Posts Tagged ‘exports’

Who are Israel’s main weapons suppliers and who has halted exports?

The United States has suspended a shipment of weapons to Israel, including heavy, bunker-busting bombs Israeli forces have used in their war against Hamas in Gaza, that has killed nearly 35,000 Palestinians in seven months. Source

Biden administration halts approval of liquified gas exports amid review

Image Credit; Vladimir Serebryanskiy/Dreamstime The Department of Energy announced a halt on all approvals of liquified natural gas exports while it currently reviews the criteria used to determine if an application is in the public’s best interest. President Biden and Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said the temporary pause will allow the agency to […]

The Real Victors In All The Bloodshed: US Arms Exports Hit Record High In 2023

Hundreds of thousands dead in Eastern Europe as the Russia-Ukraine war is about to reach a grim 2-year mark… tens of thousands of civilians slain in Gaza, Israel, and the West Bank… Iraq, Syria, and Yemen again sliding into chaos, on the precipice of yet more Western military intervention… no one wins.  Source

After Ending Gas imports from Russia, Biden Halts Gas Exports to Europe because of Climate Change

US President Joe Biden has directed a temporary halt on liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports from new American projects, asserting concerns over their potential impact on climate change. This decision, while aiming to address environmental considerations, comes amid a Europe grappling with an ongoing energy crisis. Biden’s pause on LNG exports is intended to allow […]

Alaska Republican hits Biden over pause on natural gas exports: ‘Makes no sense’

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) criticized President Biden for his decision to pause approvals of some natural gas export facilities, saying the announcement “makes no sense.” “Once again, they are letting the far left and John Kerry, can’t wait until he leaves the White House by the way, drive policies that make no sense and this… […]

Khamenei Calls On Muslim World To ‘Stop Oil Exports’ To Israel

Khamenei Calls On Muslim World To ‘Stop Oil Exports’ To Israel Via The Cradle, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei spoke about the Gaza-Israel during a meeting with a group of students at the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah in Tehran on Wednesday, chastising Gulf Arab states for their complicity in Israeli aggression.   “What Muslim states must insist […]

Saudi Arabia’s Crude Oil Exports Slumped To 28-Month Low In August

Saudi Arabia’s Crude Oil Exports Slumped To 28-Month Low In August By Charles Kennedy of Saudi Arabia’s crude exports plunged to a 28-month low in August as the world’s largest crude oil exporter continued to cut its production to “stabilize” the market, data from the Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI) showed on Monday.    […]

Russia has almost fully bypassed Western sanctions on oil exports

(NaturalNews) Western sanctions against Russian oil exports have proven to be unsuccessful as Moscow continues finding ways to completely bypass them.Revenue… Source

Antony Loewenstein on how Israel exports weapons and surveillance around the world

Mondoweiss U.S. correspondent Michael Arria speaks to Antony Lowenstein about his new book “The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World”. Source

Germany exports commodities worth $879m to Iran in 5 months

TEHRAN – Iran imported commodities valued at $879 million from Germany during the first five months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-August 22), according to the data released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA). Source

India exports commodities worth $813m to Iran in 5 months

TEHRAN – Iran imported commodities valued at $813 million from India during the first five months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-August 22), according to the data released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA). Source

China’s Imports and Exports Plunge Beneath Expectations in July

China’s faltering economy took another beating in July, as both import and export numbers came far below expectations. Imports fell 12.4 percent instead of the five-percent slide that was expected, while exports dropped 14.5 percent against an expected 12.5 percent. Source

The Palestine Laboratory – How Israel exports the technology of occupation around the world

‘A sad and sordid record of how “the light unto the nations” became the purveyor of the means of violence and brutal repression from Guatemala to Myanmar and wherever else the opportunity arose.’ Noam Chomsky On Tuesday 4 July the Australian Institute of International Affairs NSW hosted an address by Antony Loewenstein, author and political […]

World food supply panic as India imposes ban on rice exports

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” Henry Kissinger Search that quote & top of the list will be one of those fake fact checks that tell you Kissinger said no such thing. Of course. Liars all IMO. Watch […]

Increasing dairy exports to $2.7b planned by establishing milk processing plants

TEHRAN – A board member of Iran Dairy Industries Society (IDIS) has said establishing milk processing plants (refineries) across the country is going to increase Iran’s annual dairy exports up to $2.7 billion, IRNA reported. “Despite the fact that the plan for building milk refineries was chosen as a national plan in the economic headquarters, […]

Increasing dairy exports to $2.7b planned

TEHRAN – A board member of Iran Dairy Industries Society (IDIS) has said establishing milk processing plants (refineries) across the country is going to increase Iran’s annual dairy exports up to $2.7 billion, IRNA reported. “Despite the fact that the plan for building milk refineries was chosen as a national plan in the economic headquarters, […]

UAE secures rights to Congo gold exports for 25 years

The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has signed an agreement which gives a company in the UAE exclusive export rights of locally extracted gold for 25 years as well as a preferential tax rate of 0.25 per cent. The deal was apparently finalised late last year in an effort to eliminate the […]

Legal Iranian oil exports to Pakistan hindered by sanctions and thriving black market

February 07 2023 ByF.M. Shakil Despite defying US sanctions on Russian fuel imports, Islamabad has shied away from doing the same with Tehran, hindering potential lucrative bilateral trade between the two neighboring states.  Pakistan appears willing to import Russian crude oil despite US sanctions, but is wary of importing Iranian gasoline for fear of annoying Washington […]

Iran’s exports to U.S. rise 10 folds in 11 months on year

TEHRAN – The value of Iran’s exports to the United States registered a 10-fold increase in the first 11 months of 2022 from the same period in 2021, based on the data released by the United States Census Bureau. Source

US Nitrogen Exports Jump as Europe Scrambles for Fertilizer

CHICAGO/LONDON—U.S. exports of nitrogen fertilizers jumped to a multi-year high this summer after surging natural gas prices in Europe drove up costs of producing the crop nutrient there, making U.S. shipments more competitive. The brisk U.S. sales highlight the effect of the war in Ukraine on global food and energy supplies. Russia, under financial sanctions, […]

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