Posts Tagged ‘quarantine’

Are There US Quarantine Camps Right Now?

Two years ago, attorney and Brownstone Fellow Bobbie Anne Flower Cox took note of the New York State executive order to permit the building and use of quarantine camps. The litigation against it is still in process. We might have supposed it was an outlying case. That, sadly, is not true.  It turns out that […]

New York Appeals Court Reinstates Hochul’s Quarantine Camp Regulation

New York Gov Kathy Hochul’s quarantine camp regulation has been restored. The regulation that would allow the seizure and indefinite detention of anyone suspected of exposure to a communicable disease, was restored on Friday by the New York Appellate Division’s Fourth Judicial Department. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your […]

BREAKING NEWS: Appellate Court Paves the Way for Quarantine Camps!


Courts Pave Way for New York Quarantine Camps

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL I hope you are sitting down when you read this article. There is absolutely no way I can possibly sugar coat this, so I’ll just be frank… The NYS Supreme Court Appellate Division’s Fourth Judicial Department has issued their ruling in our quarantine lawsuit against Governor Hochul and her Department […]

The Quarantine of Humans and Pets at the Height of Covid Mania 

“Do you have pets?” she asked.  The Occupational Therapist at the University of Virginia Hospital sounded badly spooked.  After a car crash, I had a sternal fracture, spinal breaks, neck tears, traumatic brain injury, and extensive and deep bruising on my legs and stomach.  But on that day in early March of 2021, my body’s […]

The MMR vaccine and threats to quarantine perfectly healthy children


White elephant $220million 1000-bed quarantine centre is given away for FREE after housing just 730 travellers – at a cost of $300,000 a person

QLD Wellcamp Facility handed over to Wagner Coperation The $220m qurantine camp only held 730 over 14 months It was operated at a cost of $300,000 per unvaxxed person A $220million quarantine centre has been handed over to a property magnate after housing just 730 tourists at the 1,000-bed facility over 14 months.  The Wellcamp […]

CDC’s New Quarantine Authority Does Not Require An Emergency, Nord Stream False Flag & Masks, Again

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/10/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

China Quarantine Camp Set on fire in Lanzhou City


Beijing On Edge As City Adds New COVID Quarantine Centers

Unconfirmed reports of lockdowns in at least some districts of the Chinese capital have fueled demand for food and other supplies. Source

Family Pleads as 16-Year-Old Daughter Dies in COVID-19 Quarantine in China

Reports of a 16-year-old girl dying in a COVID-19 quarantine center after her family’s pleas for help went ignored have been spreading on Chinese social media since Oct. 18 during CCP’s party congress and has sparked public outrage. The girl’s father is believed to have been silenced by authorities after he spoke publicly of her […]

Is It Time To Put All Killer Jabbed Sheep Into Quarantine Camps?

Friend of mine’s wife went to a family hen party where all were killer jabbed but her. She came home with some kind of respiratory illness. Our son had a birthday so we all went to a fancy cafe downtown, walked among, was waited on by killer jabbed sheep. I now have some kind of […]

CDC Website Reveals Police Power Will be Used at Quarantine Stations for the “Benefit of Society”

Cambodia quarantine camp (satyobchod) The CDC stated on its website (last reviewed Sept. 2021) that to control the spread of disease within their borders, states have laws to enforce the use of isolation and quarantine. The law also includes the use of police power functions in their quarantine stations. “In addition to serving as medical functions, isolation and […]

Dr. Mercola: The Unvaxxed May Soon Be Shipped to Quarantine Camps

by Dr. Joseph Mercola | GlobalResearch According to President Biden, “a winter of death” awaits anyone who rejects the experimental COVID jab. If we are to go by actual science and data, the warning Biden issued should have gone out to the vaccinated, because everything points to the double and triple jabbed being at increased […]

Quarantine Facility Neglect Being Reported in UK and Spain

British holidaymaker, 22, says Spanish Covid quarantine hotel was ‘worse than a prison’ claiming he was ‘left without food for 24 hours’ and staff ‘RATIONED’ basic supplies including paracetamol and bottled water By Antonia Paget For Mailonline Daily Mail 2021-08-03 A British man says a Spanish quarantine hotel where he had to stay after testing positive […]

Germany & Australia Already Have ‘Quarantine Camps’ Where People Are Taken by Force, and Some Are Located Within Prisons

German and Australian governments have made a move to place people in government “isolation” facilities that look similar to concentration camps as they continue to ramp up the use of forced quarantine centers to stop the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). by Mary Villareal A recent survey by a German newspaper found that at […]

Canada’s “voluntary” covid quarantine camps quickly becoming involuntary

Canada’s “voluntary” covid quarantine camps quickly becoming involuntary / Ethan Huff (Natural News) Millions more dollars are being pumped into Canada’s “voluntary” Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) concentration camp program, the government has announced. In order to “help” temporary foreign workers get cleansed from Chinese Germs, the Justin Trudeau regime will spend at least another $5 […]

Video Shows Australian Locked Up In ‘Quarantine Camp’ Threatened With $5K Fine For Stepping Too Far Outside Cell

Australians are being taken from their homes by police, locked up in covid quarantine camps, threatened with giant fines if they step too far outside their cells and offered Valium to get them to quietly submit. Hayley Hodgson, 26, moved to Darwin from Melbourne to escape the never-ending lockdowns — only to find herself locked […]

Australian Senator Who Opposes Vaccine Mandate Escorted to Quarantine Hotel: ‘This Has Been Premeditated’

Home » Australia, Injustice, Suppression » Australian Senator Who Opposes Vaccine Mandate Escorted to Quarantine Hotel: ‘This Has Been Premeditated’     South Australian Senator Alex Antic was taken into hotel quarantine under police escort in Adelaide on Thursday night. The senator who has been very vocal against vaccine mandates is now forced to quarantine […]

Germans, Australians dragged to government ‘quarantine centers’ for COVID-19

More than a dozen people have been forcibly placed in government isolation facilities in Germany while hundreds of people have been held in similar Australian centers as Western countries continue to ramp up the use of forced quarantine centers in the name of stopping COVID-19. A recent survey by the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag found […]

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