Posts Tagged ‘license’

Oil companies use paid news media partnerships to protect ‘social license to operate,’ documents show

Content created by the in-house advertising studios of major media is coming under growing scrutiny. Source

Canadian doctor could lose his license for counseling a pregnant woman against seeking an abortion

(NaturalNews) A Canadian doctor is facing charges of “unprofessional conduct” and could possibly lose his license for advising a pregnant woman against having an… Source

This open license must be revoked

We live in a world where the actions and policies of any state are, and should be, subject to criticism. One would assume that this holds true and is to be expected, in particular when a state wages a war that kills thousands of innocent civilians and destroys hospitals, houses of worship, bakeries, and schools. […]


The Sabra and Shatila massacre was no accident. Nor should it have come as a surprise to anyone. It had to have been well planned in advance and demanded a great deal of cooperation between the forces involved. The logistics had to have been worked out first. Closure of the camps, providing supplies and ammunition […]


Gordon Source

US Seeks License To Encircle Russia, China With Biolabs

Documents found during Moscow’s operation in Ukraine revealed that the US was running an extensive biological research effort there. Over $200 million was spent on 46 biolabs researching deadly diseases. Russia, China, and some EU countries still await Washington’s responses about these labs. Source

Flock Safety and Ubicquia to put license plate readers in smart street lights across the country

Always watching your every move… Source

Ontario medical regulator REVOKES license of doctor challenging draconian COVID-19 protocols

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The medical regulator for the Canadian province of Ontario has revoked the license of a doctor challenging draconian Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mandates.The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) stripped Dr. Patrick Phillips of his medical license for his opposition to the medical tyranny it espoused. … [Read More…] Source

‘Duped’: Inside the Black Market for Illegal Temporary License Plates

Co-published with Streetsblog In retrospect, there were a lot of red flags. But they appeared later—not in the Craigslist ad. “Hello everyone ! Car dealership hiring drivers,” the ad began. “We pay $50 per delivery ! You can start immediately .” Why a car dealership would need drivers, or what it would have to deliver, […]

Justin Trudeau Issues License to Company To Produce and Sell Cocaine

Justin Trudeau’s government has issued a license to biosciences company Sunshine Earth Labs to produce and sell cocaine to the Canadian public. The licensing deal comes after a far-left policy was announced to address the opioid overdose crisis, by decriminalizing cocaine, heroin and other hard drugs. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to […]

California’s new digital license plates made cars trackable by hackers

Reviver says it’s mission is to “modernize” the driving experience, and the way it does that is by developing the world’s first digital license plate and connected vehicle platform. Source

Canadian Doctor Loses License For Not Wearing Mask While Euthanizing Patient

CALGARY — A local doctor was embroiled in controversy this week and ultimately lost his medical license after being caught not wearing a mask while euthanizing a patient. The uproar that resulted from the incident has left the medical community in chaos regarding following COVID-19 protocols while killing people. Source

The Deadliest Year Since 2005 In The West Bank As The US Gives The License To Murder

This year has seen the highest death toll for Palestinians killed by Israeli fire in the West Bank since the UN’s humanitarian office began keeping record in 2005. Tel Aviv’s strategy for combating newly formed armed groups in the territory is only encouraging their growth in size and expanding the scope of violent escalation. On […]

US grants Chevron license to resume oil operations in Venezuela

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The U.S. government granted petroleum company Chevron a limited license to continue pumping in Venezuela oil fields, marking the possible first step in ending America’s embargo on oil from the socialist nation.In a press release, the U.S. Department of the Treasury confirmed the move, adding that it had allowed Chevron … [Read […]

Israel: Firearm license applications soar since March

The number of Israelis applying for gun licenses has sharply increased in Israel since March, Safa Press Agency reported on Friday. According to Israeli magazine, Yesrael 12, the number of Israelis who have applied for firearms licenses since the surge of the resistance wave in March has reached 35,000, compared with the annual rate of applications […]

Israel: Firearm license applications soar since March

The number of Israelis applying for gun licenses has sharply increased in Israel since March, Safa Press Agency reported on Friday. According to Israeli magazine, Yesrael 12, the number of Israelis who have applied for firearms licenses since the surge of the resistance wave in March has reached 35,000, compared with the annual rate of applications […]

Greek E-gov minister announces new ‘wallet-type’ app for holder’s driver’s license

The App will include a holder’s digital police ID and driver’s license The Greek government on Wednesday announced another pioneering – by modern Greek standards – online service linking citizens with the country’s cavernous and often creaky public administration, namely, a “wallet-type” application for smartphones that will include a holder’s digital police ID and driver’s license. The… […]

Report: Hawaii Man Ignores Requests to Surrender ‘FCKBLM’ License Plate

A Hawaii man is still driving around with a custom license plate that reads “FCKBLM” after repeatedly being ordered by the state’s Department of Customer Servies to forfeit it, according to a report.

Apple wants your iPhone to replace your passport and driver’s license

             AppleInsider is supported by its audience and may earn commission as an Amazon Associate and affiliate partner on qualifying purchases. These affiliate partnerships do not influence our editorial content. The next step in Apple’s goal of making the iPhone the sole thing anyone has to carry, continues with the […]

If you speak out against the vaccine you will be fired (or lose your license)

The chairman of the board of BKK Provita, Andreas Schöfbeck, was dismissed without notice after a meeting of the board of directors. Here’s my original article of the BKK chairman disclosing the dangers of the vaccine. Here’s the article of the board firing him shortly thereafter. The message being sent is loud and clear: if you speak negatively of […]

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