Posts Tagged ‘bunker’

Mark Zuckerberg is Stockpiling on Gold Reserves, Preparing to Move to Bunker

    In a noteworthy trend, millionaires and elites are reportedly amassing gold as part of their doomsday preparations, intending to use it for potential bartering in times of crisis, according to insights from Jonathan Rose, the CEO of Genesis Gold Group in Beverly Hills, California. The surge in gold sales, attributed to factors ranging […]

Zuckerberg Is Building A Massive Doomsday Bunker in Hawaii

From Good luck with that Mark. As I recall, come the day such bunkers will be required, particularly by those who screwed the planet, and more recently Hawaii, there will actually be nowhere for such to hide…EWNZ Mark Zuckerberg is planning to survive the end times by building a top-secret Hawaii doomsday-bunker with its […]

Mark Zuckerberg Building Top Secret Doomsday Bunker for Coming Apocalypse

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is building a huge underground bunker with a “blast-resistant door” to survive the coming apocalypse. According to a Wired investigation, new planning documents reveal a “5,000-square-foot underground shelter” equipped with “own […] The post Mark Zuckerberg Building Top Secret Doomsday Bunker for Coming Apocalypse appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Why is Mark Zuckerberg Building Doomsday Bunker? What does he Know that we don’t?

A Wired investigation reveals Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is building a massive underground bunker with a “blast-resistant door” to survive the end times. For years, Zuckerberg has added hundreds of acres to his controversial 1,500-acre ranch in Kauai, Hawaii. Much of that has been known, but now new planning documents reveal a “5,000-square-foot underground shelter” […]

Saving the best for last? IDF has trapped Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in a Gaza bunker – but the killings of civilians, including children, continue

Saving the best for last? IDF has trapped Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in a Gaza bunker – but the killings of civilians, including children, continue Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are claiming they have trapped Hamas’ most senior leader in a Gaza bunker on Nov. 7 – exactly one month after the militant group attacked Israel. According […]

Russia Finally Admits to Destroying NATO’s Deep Underground Command Bunker in Kiev

According to Pronews , “dozens of NATO officers” were killed in a “terrifying strike” by a Mach 12 missile. March 14, 2023 By  Jonas E. Alexis, Senior Editor As reported on March 12 by the Greek portal of political and military information Pronews, citing American sources, in the course of an operation to retaliate for […]

Zelensky Caught On Video Speaking In His Secret Underground Bunker


Biden Swallows Cyanide Capsule In Underground Bunker

BERLIN — The war having turned against him, Biden has reportedly taken a cyanide capsule in an underground bunker. Biden holed up here in hopes of living out his final days as it became increasingly clear that his Reich was crumbling under the pressure of the Allied forces. Biden’s forces were annihilated at the Battle […]

Biden Swallows Cyanide Capsule In Underground Bunker

BERLIN — The war having turned against him, Biden has reportedly taken a cyanide capsule in an underground bunker. Biden holed up here in hopes of living out his final days as it became increasingly clear that his Reich was crumbling under the pressure of the Allied forces. Biden’s forces were annihilated at the Battle […]

Biden Swallows Cyanide Capsule In Underground Bunker

BERLIN — The war having turned against him, Biden has reportedly taken a cyanide capsule in an underground bunker. Biden holed up here in hopes of living out his final days as it became increasingly clear that his Reich was crumbling under the pressure of the Allied forces. Biden’s forces were annihilated at the Battle […]

Ron Paul Tells Fans He Is Sorry He Couldn’t Do More As He Seals Up His Bunker

LAKE JACKSON, TX—Libertarian demigod Ron Paul apologized to his supporters on Wednesday as he sealed himself up in an underground bunker to weather the collapse of the American dollar. “I did the best I could,” said the former congressional representative. “Now please stand aside or the vault door will grind you to death in its massive […]

Doomsday Bunker CEO Warns of Panic Buying by the Global Elite and Confirms Prep at Denver International Airport Bunker

Ron Hubbard, the CEO of Atlas Survival Shelters, being interviewed by The Canadian Prepper and as Hubbard tells us right away, the ‘bunker building business‘ is exploding as the year 2021 winds down. Telling us that mass purchases of survival shelters by ‘the elite’ aren’t just happening in America but have gone global, Hubbard warns […]

Archaeologist Discovers Previously Unrecorded WWII Bunker at Base of Cliffs at Saunton Sands in UK

An archaeologist discovered a previously unrecorded WWII bunker—while eating fish and chips on the beach. David Etheridge noticed a concrete structure at the foot of the cliffs at Saunton Sands while on holiday in Devon. He set off to explore and realized it was part of a ruined bunker guarding the beach. Archaeologist David Etheridge […]

Hidden Bunker Discovered in Warsaw Ghetto

One of the most famous pictures of Jews being rounded up by Nazi Germans during the Holocaust, this from the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in May 1943. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. – A bunker containing 100-year-old tefillin (phylacteries) hidden from the Nazis in World War II has been discovered in the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto. […]

Secret bunker discovered beneath Warsaw Ghetto in Poland

A secret underground bunker has been discovered under the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto with ten pairs of Jewish Tefillin (phylacteries) hidden behind other items, Israel Hayom reported.  The area of the Warsaw Ghetto is being demolished by the Polish authorities to make room for residential building. The bunker was discovered following demolition work done […]

Rothschilds, NXIVM Sex Cult Connected to Alleged Child-Trafficking Bunker Found in Tucson

By Jay Syrmopoulos Tucson, AZ — As we reported yesterday, a group of veterans known as Veterans on Patrol (VOP), which looks for homeless veterans around the area and offers them help to get them on their feet, spotted solar lights while on patrol and followed them until stumbling upon an underground bunker, that according to the group, […]

‘Camp Earthworm’: Tour the labyrinthine Nazi bunker designed to hide Hitler’s troops (VIDEO)

Nicknamed the ‘Regenwurmlager,’ or Camp Earthworm, the fortification conceals an eerie set of subterranean buildings once used as training facilities for soldiers and as a storage lock-up for Nazi armaments. READ MORE: ‘Everything within 400 yards was incinerated’: Dresden survivor recalls hellish WWII attack (PHOTOS) The elaborate chain of passageways was part of a defense system […]

Israel’s security cabinet now holds its meetings in an underground bunker

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Fear of Iran: Israel security cabinet to hold meetings in underground bunker

Middle East Monitor– The Israeli security cabinet has started to hold its meetings in an underground bunker in Jerusalem, amid heightened tensions with Iran. The decision, made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was reportedly motivated by a desire to avoid any possible security leaks, particularly as officials reportedly move to formulate policy and decide […]

Netanyahu Orders Cabinet Meet In Secret Underground Bunker, Fears Leaks On Syria And Iran

Source: Zero Hedge In yet another sign that broader war between Israel, Syria, and Iran may be on the horizon Israel’s Channel 10 has revealed in an exclusive broadcast that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently ordered all national security cabinet meetings to be held in a secure underground bunker in Jerusalem. The […]

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