Posts Tagged ‘imposes’

Beijing Imposes Export Controls On Rare-Earth Processing Tech As Mineral War With US Heats Up

Following the meeting between President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation event in San Francisco last month, the hopes for de-escalation in Sino-US relations seem to have fallen apart after China announced export controls on rare-earths technologies.  China is the world’s top processor of rare earths and has placed an […]

Florida Imposes Death Penalty for Pedophiles

Pedophiles in Florida will now face the death penalty after new laws cae into effect in the state this week. According to a report by Neon Nettle, new legislation to make child rapists face execution […] The post Florida Imposes Death Penalty for Pedophiles appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

World food supply panic as India imposes ban on rice exports

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” Henry Kissinger Search that quote & top of the list will be one of those fake fact checks that tell you Kissinger said no such thing. Of course. Liars all IMO. Watch […]

US Imposes Sanctions on 39 Entities Aiding Iranian Trade

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinkin announced that his department is imposing sanctions against 39 entities believed to be assisting Iranian clients in illegally engaging in trade. The U.S. State Department’s March 9 announcement outlined sanctions against dozens of “shadow banking” entities spread across several countries that would be subjected to the sanctions due to […]

Lula da Silva Imposes COVID Vaccine Mandate for ALL Children

Brazil’s newly installed authoritarian President Lula da Silva announced last week that the dangerous COVID-19 vaccine will be mandatory for all children in Brazil if parents wish to continue receiving government assistance. Lula made the declaration during […] The post Lula da Silva Imposes COVID Vaccine Mandate for ALL Children appeared first on News Punch. Source

Russia Won’t Suffer Losses After West Imposes Oil Price Cap No Matter What – Putin

December 10, 2022 By Staff, Agencies Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the economic issues on Friday as he commented on the western sanctions limiting the price of Russian oil. Noting that the cap, introduced by the G7, the EU and Australia, won’t affect Russia at the moment, Putin stressed that “The imposed cap corresponds with […]

‘Silent Majority’ Must Speak Up When Vocal Minority Imposes Views on Society: Rapper and Commentator

If people do not speak up when faced with a vocal minority trying to impose their radical views on society, the silent majority and their children will face dire consequences, said rapper and social commentator Zuby, encouraging the “silent majority” to stop censoring themselves. “A silent majority may as well not exist,” he said. “I think […]

September 30: Pope Imposes Deadline for Vatican to Transfer Assets to Bank

September 21st, 2022 Via: AP: Pope Francis on Tuesday imposed an Oct. 1 deadline for all Holy See offices and Vatican-linked institutions to deposit their assets with the Vatican bank. Francis’ decree follows his decision earlier this year to entrust management of all Vatican assets to one office — the patrimony office known as APSA […]

Israel imposes extra restrictions on Gilboa Prison escapees

Israel is imposing tighter restrictions on the six Palestinian prisoners who escaped from the high-security Gilboa Prison on 6 September last year, Sama news agency has reported. The move has been condemned by the head of the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners' Affairs Authority, Qadri Abu Bakr. "These are extra punishments based on racist and permanent hate," […]

Inflation Protests Erupt Across Peru As President Imposes Curfew, Calls In Military

Inflation poses severe challenges for emerging market economies. The latest example is in Peru, where social unrest spreads across the country, forcing the government to impose a curfew in the capital, Lima, on Tuesday, according to Reuters. “The cabinet has agreed to declare a ban on the mobility of citizens from 2 a.m. through 11:59 […]

Lebanon: Attorney General Imposes Travel Ban on Central Bank Governor

Posted on January 11, 2022 by martyrashrakat January 11, 2022 BDL Governor Riad Salameh (photo from archive). Mount Lebanon Attorney General Judge Ghada Aoun ordered on Tuesday the General Security to impose a travel ban on the Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh in light of a lawsuit filed against him. The order mentioned that Salameh […]

Focus on the Family Imposes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate, Leaving Staff and Donors Dismayed

A large Christian organization told employees this week that they must soon reveal whether they’ve gotten a COVID-19 vaccine, upsetting some staff members and donors. Focus on the Family’s President Jim Daly emailed staff members on Jan. 3 to say the company must request and receive each worker’s vaccination status by Jan. 9. Daly cited […]

Hong Kong Bans Flights From U.S., Imposes Other COVID-19 Restrictions

HONG KONG (AP) — Hong Kong authorities announced a two-week ban on flights from the United States and seven other countries and held 2,500 passengers on a cruise ship for coronavirus testing Wednesday as the city attempted to stem an emerging omicron outbreak. The two-week ban on passenger flights from Australia, Canada, France, India, Pakistan, […]

California Imposes Statewide Mask Mandate On Your Mom Because She Ugly

SACRAMENTO, CA—California Governor Gavin Newsom has announced that in response to the Omicron variant there will be a statewide mask mandate on your mom, because she is so ugly and no one wants to deal with looking at her while we have COVID to worry about. “Scientists say this new Omicron variant is spreading fast,” […]

De Blasio imposes sweeping vaccine requirement on New York businesses

The city will also require all children between the ages of 5 and 11 — who have a 19 percent vaccination rate — to show proof of at least one shot before entering restaurants, theaters and gyms starting on Dec. 14, de Blasio announced. For adults and children 12 and older, who already are required […]

Belarus imposes retaliatory sanctions on EU and UK airlines

Belarus says it will impose retaliatory restrictions on airlines from the European Union and the United Kingdom. Minsk announced that it would also introduce a ban on imports of certain goods from countries that have placed sanctions on the country. The move comes after the EU, UK, United States, and Canada slapped simultaneous sanctions on […]

Greece Imposes Monthly Fine Of 100 euros On Unjabbed People Over The Age Of 60

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has announced that anybody who is over the age of 60 and refuses to get a Covid jab will be fined 100 Euros (£85) a month as as the country prepares to launch a vaccine mandate. Mitsotakis announced mandatory Covid-19 vaccination for all Greeks over the age of 60 on Tuesday, […]

Greece Imposes $114 Monthly Fine on Unvaccinated People Over 60

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced mandatory Covid-19 vaccination for all Greeks above 60 years of age before a cabinet meeting in Athens on Tuesday, in an effort to tackle the new omicron variation threat ahead of the festive season. Those who refuse to get vaccinated will have to pay a monthly fine of 100 […]

As “Vaxxed” Athletes Drop, Austria Imposes Fines and Prison on Refusers of Experimental Injections

In a macabre show before the eyes of the world which never would have been possible absent two years of what liberal comedian Bill Maher calls “panic porn,” the government of Austria has ordered that those who do not show up for mandated experimental shots, which are still in Phase III human clinical trials, will […]

Austria Imposes Full National Lockdown & Mandatory Covid Vaccinations

Austria is set to enter its fourth nationwide lockdown next week, which could last up to three weeks. So just after announcing that all the unjabbed over that age of 12 would lose their basic human rights, the Austrian government decided to take it a stage further and ruled that the entire country should also […]

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