Posts Tagged ‘rooms’

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Deliverance Rooms For Liberal Demons

Sean Feucht has filed a lawsuit against the city of Spokane for criticizing the former mayor for speaking at an event with him and radical right-wing pastor Matt Shea, declaring, “I won’t sit quietly and let these anti-Christian bigots get away with persecuting Christians for exercising our Constitutional Rights. So I filed a lawsuit. I’m […]

Pro-pedophilia group floats the idea of having “body exploration rooms” in German daycare centers for children

(NaturalNews) Pro Familia, Germany’s leading professional association on sexuality and partnership, is under fire for issuing a new recommendation encouraging… Source

Sex Ed Group Pushes ‘Sexual Games’ and ‘Nude Exploration’ Rooms For Daycare Centers

Pro Familia, a sex education group, has been exposed recommending daycare centers introduce “nude exploration rooms” and “sexual games” for children in Germany, per Reduxx. The news emerges months after the World Economic Forum in conjunction […] The post Sex Ed Group Pushes ‘Sexual Games’ and ‘Nude Exploration’ Rooms For Daycare Centers appeared first on The […]

Watch: Female Swimmer Rips NCAA over Men Using Women’s Locker Rooms

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) hosted several female athletes who had been forced to compete against men in school sports during a discussion Wednesday at the U.S. Capitol in honor of “National Girls and Women in Sports Day.” One of the athletes, Riley Gaines, recalled her now infamous experience racing in last year’s National Collegiate […]

‘Fyre Festival 2.0’: Fans Slam Makeshift Shelters, Metal Box Rooms At Qatar World Cup

“I’m here because I couldn’t find anywhere else,” said one fan paying $450 a night in a sparse tent village promoted as perfect for a “lavish stay.” Source

Fascist Trudeau implementing weapons armories and interrogation rooms for Canada’s Ministry of Climate Change

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Leaked plans show that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is planning to turn Canada into a massive climate change police state, complete with armed climate gangs, interrogation rooms and “biological labs.”Architectural plans obtained by the independent media show that the Ministry of Environment & Climate Change … [Read More…] Source

Hollywood Elites Panic-Buy Armored-Cars And Safe-Rooms Amid Rising Violent Crime

After years of rising crime in Los Angeles, elites in wealthy neighborhoods are finally panicking about the recent string of high-profile retail robberies and home burglaries. Experts say wealthy individuals are purchasing bulletproof cars, safe rooms, employing armed guards, and even constructing walls with barbed wire around their properties. The issue of violent crime is […]

Kaiser Reports Emergency Rooms Overflowing with Non-COVID Patients, “Blood Clots, Heart Conditions, Suicide Attempts,” Vax Injury Signposts

Ticker November 2021: CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, COVID “vaccine” possibly linked deaths: 18,000+. Hospitalizations: 88,000+. Permanent disabilities: 28,000+.  The October newsletter for the Kaiser Permanente published by the Kaiser Family Foundation, KHN, has sounded the alarm that many emergency rooms are full with non-covid patients , as well as covid, with illnesses including: “abdominal pain, […]

ER Rooms Full of Post Vaccine Patients Suffering Serious Illness

Wednesday, October 27, 2021 by: Mike AdamsTags: atrocities, badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, child sacrifice, demonic, depopulation, evil, FDA, genocide, human rights, Infertility, medical murder, medical violence, Twisted, Vaccine deaths, Vaccine injuries, vaccine violence, vaccine wars, vaccinesBypass censorship by sharing this link: Copy URL21KVIEWS (Natural News) In a 17-0 decision, an FDA committee has codified medical atrocities against innocent children across America by voting to approve “emergency use” of covid vaccines in children aged 5 – 11. Importantly, […]

Rock-Cut Banquet Rooms Found At The House of Muses, Zeugma

Two rock chambers have been discovered deep beneath the House of Muses in Zeugma, Turkey. Signifying the intellectual level, wealth and power of a wealthy family, these two chambers can be seen as customized high-society “party pods.” Founded in 300 BC by Seleucus I Nicator, one of the generals of Alexander the Great, the ancient […]

Tennessee Governor Signs Law to Make Bathrooms, Locker Rooms Separate by Biological Sex

Republican Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed a bill into law Friday that separates private spaces such as bathrooms and locker rooms for use by individuals according to their biological sex. The law means that individuals who are biological males cannot use restrooms for women because they “identify” as women and vice versa for women who […]

Clubhouse will ‘shut down a number of rooms’ after antisemitism complaints

Clubhouse, the new audio-based social network, announced that it “shut down a number of rooms” in the wake of complaints about antisemitism. On Sunday, a Twitter user with the handle @EliKohn3 wrote about a chat on Clubhouse that discussed “Jewish Privilege,” where they said users were repeating and promoting antisemitic stereotypes. Nearly 200 people talking […]

Clubhouse Says It ‘Shut Down a Number of Rooms’ After Anti-Semitism Complaints

(JTA) — Clubhouse, the new audio-based social network, announced that it “shut down a number of rooms” in the wake of complaints about anti-Semitism. On Sunday, a Twitter user with the handle @EliKohn3 wrote about a chat on Clubhouse that discussed “Jewish Privilege,” where they said users were repeating and promoting anti-Semitic stereotypes. “Nearly 200 […]

Virus Jumped Hotel Rooms, NSW Confirms

Three family members diagnosed with COVID-19 in hotel quarantine picked up the virus from fellow returned travellers, NSW Health has confirmed. Health detectives believe the three cases picked up the virus from a family of four who stayed in the adjoining room of the Adina Apartment Hotel at Sydney’s Town Hall. Health was tipped off […]

Minnesota Vows to Criminalize Biological Men Who Use Female Locker Rooms

Minnesota lawmakers are considering a bill that will ban biological males from participating in women’s sports and criminalize males using female locker rooms. Republican State Rep. Eric Lucero’s bill, HR 1657, declares that “male” is defined as a person with a “heterogametic sex chromosome pair consisting of one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.” You […]

Passengers on Singapore ‘cruise to nowhere’ confined to their rooms after one tests Covid positive

Passengers on a Royal Caribbean “cruise to nowhere” from Singapore were confined to their rooms after an 83-year-old male guest tested positive for Covid-19, forcing the ship to turn back to the Marina Bay Cruise Centre on Wednesday morning. All guests and crew of the Royal Caribbean’s Quantum of the Seas ship who came in […]

Masks DO NOT Protect Anyone – Even In Operating Rooms! – In Fact it is the Opposite

Benjamin September 14, 2020 Dear Benjamin Fulford, “As a person who went to medical school, I was shocked when I read Neil Orr’s study, published in 1981 in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Dr. Orr was a surgeon in the Severalls Surgical Unit in Colchester. And for six […]

Artists in Austria lock themselves in glass rooms for 14 days to mimic quarantine

Five artists are voluntarily isolating themselves for two weeks as part of a theatre festival in Litschau, Austria. The young actors are part of a theatre group kollekTIEF and will be locked in glass containers for 14 days for the performance “Bitte Nicht Berühren” (“Please do not touch”). The performance imitates the imposed quarantine period […]

Artists in Austria lock themselves in glass rooms for 14 days to mimic quarantine

Five artists are voluntarily isolating themselves for two weeks as part of a theatre festival in Litschau, Austria. The young actors are part of a theatre group kollekTIEF and will be locked in glass containers for 14 days for the performance “Bitte Nicht Berühren” (“Please do not touch”). The performance imitates the imposed quarantine period […]

FBI Confirm Multiple Shooters Present In Other Rooms At Mandalay Bay

The FBI have confirmed that other shooters may have been present in other rooms at the Mandalay Bay on the night of the October 1st massacre.  Two agents were captured on film working inside room 32-132 at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino on 1st October, making the room into crime scene shortly after Stephen […]

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