Posts Tagged ‘intimidate’

ICC warns against attempts to intimidate the court into not issuing arrest warrants against Netanyahu, other Israeli officials

(NaturalNews) The ongoing diplomatic standoff between Israel and the International Criminal Court (ICC) has intensified as the possibility looms of impending… Source

Lara Logan – Soros’ Commie NGO’s Slander & Intimidate Journalists

“These nonprofits that I’m talking about are part of a vast censorship network that includes government agencies. They use deception to mask their actions with lofty goals like preventing the spread of misinformation, disinformation hate speech…The media is collaborating with government agencies and operatives to censor and shape the information battlefield to justify certain actions.” […]

Dendias’ message to Turkey: Threats do not intimidate us

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias sent a clear message to Turkey that “threats do not intimidate us” and that “to the threat of war we oppose the documented citation of our arguments, which are based on the International Law and the International Law of the Sea” in an interview with Parapolitika. He also underlined that… […]

Leftists Direct Protestors to Intimidate Conservative Supreme Court Justices at Their Homes

Leftist activists are directing protestors to confront conservative Supreme Court Justices at their homes in Maryland and Virginia.

GOP Accuses AG Garland of ‘Weaponizing’ DOJ, FBI to Intimidate Anti-CRT Parents — ‘This is Totalitarianism’

Republicans blasted Attorney General Merrick Garland on Tuesday after he directed the FBI to pursue law-abiding Critical Race Theory (CRT) opponents in order to “protect” school administrators and staff, citing concerns of a “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence” without citing specific cases. In a memorandum issued Monday, Garland stated that threats to […]

Jenna Ellis: Impeachment Trial Is ‘The Left Trying to Intimidate Conservatives Into Silence’

Jenna Ellis, a member of the Trump campaign’s legal team, appeared on Sebastian Gorka’s “America First” podcast Monday where they talked about the failed effort to overturn Joe Biden’s victory and the impeachment trial getting under way in the Senate this week. The House of Representatives impeached Donald Trump for inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection […]

Inoculate, insinuate, intimidate and inaugurate

January 15, 2021 by Michael Kuttner Read on for article The week leading up to 20 January 2021 is proving to be chock full of action on many fronts. Michael Kuttner Those of us who have been around for quite some time can almost write the script for unfolding events because unfortunately the narratives rarely […]

Left-Wing Protesters Intimidate Diners in Charlotte: ‘White Silence Equals Violence’

Boisterous left-wing protesters demonstrating against the Republican National Convention (RNC) intimidated diners at a Charlotte, North Carolina, restaurant Saturday night while they clogged up the streets. Protesters engaged with a man leaving a restaurant in Charlotte’s South End neighborhood around 11:00 p.m., and called him a “gentrifier,” the Charlotte Observer reported. Demonstrators in the South […]

Lawsuit alleges Epstein used Bill Clinton friendship to intimidate 15yo Girl into vicious sex assault

Home » Crimes, North America » Lawsuit alleges Epstein used Bill Clinton friendship to intimidate 15yo Girl into vicious sex assault     Disturbing court documents allege that pedophile Jeffrey Epstein used his friendship with former US president Bill Clinton, to intimidate a 15-year-old girl into a “vicious, prolonged sexual assault.” The documents claim that […]

The Californian Reich: Government Intimidate Residents and Steal Their Property

Why is LA County threatening residents and driving them from their properties?  Areas like Antelope Valley are being systematically driven from their land by the state, who seeks to profit from future development projects. By deploying their heavily-armed Orwellian titled, Nuisance Abatement Teams (NATS), LA County technocrats are engaged in a form of official racketeering, […]

Jihadists In CIA-FBI Intimidate Vegas Victims

  October 16, 2017 It should be shocking that a mere month prior to the military-style assault on the Route 91 Harvest Festival teams of Saudi strategists and ISIS commanders could openly case The Strip for the planned paramilitary strike. The elements involved in their military-science research included line-of-sight firing lanes, angular ballistics, areas suitable […]

[WATCH] Oklahoma Military Police Harass and Intimidate Citizen for Recording Air Base

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VAXXED is now playing in Los Angeles

(NaturalNews) The explosive new documentary exposing the true story of CDC scientist and whistleblower Dr. William Thompson is now playing at select theaters in Los Angeles, the country’s second-largest media market (see here and here). In the film, VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe (see the trailer here), Dr. Thompson discusses his role in […]

Putin Orders 100,000 Troops With Atomic Weapons To Prepare For NATO

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed an order authorizing the deployment of 100,000 Russian troops to the Western Front, equipped with atomic weapons, to prepare for an expected counter-attack by NATO forces due to Russia’s nuclear strike against CERN in Switzerland.  NATO are expected to counter Russia’s efforts to obliterate CERN’s underground research site, who the […]

Why Do the Postal Service, USDA, EPA, And Department of Agriculture Need SWAT Teams?

Military-Style Units From Government Agencies That Have No Association with National Security are Wreaking Havoc on Non-Violent Citizens Kristan T. Harris | The Rundown Live  All throughout the United States there are government agencies who have no association with national security acquiring military-like equipment, according to news talk KFLD. Many agencies are also receiving SWAT teams including the […]

Cancer: Study Shows Ginger Is 10,000 Times Stronger Than Chemo

Turmeric has long been reported for having healing effects on cancer, but now new research shows that its cousin ginger is just as powerful as an alternative treatment in fighting cancer.  A study by the Georgia State University has found that ginger can decrease the size of a prostate tumour by 56%. Another study published […]

Steak N Shake Waitress Cyber-bullied Over SWAT Costume With Bullet Hole In The Head

On October 31st Halloween, a Steak N Shake waitress in Milford, Ohio wore a SWAT costume with a bullet hole in the head. She intended the costume to be a zombie from a popular T.V. Show The Walking Dead, but people took to the Steak N Shake Facebook page to demand an apology from the restaurant and for […]

Sitting on a Million Disability Claims, SSA Says 450-Day Wait Might Be Cut to 270 Days…by 2020

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is still trying to reduce its worst-ever backlog of claims, which went from approaching a million one year ago to actually hitting 1 million cases in 2015. The agency is struggling to process the claims fast enough, causing the wait time to balloon to 450 days for a decision. But […]

EPA Declares Hay a ‘Pollutant’ To Intimidate Ranchers

R-Calf USA Sept 6, 2011 Billings, Mont. – During his presentation on the status of the nation’s new country-of-origin labeling (COOL) law, and on behalf of the R-CALF USA COOL Committee, R-CALF USA member and Kansas cattle feeder Mike Callicrate was asked a non-COOL question that set convention goers on their heels during the 12th […]

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