Posts Tagged ‘warns’

Zuckerberg: Warns AI Companies ‘Trying To Create God’, But He Will Save Us

It’s a tragic comedy. Zuckerberg seems jealous that his industry cohorts are creating “God” without him and, um, not casting him in the role of the messiah? Well, he is pretty sure that he can save us from being misled because HIS AI is inspired far beyond the others. His holographic, goggle-wearing future promises that […]

Andy Wakefield warns of potential causal relationship between the dramatic rise in AUTISM CASES and increase in childhood vaccination schedule

(NaturalNews) British activist and filmmaker Andy Wakefield revealed in a recent episode of the “Health Ranger Report” (HRR) that autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a… Source

UN Chief Guterres warns of heightened risk of NUCLEAR CONFLICT amid geopolitical tensions

(NaturalNews) United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently issued a stern warning as technological advances and escalating geopolitical tensions that… Source

‘Our D-Day is Coming,’ Warns My Faith Votes Spokesperson Allen West

“Our D-Day is coming,” declared the ominous subject line of an email from former Rep. Allen West sent on behalf of the religious-right voter turnout operation My Faith Votes on June 6, the 80th anniversary of the Allied landing on the beaches of Normandy, France, during World War II. My Faith Votes is one of […]

American Airlines Union Warns: “All Flight Attendants Need To Prepare For Strike”

American Airlines Union Warns: “All Flight Attendants Need To Prepare For Strike” The summer travel season is in full swing, with highways jammed and the Transportation Security Administration recently screening a record number of passengers at airport checkpoints. However, as travelers plan their trips, a union representing American Airlines flight attendants warned Friday about a potential strike […]

Houthi Warns Saudi against Major Problem: Targeting Banks in Sanaa is an Act of Economic Aggression

May 30, 2024  Live News – Middle East – News – Top – Yemen Head of Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement Sayyed Abdul Malik Badreddine Al-Houthi stressed that there is no decline in the level of the Yemeni operations, but a decline in navigation and ship movements from the American and British sides, and an almost complete halt in Israeli movements. In a televised speech, […]

Global mangroves at risk of collapsing, new report warns

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) found that 19.6% of mangroves, or about one in five, “are considered to be at severe risk of collapse, meaning they rank as endangered or critically endangered.” Source

Election Watchdog Warns Millions of Illegals Will Be Able To Vote This November

An election watchdog in America has warned that millions of illegal aliens will be able to take advantage of several loopholes which will allow them to vote in this November’s Presidential election. According to True […] The post Election Watchdog Warns Millions of Illegals Will Be Able To Vote This November appeared first on The […]

Delusional Israel will target Turkey next, Erdogan warns

(NaturalNews) In the event that Israel would victoriously overcome the Palestinian Islamist political and military movement Hamas in Gaza, it would come after… Source

ICC warns against attempts to intimidate the court into not issuing arrest warrants against Netanyahu, other Israeli officials

(NaturalNews) The ongoing diplomatic standoff between Israel and the International Criminal Court (ICC) has intensified as the possibility looms of impending… Source

Hungarian Leader Warns Macron Is Trying To Start World War III

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has warned that French President Emmanuel Macron’s is deliberately attempting to spark World War III by threatening to send NATO troops to Ukraine. In an interview with The Economist last […] The post Hungarian Leader Warns Macron Is Trying To Start World War III appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Mainstream Media Warns ‘Wanting To Have Children’ Is ‘White Supremacist’

Wanting to have children and perpetuate the human race is a “far right” position that reflects “white supremacist” values, according to a disturbing report published by Politico this week. Leftists have become so completely and […] The post Mainstream Media Warns ‘Wanting To Have Children’ Is ‘White Supremacist’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Iowa will face lawsuit if it acts on immigration law, DOJ warns

The Department of Justice (DOJ) warned Iowa on Friday that the state will face a lawsuit if it implements an immigration law that forbids people from being in the state if they were previously denied entry into the United States. The DOJ informed Iowa’s top state officials, Gov. Kim Reynolds and state Attorney General Brenna… […]

Top immunology expert warns that everyone who got COVID-19 jabs could die within a few years

(NaturalNews) One of the world’s top immunology experts is cautioning that individuals who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines could die within the next five… Source

Republican lawmaker warns about former Biden attorney running DOJ prosecution of Trump

(NaturalNews) Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) demands that President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) explain why a former Biden administration attorney is… Source

Calling For A Reset With Europe Blair Warns Politics Risks Becoming Populated By The ‘Weird & Wealthy’

Former UK Prime minister Tony Blair has warned that politics risks becoming a branch of celebrity populated by the “weird and the wealthy” as he called for a reset of Britain’s relationship with Eurrope The […] The post Calling For A Reset With Europe Blair Warns Politics Risks Becoming Populated By The ‘Weird & Wealthy’ […]

NSA ’just days from taking over the internet’ warns Edward Snowden

The FISA 702 bill has been described by critics as a “dramatic and terrifying” expansion of the United States government’s surveillance powers. Source

Graham warns Putin ‘will not stop’ if successful in Ukraine

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday stressed the urgency of support to Ukraine, warning Russian President Vladimir Putin “will not stop,” even if successful in Russia’s war with Kyiv. “Here’s what I will tell you. If you give Putin Ukraine, he will not stop,” Graham said during an interview on “Fox News Sunday.” “This is… […]

Expert warns: Banks will claim that your money is no longer yours, may freeze bank withdrawals

(NaturalNews) Hedge fund manager and macro-economic expert Hugh Hendry has alerted the banking system and the American economy as a whole.”President Joe… Source

Bill Gates Warns He’s ‘Tracking’ People Who Share ‘Conspiracy Theories’ About Him

Globalist billionaire Bill Gates says he has a team that tracks people who share “conspiracy theories” about him and they are making a list for when they need to “respond.” During an appearance on The […] The post Bill Gates Warns He’s ‘Tracking’ People Who Share ‘Conspiracy Theories’ About Him appeared first on The People's […]

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