Posts Tagged ‘digital’

The SAVE Act, REAL ID & ID2020 – Using The #TwoPartyIllusion & The Election To Usher In Digital IDs

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/9/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

The Beast: Worldcoin digital ID ecosystem buildout continues with next wave of grants

Worldcoin — a new financial system connected to sensitive biometric information, mostly harvested from poor people — sure sounds like a terrible idea. “Terrible” doesn’t do it justice. Source

Inside The Secret Talks Behind US-India Digital Tax Agreement

Discover how the US and India are reshaping global tax policies with their groundbreaking digital tax extension agreement! Uncover the reasons behind this pivotal decision and how it could affect tech giants and everyday consumers alike. Dive into the details of the negotiations and learn why this move is causing waves in financial markets worldwide. […]

UK Gov’t to Mandate Bill Gates’ Digital ID for Citizens Who Wish To Participate in Society

The British government has announced plans to require all residents in the UK to enroll in Bill Gates’ digital ID system if they wish to continue participating in society. The Gates Foundation welcomed the news […] The post UK Gov’t to Mandate Bill Gates’ Digital ID for Citizens Who Wish To Participate in Society appeared […]

New York Becomes First State to Rollout Bill Gates’ Digital ID System

New York has become the first U.S. state to rollout Bill Gates’ digital ID system, as the slow march towards a Chinese-style social credit score system looks set to become reality for New Yorkers. Gov. […] The post New York Becomes First State to Rollout Bill Gates’ Digital ID System appeared first on The People's […]

Bank Of Israel Pushes Digital Shekel

Israel is pushing forward with the digital shekel initiative to accelerate the development of its central bank digital currency (CBDC). The Bank of Israel (BoI) will be collaborating with a range of service providers to […] The post Bank Of Israel Pushes Digital Shekel appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Belgium and Hungary Launch Controversial Digital IDs, Vaccine Passport, Ahead of EU Regulations

Belgium and Hungary are leading the way in launching digital ID wallets ahead of EU’s eIDAS (“electronic identification and trust services”) 2.0 regulation and EUDI Wallet coming into force later this month. In Belgium, the app, covering all of the country’s federal public services, was launched on Tuesday, with the government promoting the digital identity as […]

Leon Hill – Digital ID = Gateway to Chinese Social Credit

Leon Hill describes life in Iceland, a country with a comprehensive Digital ID system. “You cannot NOT have a digital ID to live in Iceland. It’s impossible.” there is no privacy at all in Iceland… Anyone can look up where I live. The license plate of my car. How much tax I paid last year. […]

EU’s Controversial Digital ID Regulations Set for 2024, Mandating Big Tech Compliance by 2026

The push for online ID. Source

‘100% Digital’: WEF Orders Govt’s To Outlaw Cash For ‘Non-Licensed Individuals’

Using cash to make anonymous purchases that are not monitored by the central bank’s invasive monitoring system will soon the reserved for VIP elites who hold licenses to use cash, if we allow Klaus Schwab’s […] The post ‘100% Digital’: WEF Orders Govt’s To Outlaw Cash For ‘Non-Licensed Individuals’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Book Burning Goes Digital

In March 2021, the Biden White House initiated a brazenly unconstitutional censorship campaign to prevent Americans from buying politically unfavorable books from Amazon.  The effort, spearheaded by White House censors including Andy Slavitt and Rob Flaherty, began on March 2, 2021, when Slavitt emailed Amazon demanding to speak to an executive about the site’s “high […]

OpenAI CEO’s Eyeball-Scanning Digital ID Project, Worldcoin, Hopes To Partner With OpenAI and Has Had Conversations With PayPal

Worldcoin eyes partnerships with OpenAI and PayPal amid regulatory challenges and privacy concerns, signaling a potential expansion in digital ID networks. Source

TSA Visited Apple and Google To Discuss Collaboration for Digital ID

TSA’s push for biometric technology and digital IDs with Big Tech aims to streamline airport security, but raises concerns over passenger privacy and government surveillance. Source

Glimpse The Digital/Nano Cage Being Built Around Us & Israel Publicly Executes Arab Jewish Convert

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/30/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Globalist organizations step up efforts to make digital IDs mandatory for people to participate in society by 2030

Globalist organizations step up efforts to make digital IDs mandatory for people to participate in society by 2030 The United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments and data-sharing rollouts in 50 countries under the umbrella of digital public […]

Central Bank Digital Currency Virtual Handbook Chapter-1

The IMF’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Virtual Handbook is a reference guide for policymakers and experts at central banks and ministries of finance. It also serves as the basis for the IMF’s engagement with country authorities and other stakeholders. The CBDC Virtual Handbook aims to collect and share knowledge, lessons, empirical findings, and frameworks […]

SWIFT planning launch of new central bank digital currency platform in 12-24 months

Global bank messaging network SWIFT is planning a new platform in the next one to two years to connect the wave of central bank digital currencies now in development to the existing finance system, it has told Reuters. The move, which would be one of the most significant yet for the nascent CBDC ecosystem given […]

Censorship And The Digital Public Square

Censorship And The Digital Public Square Authored by Adeline Von Drehle via RealClear Wire, “We don’t want no censorship, we don’t need no censorship!” Kevin Nathaniel’s voice boomed from the podium in front of the Supreme Court as he, frontman of the Spirit Drummers, led the crowd in a series of sing-songy, reggae-inspired chants. His […]

ChatGpt Digital Menticide

Today attacks are common place and anyone making claims about anything will be attacked by one side or the other. I am a Special Case….I am attacked for being Crazy by the “Educated” and others attack because I am not Crazy enough and now attacks coming from Other Worldly sources ….. You know you are […]

American banks are taking part in central bank digital currency trials funded by Epstein-linked MIT lab

(NaturalNews) American banks have been quietly taking part in a trio of pilot programs for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and some of the funding for… Source

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