Posts Tagged ‘views’

Harvard Study Reveals Fact Checkers Overwhelmingly Hold Far-Left Views

A new Harvard study that “fact checked the fact checkers” has revealed that the fact checking industry is are strongly biased in favor of left-wing political positions with at least 95% of so-called “misinformation experts” […] The post Harvard Study Reveals Fact Checkers Overwhelmingly Hold Far-Left Views appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Jan. 6 Prosecutor Will Rollins Runs for Congress Pledging More Censorship of Political Views

A Democrat who helped prosecute January 6 participants is running for election to Congress against an incumbent Republican in a southern California seat, on a platform promising more tech censorship. Source

Dissenting views CRIMINALIZED in the U.K. under new Online Safety Act, which gets you ARRESTED if government doesn’t like what you say

(NaturalNews) An independent journalist based out of England has been arrested for sharing “malinformation” about Ukraine.In accordance with the new Online… Source

How My Views on Government Have Changed

One of the questions asked in a recently conducted poll of my religious community was “Did your view of the government change at all because of covid?” along with a text box to explain your answer. The following is an adapted essay version of what I wrote (the original response I posted on Substack). I […]

Scottish Bagpipes – Celtic Music with Beautiful Views of Scotland, Ireland and Wales

There is something about Scotland Bagpipe music that can stir a deep emotion in people. Play this beautiful Source

The Rise Of Totalitarianism: Banks Denying Services Based On Political Views

We used to look with horror on the KGB (the Soviet Union), the Stasi (East Germany), the Securitate (Romania), the Sigurimi (Albania), and so forth, but now we find versions of them—as yet pale versions, it’s true—among us, giving to life a constant undercurrent of fear. As the police caution used to put it after […]

‘Disloyal views’: Lithuania strips Russian residency permits

In a letter seen by Euronews, authorities have asked Russians living in the country who rightfully owns Crimea and their views on the Ukraine war. Source

Celtic Music with Beautiful Views of Ireland, Wales and Scotland

Enjoy over an hour of moving and uplifting music as you soak in incredible views such as the Cliffs of Moher, Isle of the Sky, Scottish Highlands, Castles and many more throughout Ireland, Wales and Scotland. Source

UNACCEPTABLE VIEWS (2022) Full Documentary


Facebook: Any Religious or Political Views Shared on Your Profile Will Be Removed

Facebook has announced that it will begin policing people’s personal profiles and remove any references to religious or political beliefs. Facebook is changing the information users are allowed to post as part of their profile beginning Dec. 1, according to reports. reports: A representative of Facebook then confirmed the news via a statement to TechCrunch. […]

Facebook: Any Religious Views Shared on Your Profile Will Be Removed

Facebook has announced that it will begin policing people’s personal profiles and remove any references to religious or political beliefs. Facebook is changing the information users are allowed to post as part of their profile […] The post Facebook: Any Religious Views Shared on Your Profile Will Be Removed appeared first on News Punch. Source

ACH (1952) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of The World War Of World Views

In today’s show originally broadcast on October 27 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of The World War Of World Views.” We discussed: the Gramski Strategy to subvert and destroy Western Christian Civilization; why the EU Parliament building in Strasbourg was built as a replica of […]

‘Silent Majority’ Must Speak Up When Vocal Minority Imposes Views on Society: Rapper and Commentator

If people do not speak up when faced with a vocal minority trying to impose their radical views on society, the silent majority and their children will face dire consequences, said rapper and social commentator Zuby, encouraging the “silent majority” to stop censoring themselves. “A silent majority may as well not exist,” he said. “I think […]

Iranian FM exchanges views with Indian counterpart on JCPOA

TEHRAN — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian and his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on Sunday held talks over the phone about bilateral ties and some issues of mutual interest at regional and international levels. During the conversation, Amir Abdollahian extended greetings on behalf of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. […]

Report: Newsrooms Warn Journalists to Keep Abortion Views Private

It appears that newsroom managers have warned reporters against voicing their personal views on abortion as SCOTUS weighs Roe v. Wade.

Qatari and Iranian foreign ministers share views on Vienna talks

TEHRAN – Qatar’s Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani held phone talks late on Saturday with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir Abdollahian about the latest developments surrounding the Vienna talks aimed at reviving the 2015 nuclear deal, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said. The Qatari and Iranian foreign ministers had also spoken on phone […]

Intolerance of Dissenting Views Suppressing Tough Questions About Inflation, Afghanistan, COVID-19: Peter Thiel

In his keynote address to the National Conservatism Conference Oct. 31, billionaire tech entrepreneur Peter Thiel argued that false consensus has silenced debate on important questions, including COVID-19, the U.S. presence in Afghanistan, and ongoing inflation in the American economy. Thiel spoke to the conference about examples of what he called “the incredible derangement of […]

With Afghanistan, Media’s Pro-Biden Views Outweighed by Its Anti-Americanism

Shortly after President Biden announced last week that he had “no regrets” about America’s exit from Afghanistan, in spite of the inescapable tragedy unfolding there as a result of it, NBC News ran a story on their website headed: “What is the ‘Biden doctrine’? Afghanistan pullout offers clues.” Some clues! Some doctrine! But, looked at […]

Yazılıkaya: 3200-Year-Old Temple Reflects Hittite Views on Time and the Cosmos

Yazılıkaya is a 3,200-year-old building that was known to have been central in religious ceremonies in the capital city of the ancient Hittite Empire . But according to a team of researchers, it might have also served as a working calendar, a sacred clock, and a symbolic reflection of the cosmos. In Turkish, Yazılıkaya means […]

Far-Right Activists Claim to Have Been De-Banked for Extremist Views. Wells Fargo Points to Other Reasons

Two far-right activists claim to have had their accounts with Wells Fargo closed as a result of their extremist political beliefs. Lauren Witzke, who was the GOP nominee for U.S. Senate in Delaware in 2020, and Pete D’Abrosca, who attempted to run for office in 2020 in North Carolina but failed to submit the proper […]

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