Posts Tagged ‘closely’

How Zionists closely collaborated with the Nazis to accomplished the most nefarious goals

THE SECULAR ZIONIST AGENDA FOR A JEWISH STATE Rabbi Dr. Chaim Simons [email protected] August 2007 © Copyright. 2007. Chaim Simons INTRODUCTION In an article in the English edition of “Mishpacha” in January 2005 appeared the following: “The Left is still loyal to the State of Israel in varying levels of faithfulness, but it hates Eretz […]

Minnesota to Adopt New Flag Closely Resembling Somali State Flags

Last Updated on December 17, 2023 Minnesota is moving to toss its state flag and replace it with one that closely resembles flags used in Somalia, the failed Islamic country in the Horn of Africa from where unprecedented numbers of migrants have streamed into Minnesota, wreaking demographic, political, and criminal havoc. Minnesota is also changing […]

Daily Mail – ‘Crude Zionist psyops closely linked to the intelligence community’

Example – ‘Crude Zionist psyops closely linked to the intelligence community’ source   Unknown commented – ‘THE CLUB OF THREE’, MAILONLINE, THE VISCOUNTS ROTHERMERE AND THE ZIONIST PROJECT JONATHAN HARMSWORTH, the 4th Viscount Rothermere. MailOnline, The Daily Mail and The Mail on Sunday — crude Zionist psyops closely linked to the intelligence community […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Studied It Closely

Greg Locke will be “burning all things related to witchcraft and the occult” on Halloween. Frank Gaffney claims that he has “studied it closely” and come to the conclusion that President Joe Biden is a “controlled asset of the Chinese Communist Party.” Charlie Kirk says that the first murder in the Bible was caused by […]

FBI closely monitoring Trump supporters in run-up to 2024 election

(NaturalNews) Using the excuse of fighting “ideological agendas” that contradict the establishment’s version of “truth,” the corrupt Federal Bureau of… Source

The Pentagon’s B-Movie: Looking Closely at the September 2001 Attacks

An introduction Graeme MacQueen’s latest book Source

Airbnb Is Banning People Who Are ‘Closely Associated’ With Already-Banned Users

Airbnb is banning people from using its site because of their mere association with other users the short-term rental company has deemed a safety risk and removed from the platform, a decision that highlights the imperfect security protocols that Airbnb employs. In instances where a user is banned because of their association with another user […]


Earlier this month, activists and comic book fans alike were in uproar over Marvel Studios’ announcement that Israeli actress Shira Haas will play Zionist superhero Sabra in the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film Captain America: New World Order. Many Palestine advocates accused Marvel’s decision to add Sabra to the MCU as exalting Israeli abuse […]

If You Listen Closely – You Hear the “Stechschritt” Echoing?

On a dreary summer day in 1944, SS Gruppenführer Baron Otto Wächter and Nazi Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler paced in front of the men of the 14th SS-Volunteer Division “Galicia” they had created. Wächter, who escaped the Nurenburg tribunals via the infamous Catholic Church rat lines, would later die in Italy before he could reach Argentina. […]

Cameroon and Russia Start Working More Closely Together

Despite the distances that separate the two regions, Russia and Africa have been bound together by close political, economic and cultural ties for many decades. In the West, African nations tend to be associated with poverty and a lack of development, and receive little media coverage, but in reality many countries on the continent have […]

Teen Vogue: CRT Opposition ‘Closely Mirrors’ Past Anti-Integration Fights

The current opposition to Critical Race Theory (CRT) education in schools is the same “kind of reactionary pushback in education” that was experienced during anti-integration resistance in the 50s and 60s by “white Southern lawmakers and parents,” according to a recent Teen Vogue op-ed that claimed educators are “being silenced” as conservative policymakers seek to […]

Now is the time to look much more closely at The Great Reset, a fake Utopia being sold to us by charlatans

30 Oct, 2021 Brendan Heard is an author, op-ed writer, painter, blogger, and designer who has worked in international media. Follow him on Twitter @Trad_West_ArtAs we exit the pandemic, expect to hear much more about The Great Reset and building back better. Far from resulting in a low-carbon dream life, though, it’s a cartoonish fantasy that will […]

Australian Foreign Policy Becomes Even More Closely Wedded to the United States

Australia has just confirmed that its allegiance to the United States exceeds its own interests, and even its relationship with other, previously friendly nations, such as France. The triggering point for this degradation of Australia’s position in the world was the decision, announced this past week by prime minister Scott Morrison, to ditch the planned […]

“Scientists Create Living Entities In The Lab That Closely Resemble Human Embryos”

“Growing these sort-of humans…” Via: NPR: For decades, science has been trying to unlock the mysteries of how a single cell becomes a fully formed human being and what goes wrong to cause genetic diseases, miscarriages and infertility. Now, scientists have created living entities in their labs that resemble human embryos; the results of two new […]

Diaspora Jews Closely Watching Security Issues as Israeli Elections Near, Says Algemeiner Editor-in-Chief

Algemeiner Editor-in-Chief Dovid Efune appears on i24 News. Photo: Screenshot With Israel looking ahead to elections on Tuesday, many Jewish voters in the diaspora are focused on security issues, with relatively more support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu found in communities outside the United States, said Algemeiner editor-in-chief Dovid Efune during an interview with i24 […]

Tehran rejects Netanyahu’s accusations over explosion of vessel in Gulf of Oman and is ‘closely monitoring’ Israeli actions

Tehran has dismissed claims made by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu that Iran was behind an attack on an Israeli merchant ship in the Gulf of Oman last Thursday, adding that security in the region is just as important for Iran. “The Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman are Iran’s immediate security areas,” Foreign Ministry […]

Franklin Graham: Look Closely at Kamala Harris — ‘Most Liberal Senator in Congress’

With only a week before Election Day, Christian leader Rev. Franklin Graham asked his followers to evaluate the two candidates for vice president, should it become necessary for either of them to assume the office of president. “Who would you trust in this key position and to possibly one day fill the role of president […]

Trump: They Play Games in Philadelphia — Watch the Voting Very Closely

President Donald Trump expressed suspicion of Democrat voting tactics in Philadelphia on Friday, urging his supporters to watch closely for any fraud. “You got to be very careful in Philadelphia. They play games in Philadelphia, and they won’t let us watch the count in Philadelphia,” Trump said at a campaign rally in Pensacola, Florida. The […]

Anonymous: The Truth May Scare You… (Look Closely 2018-2019)

The Truth May Scare You 2018-2019  Let us not forget the most significantly important false flag operation of the 21st century that has had a major impact on Americans and the world around them. An event so traumatizing and paralyzing that many cannot still fathom that it was in fact an “inside job.” […]

Iraq’s first post-ISIS election: Nation votes as US closely watches pro-Iran candidates

Roughly 24.5 million voters in the war-scarred country will choose among candidates for 329 parliamentary seats this Saturday, with almost 7,000 people running for election. Incumbent Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who took over in 2014, faces stiff competition from candidates with closer ties to Iran, including his predecessor Nouri al-Maliki and former transport minister Hadi […]

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