Posts Tagged ‘utopia’

AI Will Deliver UTOPIA! It Will Be an Amazing World!?

Feb 7 2024 Think Tanks are now studying what AI can do and how it can be used to guide the world in the 21st century. Some of these ideas lead to amazing changes and you will not recognize the world it can potentially build. Is it doable? Can AI really deliver this? Because if […]

Seeking Green Utopia, The US And EU Are Quietly Killing Vital Industries

Authored by Mike Shedlock via, German CO₂ emissions are the lowest since the 1950s. Is this a success or a failure? Agora Energiewend reports Germany’s CO₂ Emissions Drop to Record Low. The details and results are interesting, emphasis mine. Last year, Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions fell to 673 million tonnes of CO₂. Emissions thus fell by […]

WATCH — Democrat Utopia: Woman Pistol-Whipped, Dragged on Oakland Street

A woman was attacked and left injured in Democrat-run Oakland, California, as residents grapple with crime plaguing their community. Source

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Utopia

July 12, 2023A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to UtopiaBy A. Welderson For the overwhelming majority of my life the Walt Disney company has stood as an American icon, like Mount Rushmore or the Statue of Liberty. At some point not too long ago that all changed, radically. Disney, like so many of our […]

No trains, no planes, no automobiles and NO GAS – Welcome to the DE-CIVILIZATION Democrat utopia

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) With Democrats now aggressively pushing a coordinated fear porn campaign to try to convince Americans that gas cook stoves are suddenly deadly and must be banned, the so-called “progressives” have cemented their position as being anti-progress. In fact, they are anti-civilization, and they want to take away fire and anything … [Read […]

World Economic Forum Head Lays Out His Creepy Utopia, Point by Point

July 12 2022 Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Klaus Schwab clearly laying out the goals of the World Economic Forum; the Netherlands’ Mark Rutte’s connections with the Great Reset; the Dutch farmer protests more commonly known as boerenprotest; Robert Malone coming around to the Great Reset; Joe Rogan and Gina Carano laughing […]

Sri Lankan Plan For Economic Utopia Stifled By Pesky Citizens’ Need For Food

SRI JAYAWARDENEPURA KOTTE — The Sri Lankan government’s sensible plan to become a green, climate-friendly utopia has experienced a slight hiccup after the nation’s 22 million citizens have run out of food, fuel, and hope. Source

New P2P encrypted messaging platform Utopia uses decentralized technology to ensure complete privacy

New P2P encrypted messaging platform Utopia uses decentralized technology to ensure complete privacy / JD Heyes (Natural News) Former President Donald Trump announced a new social media platform in October designed to compete with Twitter and give him back a voice after he was censored by the big tech giants after they falsely blamed […]

“The Recess”, “Sky Sun, Tile Sun” to compete in Utopia Film Festival

“The Recess”, “Sky Sun, Tile Sun” to compete in Utopia Film Festival – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Iranian shorts “The Recess” and “Sky Sun, Tile Sun” will be competing in the Utopia Film Festival, which will open on Friday in Greenbelt, Maryland. “The Recess” tells the story of Sahar, a 17-year-old student who is determined to […]

A Closer Look at The Great Reset – A Fake Utopia Sold to Us by Charlatans

As we exit the pandemic, expect to hear much more about The Great Reset and building back better. Far from resulting in a low-carbon dream life, though, it’s a cartoonish fantasy that will hand the global elite even more power. ‘The Great Reset’ is a term that has been bandied about quite readily by most […]

Now is the time to look much more closely at The Great Reset, a fake Utopia being sold to us by charlatans

30 Oct, 2021 Brendan Heard is an author, op-ed writer, painter, blogger, and designer who has worked in international media. Follow him on Twitter @Trad_West_ArtAs we exit the pandemic, expect to hear much more about The Great Reset and building back better. Far from resulting in a low-carbon dream life, though, it’s a cartoonish fantasy that will […]

The Great Reset, a fake Utopia being sold to us by Charlatans

    As we exit the pandemic, expect to hear much more about The Great Reset and building back better. Far from resulting in a low-carbon dream life, though, it’s a cartoonish fantasy that will hand the global elite even more power. ‘The Great Reset’ is a term that has been bandied about quite readily […]

Sochi probes the Utopia of a multipolar world

October 20, 2021 by Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times The annual Valdai Club meeting has always been positioned as absolutely essential when it comes to understanding the non-stop movement of geopolitical tectonic plates across Eurasia. The ongoing 18th meeting in Sochi once again lives up to expectations. The overall theme is Global Shake-Up […]

Social Media: Dystopia out of Utopia

A whiff of fresh air caresses my cheekbones as I see the leaves sway periodically from right to left. My eyes search in both the direction of the road to look at the cycles pass by whilst absorbing the warmth of the sun for the first time in days. The scent of wildflowers fills the […]

Berlin arts festival explores the utopia of a Middle East Union

The Middle East Union festival is a literary festival that includes musical and queer performances, readings, live panels, and online discussions. The four-day event will be held in Berlin from August 12 to 15. Most sessions are virtual and are free to the public.  The full program is on our site. Middle East Union? Utopia […]

Elon Musk’s Girlfriend Says A.I. Could Usher In Communist Utopia

Grimes is a terrible musician who is married to a terrible person. She recently came out and said that we should “correctly” allow A.I. to take over all aspects of our lives because it would be the “fastest path to communism” and create “abundance” for all. Like, we could totally get to a situation where […]

Elon Musk’s Girlfriend Grimes Claims AI Could Lead To Communist Utopia

Canadian singer Grimes has baffled TikTok users by sharing a bizarre video in which she claims that artificial intelligence (AI) could help create a communist utopia. The singer has raised suspicion among some who have pointed to her relationship with Tesla billionaire Elon Musk as a red flag. RT reports: The popular musical artist, whose […]

Nolte: Rural Trump Voters Already Live in the Safe, Tolerant Utopia Leftists Claim to Want

If I had to boil down the political wisdom I’ve learned over four decades of observing, studying, writing, and debating, it would be this… Life in Rural America (which is where Republican Trump voters live and govern), is clean, safe and racially tolerant. Most places in America where life is dirty, polluted, dangerous, violent, and […]

Marc Rosenstein: Contested Utopia

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American Dystopia – The Propaganda Mask and the Utopia Syndrome

January 24, 2021 By Larry Romanoff for the Saker Blog In an article in the NYT on America’s “Racial Democracy” (or racist democracy), (1) Jason Stanley and Vesla Weaver noted “The philosopher Elizabeth Anderson argued that when political ideals diverge very widely from reality, the ideals themselves may prevent us from seeing the gap. When […]

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