Posts Tagged ‘beneath’

Pelosi: Trump comments on Navalny’s death ‘beneath the dignity of a human being’

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) went after former President Trump on Monday for his response to the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, calling Trump’s comments “’beneath the dignity of a human being.” Navalny died Friday in a Russian penal colony, the country’s government announced, in what has been widely denounced as a likely… […]

China’s Imports and Exports Plunge Beneath Expectations in July

China’s faltering economy took another beating in July, as both import and export numbers came far below expectations. Imports fell 12.4 percent instead of the five-percent slide that was expected, while exports dropped 14.5 percent against an expected 12.5 percent. Source

Uncharted Section of Augustan Aqueduct Discovered Beneath Naples

Built in the early first century BC during the Augustan era in Naples, Italy, the “Aqua Augusta” is one of the largest and most sophisticated aqueducts in the Roman Empire. Now, a previously unknown section of the ‘Aqua Augusta’ aqueduct has elicited excitement from both archaeologists and historians. The Aqua Augusta  supplied potable drinking water […]

California Teen Saves Father’s Life When Trapped Beneath Truck: ‘My Son Is My Hero’

A California teen is being lauded after he helped save his father’s life, who became trapped underneath a truck they were both working on. Source

Stonehenge’s Bluestone Tracks Discovered Beneath Roman Road

An Oxford University archaeologist exploring the Welsh countryside has discovered an ancient Roman road in Wales. He believes it might be the lost route upon which the bluestones were transported Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later 

New Reliefs Revealed in Egypt’s Esna Temple Beneath 2,000 Years of Dust

A joint German-Egyptian archaeological mission, who’ve been working at Egypt’s Esna temple since 2020, have succeeded in uncovering patterns, pictures, and colors from the ceilings and walls of the temple.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Africa Read Later 

Mayhem Beneath the Surface of the Stock Market

But on the surface, stocks still look hunky-dory.  It’s amazing how individual stocks, at the tippy-top of the biggest stock market bubble in modern times, are getting taken out the back one by one to be crushed, but without denting the overall indices all that much. The stock market bubble was driven by $4.5 trillion […]

The Theory of the Tunisian Atlantis – Beneath the Sands of Africa!

Ever since the age of the classical antiquity, there was a widespread myth of the fabled, sunken city of Atlantis. A true ancient metropolis that was in many ways the epitome of advanced civilization. However, the legends state that the city was lost, sunk beneath the waves of the ocean, never to be seen again. […]

Phrygian Temple Found Beneath the Famous Maltas Monument in Turkey

For almost 100 years archaeologists in Turkey thought they knew everything about the famous 7th-century-BC Maltaş monument. That just changed, after a 40-day emergency excavation revealed the rock-cut sacred site is three times deeper and that sat on top of an ancient Phrygian temple. The famous Maltaş monument is one of the most visually impressive […]

Experts Claim There is a Lost, Underground ‘City’ Beneath the Pyramids of Giza

There is an incredible ‘Lost’ underground city located beneath the Pyramids of Giza, and despite the fact that only a few know about it today, it was extremely well documented in the past. Despite the fact that only a few know about it today, the vast underground city was extremely well documented in the past. […]

Well-preserved, Ancient Wooden Road Discovered Beneath Old Polish Town

Jaroslaw, a town in south-east Poland, developed as an important trade center in the 16th and 17th centuries and now an amazing ancient wooden road (one of the longest in Poland) has been unearthed in the town center. Trade routes from Jaroslaw were established with Silesia, Gdansk and Hungary, and goods came from as far […]

Obsidian From Oregon Found at Early Holocene Site Beneath Lake Huron

A team of archaeologists and anthropologists from the University of Michigan found something highly unusual while exploring the underwater realms of Lake Huron in the Great Lakes region. Supervised by their team leader, anthropologist John O’Shea, they were digging on the Alpena-Amberley Ridge, a narrow land corridor occupied by Native Americans before it was permanently […]

Iron Age Dagger and 700-Year-Old Village Found in Scotland Beneath Motorway!

Four buildings, part of a Scottish medieval settlement, discovered beneath a motorway hard shoulder in Scotland in 2016 stood “no chance” of being destroyed over the last 700 years. They were “magically protected” by an Iron Age dagger which archaeologists say was a talisman applied in the battle against malevolent supernatural forces. On Friday, 26th […]

Evidence of Seven Levels of Infrastructure Beneath the Giza Plateau

Five miles from Cairo stands one of the most ancient and alluring sites in human history. This mystery comprises the three main pyramids of Giza that have come to represent one of the most famous ancient civilizations. The megalithic stones that form these structures lie on a great plateau, and now investigators have found something […]

Rare Images Show How to Access the Hidden Chambers Beneath the Sphinx

In 1987 a Japanese team from Waseda University (Tokyo), under the direction of Sakuji Yoshimura carried out an electromagnetic sounding survey of the Khufu Pyramid and Sphinx and found SEVERAL cavities and tunnels. Rare images of the Great Sphinx suggests there are several intricate entrances. The Great Sphinx of Giza has captured the imagination and […]

Secret bunker discovered beneath Warsaw Ghetto in Poland

A secret underground bunker has been discovered under the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto with ten pairs of Jewish Tefillin (phylacteries) hidden behind other items, Israel Hayom reported.  The area of the Warsaw Ghetto is being demolished by the Polish authorities to make room for residential building. The bunker was discovered following demolition work done […]

Surprise Discovery of a Headless ‘Buddha’ Statue Beneath Chinese Apartments

A huge, headless religious statue has been discovered carved into the rock face under apartment buildings in China. It is of questionable age – some claim it’s from the Republican era and others assert that it’s a ‘thousand-year-old relic.’ The origins are also debated, with some sources claiming it’s a Buddha statue and others suggesting […]

‘The land will sink beneath your feet’ — a century of Jews wrestling with Zionism

WRESTLING WITH ZIONISM: Jewish Voices of DissentBy Daphna Levit288 pp. Interlink Press. $20 Daphna Levit’s new book, “Wrestling with Zionism: Jewish Voices of Dissent,” offers a concise introduction to 20 major Jewish critics of political Zionism since its inception in the 1890s. The book is a treasure trove of anti-Zionist zingers. On a deeper level, […]

Enormous Ancient Building Identified Beneath Monte Albán’s Main Plaza

Researchers in Mexico have discovered a vast ancient building buried beneath the Main Plaza at the ancient capital of Monte Albán. Monte Albán is a large pre-Columbian archaeological site located in the Santa Cruz Xoxocotlán Municipality, in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, approximately 9 km (5.59 miles) west of Oaxaca City. Representing one of the first developed cities in pre-Hispanic Mexico, this expansive civic-ceremonial […]

Long-lost Medieval Friary Found Beneath English Car Park

British archaeologists have long speculated over the most probable site for a long lost medieval Friary that once stood in open countryside near Gloucester, England. Now it’s been discovered, but not in its tranquil English old-world setting, rather, beneath a carpark and bus station. Every British reader knows the poem telling the story of Dr. […]

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