Posts Tagged ‘epa’

Massachusetts: Two officers arrested and charged in the beating of a 50-year-old man

© WHDH via APafter multi-state police chase 8 / 9 This aerial image made from a helicopter video provided by WHDH shows several officers pummeling Richard Simone, who had exited his vehicle and kneeled on the ground after a high-speed police pursuit.      Two state troopers from Massachusetts and New Hampshire have finally been arrested […]

Bangladesh hostage crisis: At least 2 killed as ISIS gunmen storm capital’s diplomatic quarter

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack, Reuters said, citing the terrorist group’s propaganda website Amaq. The number of casualties, Amaq claims, stands at more than 20. However, the information hasn’t yet been officially confirmed. Four police officers have died, while the gunmen are holding approximately 40 hostages, including at least one Westerner, NBC […]

Putin lifts Turkey tourism ban

The restrictions imposed by Moscow on Ankara included reintroducing a visa regime, and a travel warning for Russian tourists visiting Turkey. Travel agencies in Russia had stopped selling tour packages to Turkey at the Kremlin’s request. Turkish Stream project to resume after Erdogan apology The tourism restriction has now been lifted, according to the Kremlin. […]

Nobel laureates to Greenpeace: ‘Abandon your campaign against GMOs’

The group is holding a news conference on Thursday to discuss the topic at the National Press Club in Washington DC on Thursday. “WE CALL UPON GOVERNMENTS OF THE WORLD to reject Greenpeace’s campaign against Golden Rice specifically, and crops and foods improved through biotechnology in general; and to do everything in their power to […]

Philadelphia Lawyers Form Coalition To Defend Protesters At DNC

Print Friendly Above Photo: Philadelphia lawyers met Wednesday afternoon at the Law Offices of Krasner & Long, LLC, to discuss defending activists who get arrested while protesting at the Democratic National Convention. Photo Credit: C. Norris – ©2016 Any protester arrested in Philadelphia for engaging in free speech during the DNC will have quality legal representation. […]

Check out this one-minute hemp avocado smoothie recipe video from the Health Ranger

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on and a globally recognized scientific researcher in clean foods. He serves as the founding editor of and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. […]

Obama’s EPA caught covering up high heavy metals pollution across U.S. cities as federal government wages multi-faceted WAR against its own citizens

(NaturalNews) Our citizen-powered EPA Watch program has now resulted in the open source publishing of heavy metals contamination tests of 230 municipal water samples across America. The results show that two to three per cent of the U.S. water is highly contaminated with toxic heavy metals, poisoning an estimated 10 million Americans with […]

Israel mulls building offshore transport hub to ease Gaza blockade

The island, envisioned to be eight square kilometers, will be linked to Gaza by a five-kilometer bridge, Minister of Transportation and Minister of Intelligence and Atomic Energy Yisrael Katz said on Monday. Israel to build underground wall beneath Gaza border to thwart Hamas tunnels – report The project would include the construction of a seaport […]

Obama’s EPA caught covering up high heavy metals pollution across U.S. cities as federal government wages multi-faceted WAR against its own citizens

(NaturalNews) Our citizen-powered EPA Watch program has now resulted in the open source publishing of heavy metals contamination tests of 230 municipal water samples across America. The results show that two to three per cent of the U.S. water is highly contaminated with toxic heavy metals, poisoning an estimated 10 million Americans with […]

The 7 most popular medicines that DON’T WORK

(NaturalNews) It’s bad enough to be sick and miserable, missing out on life, activities, work, school – or worse – vacation, but to be sick and then take medicine that either doesn’t work or makes matters worse, well, that’s just pouring salt in the wound. Yet, that’s exactly what most Americans do, day […]

Internationally accredited heavy metals testing services just launched by the Health Ranger’s food science laboratory (CWC Labs)

(NaturalNews) At long last, we are now officially announcing the availability of heavy metals analysis and nutritive minerals analysis services at my laboratory, CWC Labs. This announcement is for commercial clients and health care professionals who have five or more samples to analyze, but we will be launching testing services for individuals in […]

CIA Agent Expects To Be Extradited To Italy

Print Friendly Above Photo: AP. Sabrina de Sousa says that she does not know when she will be taken to Italy A former CIA agent has said that she expects to be extradited imminently from Portugal to jail in Italy for her alleged role in the 2003 abduction of a terror suspect in Milan. Sabrina de […]

Huge list of food retailers reject GMO salmon: Safeway, Albertsons, Vons, Costco, Trader Joe’s and more

(NaturalNews) When genetically modified salmon became the very first GMO animal to get the go-ahead from the FDA for sale in the U.S., the reception was generally chilly, with a majority of consumers unwilling to take a chance eating something that has absolutely no established safety record. Now Canada is getting in on […]

Huge list of food retailers reject GMO salmon: Safeway, Albertsons, Vons, Costco, Trader Joe’s and more

(NaturalNews) When genetically modified salmon became the very first GMO animal to get the go-ahead from the FDA for sale in the U.S., the reception was generally chilly, with a majority of consumers unwilling to take a chance eating something that has absolutely no established safety record. Now Canada is getting in on […]

‘Europe turns into region that projects instability outwards’ – Russian FM Lavrov

“Russia is part of the global world that keeps changing before our very eyes. New centers of growth and influence emerge and strengthen like, first and foremost, the Asia-Pacific region,” Lavrov said at a meeting with representatives of NGOs on Thursday. “At the same time, we have been witnessing such an unusual phenomenon as the […]

Anonymous-linked hacktivists leak details of over 5,000 Spanish cops online

Spanish police sources told the EFE news agency that the social network group @FkPoliceAnonOps was responsible for the data dump. The hackers managed to gain access to the telecommunications unit for investigative crimes.  In a message attached to a Wednesday Tweet, the group said the data had been leaked in revenge for Spain’s gag law, which […]

George Osborne Calls Leave Campaigners ‘Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists’

The British chancellor George Osborne has said that ‘Brexiters’ are so paranoid that they would accuse the media and politicians of faking the moon landing and covering up the loch ness monster. The Tory chancellor even shared a platform on Monday with his former rivals Ed Balls and Vince Cable to warn about the terrible […]

New Mexico Native American tribe threatened by chromium plumes from Los Alamos National Laboratory

     Hexavalent chromium may not be familiar to the average American ‒ but Erin Brockovich likely is. A plume of the same toxic chemical that led to a movie based on Brockovich is now threatening a Native American tribe’s sacred lands and a major aquifer. Chromium-6 (aka hexavalent chromium) lines the cooling towers at Los […]

German court fines PEGIDA founder for inciting hatred on FB

Bachmann was tried for breaching section 103 of the German criminal code that imposes a prison sentence from three month to five years on those inciting hatred “against a national, racial, religious group or a group defined by their ethnic origins.” Although the prosecution demanded a 7-month jail term for Bachmann, the court opted for […]

EPA bases glyphosate safety on Monsanto data before mysteriously yanking documents from website, saying review is incomplete

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is currently assessing the toxicity of the widely used herbicide, glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup. The agency reviews each registered pesticide every 15 years to determine its safety and whether or not it’s still in compliance with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). […]

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