Posts Tagged ‘pushes’

Bank Of Israel Pushes Digital Shekel

Israel is pushing forward with the digital shekel initiative to accelerate the development of its central bank digital currency (CBDC). The Bank of Israel (BoI) will be collaborating with a range of service providers to […] The post Bank Of Israel Pushes Digital Shekel appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Fox anchor pushes back on Mace’s claim of George Soros funding student protests 

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto pushed back on a claim by Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) that progressive billionaire George Soros has funded groups involved in pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses. “There’s a push right now on the part of some of these institutions to negotiate with the protesters, and to go ahead and put up… […]

International court pushes back on ‘threats’ as it weighs Israel-Hamas arrests

The International Criminal Court (ICC) pushed back against “threats” Friday as it faces intense pressure following reports of possible arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas officials over their conduct in the Oct. 7 attack and war in Gaza that has followed. A number of pro-Israel U.S. lawmakers and the Biden administration have urged the ICC… […]

Zionist Lobby Pushes To Censor TikTok (And Everything Else) In US & The Palestinian Right Of Return

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/14/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Alarm bells ring as GOP pushes ‘death panel’ agenda for Social Security amid election year

House Republicans have ignited a firestorm of controversy with their recent advancement of a resolution that threatens to dismantle critical components of Social Security and Medicare. As the U.S. House Budget Committee, led by the GOP, pushed forward a sweeping resolution in support of a fiscal commission aimed at gutting these pivotal programs, Congressional Democrats […]

Senator Wagner pushes for more censorship and Big Tech-government collusion to silence the voices of Americans

Senator Wagner pushes for more censorship and Big Tech-government collusion to silence the voices of Americans Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and Virginia Senator Mark Warner wants to “reinterpret the First Amendment” while facilitating censorship, critics observed, by supporting the collusion between Big Tech and President Joe Biden’s administration. During a recent interview of […]

Bolton pushes US to strike Iran directly to ‘send a message’

Former national security adviser John Bolton urged the Biden administration to authorize strikes in Iran directly, so it can “send a message.” In an interview with CBS News’ Catherine Herridge, Bolton said the retaliatory strikes fired by the U.S. military on Friday were the “right thing to do” but also said he doesn’t “think it… […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 115: Israel pushes Gazans further south; U.S threatens further regional violence

The U.S. government threatens further regional violence on the heels of drone attack that killed three American troops in Jordan. Human rights groups slam countries for pulling funding for UNRWA as Palestinians in Gaza face famine and starvation. Source

European Union Pushes For Palestinian Statehood, Rejecting Israeli Leader’s Insistence It’s Off The Table

European Union foreign ministers are saying they think the creation of a Palestinian state is the only credible way to achieve peace in the Middle East. Source

Pentagon pushes back on Taylor Swift conspiracy theory: ‘We are going to shake it off’

The Department of Defense clapped back at Fox News host Jesse Watters on Wednesday after he said Taylor Swift could be a “psyop” for the Pentagon. “I wonder who got to her from the White House or wherever,” Watters said on his show Tuesday night. “Who makes that initial handshake.” Waters was referencing a partnership… […]

WEF Pushes to Control Every Aspect of Public Life


Concerns mount as ‘MAGA Mike Johnson’ pushes for immediate commission on Social Security overhaul

House Speaker Mike Johnson’s push for a debt commission sparks concerns over the future of Social Security and Medicare. Source

Second Giuliani lawyer pushes to leave Georgia legal team

A second attorney representing Rudy Giuliani in the Fulton County, Ga., 2020 election subversion case is seeking to depart his legal team. Brian Tevis told The Hill that he has filed a motion to withdraw from the case. The motion must be accepted by the judge. Tevis’s departure would leave Giuliani without any local counsel… […]

‘Unbelievably cruel’: GOP pushes astronomical cuts to education, housing, and food aid

“The same party who provided $2 trillion tax giveaways to the wealthy wants to slash funding for WIC, devastating women and children,” said Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore. Source

Musk-Netanyahu Meeting All About AI & Innovation, Israel Says, As WaPo Pushes ‘Antisemitism’ Cover-Up

Renegade Editor’s Note: I love how Zero Hedge just takes Israel’s words as gospel. They’re “right wing” while Source

Biden infrastructure report pushes ‘disastrous water privatization schemes,’ watchdog says

“Instead of relying on Wall Street advisers, President Biden should support policies that will truly help communities.” Source

Another Soros-Funded Group Pushes For Social Media Platforms To Censor Election “Disinformation”

An organization under the financial umbrella of outspoken billionaire George Soros is mounting a brazen bid to implement a perilous cap on free speech in America’s digital public square. Today, the battle lines are being drawn with Common Cause, a group bankrolled by Soros, gleefully trumpeting its success in nurturing a potent alliance with Big […]

Gates Foundation Pushes National Digital ID Tech

The digital era, with its myriad of innovations, has ushered in a wave of conveniences – but at what cost? The recent advocacy by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the Modular Open-Source Identification Platform (MOSIP) will now be under scrutiny by privacy advocates, questioning the broader implications of such a global digital identification […]

Sex Ed Group Pushes ‘Sexual Games’ and ‘Nude Exploration’ Rooms For Daycare Centers

Pro Familia, a sex education group, has been exposed recommending daycare centers introduce “nude exploration rooms” and “sexual games” for children in Germany, per Reduxx. The news emerges months after the World Economic Forum in conjunction […] The post Sex Ed Group Pushes ‘Sexual Games’ and ‘Nude Exploration’ Rooms For Daycare Centers appeared first on The […]

Biden’s New CDC Chief Pushes Annual Covid Jabs

The new CDC chief Dr. Mandy Cohen has declared that the Covid ‘vaccines’ are expected to become annual like just the flu shots. Cohen has already been blasted over her support for strict mandates and […] The post Biden’s New CDC Chief Pushes Annual Covid Jabs appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

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