Posts Tagged ‘dragged’

Guess Who the Cat Dragged In?

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Download the mp4 Hey guys, Broc West (Video Editor Extraordinaire) is here in Japan helping me film some stuff so there will be no new videos for the next several days. If you haven’t checked out my recent JFK Lancer presentation, now would be an […]

Man Gets Dragged Out of Hillary Clinton Rally for Asking About Bill Clinton’s Trips to Epstein Island

Originally Published on Vigilant News Alex Rosen, anti-pedophilia activist and Twitter user with a significant following, was dragged out by security at a Hillary Clinton rally Friday in Houston. On Rumble, he runs a channel called Predator Poachers. At a Hillary Clinton rally in support of mayoral candidate Sheila Jackson Lee, Rosen shouted, “Hey, Hillary, […]

WATCH — Democrat Utopia: Woman Pistol-Whipped, Dragged on Oakland Street

A woman was attacked and left injured in Democrat-run Oakland, California, as residents grapple with crime plaguing their community. Source

European bank stocks plunge, dragged down by Credit Suisse

On the Paris stock exchange, French bank Société Générale fell by 10.6% and BNP Paribas by 10.3% – marking the biggest decline in the session since 24 February 2022 for Société Générale and since 16 March 2020 for BNP Paribas. Source

Why Germany Invaded Poland-How WW 1 & WW 2 Started and America was Dragged in Both Times

England instigated both WW 1 and WW 2.They did so because their Rothschild masters ordered them to start both wars. England instigated WW 1 for the Rothschilds.Germany was winning.Germany offered while winning to call the war off, everyone just stop the killing and go home. Rothschilds told England which was losing the war they started […]

New Hampshire Libertarians Dragged For Calling John McCain’s Death A ‘Holiday’, Who Nearly Sank a US AirCraft Carrier, Killing Many Sailors, Made Propaganda Movies For The Enemy While a POW, and Finked On Fellow American POWs to the Enemy

Treasonous to America Israel Firster McCain’s spawn daughter us whining because New Hampshire Libertarians spoke the truth about how America is better off with McCain pushing up daisies. She is trying to keep the lie about McCains life being other than detrimental to America and humanity alive.Probably to hide her shame for the evil lying […]

New Hampshire Libertarians Dragged For Calling John McCain’s Death A ‘Holiday’, Who Nearly Sank a US AirCraft Carrier, Killing Many Sailors, Made Propaganda Movies For The Enemy While a POW, and Finked On Fellow American POWs to the Enemy

Treasonous to America Israel Firster McCain’s spawn daughter us whining because New Hampshire Libertarians spoke the truth about how America is better off with McCain pushing up daisies. She is trying to keep the lie about McCains life being other than detrimental to America and humanity alive.Probably to hide her shame for the evil lying […]

Sarah Silverman Dragged as Racist for Correcting Joy Reid: ‘I Did Not Criticize Joy Ann Because She’s Black’

Actress Sarah Silverman is pushing back at a left-wing calling her racist because she criticized MSNBC host Joy Reid for a misleading social media post. Silverman fired back at leftists who attacked her after she told Reid that she should read articles before commenting on them. Reid had shared a CNN headline, which read, “DeSantis proposes […]

Germans, Australians dragged to government ‘quarantine centers’ for COVID-19

More than a dozen people have been forcibly placed in government isolation facilities in Germany while hundreds of people have been held in similar Australian centers as Western countries continue to ramp up the use of forced quarantine centers in the name of stopping COVID-19. A recent survey by the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag found […]

Biden is getting dragged in the polls. That hasn’t stopped Dems from sticking by him.

Since Gallup began measuring presidential approval ratings in 1945, the only president with a lower approval rating than Biden at this point was Trump. Yet among Democrats nationally, Biden’s approval rating still remains high — 92 percent. In Virginia, where Biden’s overall approval rating slumped to 43 percent in a Monmouth University poll last week, […]

Hezbollah: We will not be dragged into a new Lebanon civil war

Hezbollah said today it would not be dragged into a civil war, a day after seven Shia were killed in Beirut’s bloodiest street violence in more than a decade, Reuters reports. Senior Hezbollah leader Hashem Safieldin repeated Hezbollah’s accusation that the Christian Lebanese Forces party, a group that had a powerful militia in the 1975-90 civil war, had […]

Doctor arrested in his home for prescribing Ivermectin… Dragged out by police

Shock Video — Doctor arrested in his home for prescribing Ivermectin… Dragged out by policeDate: September 22, 2021Author: Nwo Report   Source: KaneDr. Jean-Paul Theron was arrested in French Polynesia for prescribing Ivermectin from his home. He was targeted by a complaint from the Council of the Order of Physicians. LE GÉNÉRAL. 0FFICIEL@LE_GENERAL_OFF_ Vidéo de l’interpellation de […]

Video: Non-Black Couple Dragged From Car and Shot Dead by Mob of Black Men in Chicago

A man was shot dead and his girlfriend critically injured in a shooting Saturday night in Humboldt Park, Chicago. The shooting took place as people were leaving Chicago’s 43rd Annual Puerto Rican People’s Day Parade, which people from all over the country attend. The victims had a large Puerto Rican flag waving from their car […]

Leftists Hope to See Trump ‘Dragged Out of White House in Handcuffs’

After the Boston Globe declared it would not be good for Americans to witness President Trump forcefully removed from the White House, scores of triggered leftists responded by insisting that they would love to see that exact scenario play out. The Globe tweeted Tuesday, “Even a nation hooked on drama does not want to see […]

‘I Couldn’t Breathe’: Aussie Woman Dragged From Car in Dramatic Altercation With Police At Lockdown Checkpoint

A confrontation over a windscreen-mounted mobile phone saw a Victoria woman violently pulled from her vehicle by armed police, who allegedly wrestled her to the ground. The dramatic arrest was captured by the phone’s camera. Natalie Bonett, 29, began filming her ordeal shortly after engaging in an argument with police who stopped her at a […]

Hamada was dragged from one Israeli prison to another and freed four days later without questioning

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Former CIA Analyst Forcefully Dragged From Gina Haspel Hearing By Capitol Police After Anti-Torture Protest

McGovern was dragged from the room by Capitol Police after demanding that Haspel answer questions put to her about the waterboarding of terror suspects at a CIA “black site” in Thailand. As McGovern struggled, police repeatedly shouted at him to “stop resisting!” Due to the commotion in the room, it was unclear exactly what McGovern […]

Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern ‘Dragged’ by Capitol Police During Haspel Hearing

Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern was forcibly removed from Wednesday’s US Senate confirmation hearing for Gina Haspel, nominee for CIA director, RT reports. The hearing was broadcast live on several major U.S. television news networks. McGovern and other anti-torture activists were present at the hearing, including a woman who was seen on live television shouting […]

Elderly Retired CIA Analyst Dragged From Senate Hearing For Exposing Gina Haspel’s War Crimes

Retired CIA analyst and outspoken antiwar activist, Ray McGovern, who chaired the National Intelligence Estimates and prepared the President’s Daily Brief, was forcibly removed from the United States Senate Intelligence Committee hearing Wednesday as Gina Haspel, the nominee for director of the CIA, was answering questions about her record of torture. McGovern is a highly decorated CIA analyst who […]

Watch As Woman Dragged Away By Security For Exposing Oil Bribes & Ties To Politicians

Next Story It’s no secret, the “1 percent” own everything and among this 1 percent are an even smaller group, and it’s this group that has a large stake in global financial institutions, which drip down into federal financial institutions and disseminates into various powerful corporations that deal with all aspects of human life from […]

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