of Accused Attacker of Multiple Bronx Synagogues

Police stand guard at Ohel Menachem Riverdale Jewish Youth Library Lubavitch, where glass windows were smashed. Photo by Lev Radin/Sipa USA Jewish community leaders in New York and nationally were outraged on Monday after learning that the man arrested for a string of rock-throwing attacks on synagogues in the Riverdale neighborhood of New York was […]

Scalise on WaPo Tim Scott Article: Left Terrified of a Conservative Black Leader Who Doesn’t Push Left’s Narrative

On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) reacted to the Washington Post’s fact-check article on Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) family history by saying that “there is nothing that scares the left more than a conservative African American leader who’s gaining respect nationally, on his own, not pushing […]

PhD In Vaccines & Pro Vaccines Is Terrified About Global Genocide With COVID VACCINE! Comment: Bill Gates is fully on board with this Depopulation Agenda as his father Started Planned Parenthood to kill babies-Depopulation Agenda! Source

Terrified Biden Wanders Around The White House Wondering Where Obama Went

WASHINGTON, D.C.—According to anonymous sources, Biden was seen wandering the White House grounds this morning, desperately looking for President Obama.  “Barack! Barack! Where are ya, you ol’ devil?” Biden yelled as he shuffled through the hallways in his bathrobe and slippers. “You can’t hide from me, I know all the best hiding spots around here, […]

As a Mexican Jew, I was terrified to be in DC during the riots

Not only was I in DC on Jan. 6, but I was also across the street from a hotel filled, nearly entirely, from what I could tell, with Trump supporters who had come to our nation’s capital for this week’s rally turned riot. Three days earlier I had moved to a new apartment in Washington. […]

Terrified Jews Fear Rise of Pro-White Organization in the UK

Some gay newspaper put out a hit-piece on Mark Collett, a nationalist leader from England. The Times: Extremist far-right groups are using livestreaming events on YouTube to recruit children as young as 12 to spread their message. Counterterrorism experts say that a growing number of “extremely young” British teenagers are being drawn towards neo-Nazi and […]

Older Jews are officially terrified of young Jews’ views of Israel

“Big stories don’t break, they ooze,” the legendary editor Gene Roberts used to say, and a story has oozed in the last month or so that has not gotten much attention. Older Jews are now officially terrified of young Jews. Why? Because those young Jews are not persuaded of the value of the great Jewish […]

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