Posts Tagged ‘nazis’

‘Wall Street and Nazis’ with David A Hughes | Unrestricted Warfare w/ James Grundvig

Hands-down, this is the most important interview that I have ever transcribed. I’ve been scratching at the surface of why the COVID Hoax seemed to reveal that everything we’ve been taught about World War II is not true; that it was the Nazis who were the victors and that the Fourth Reich is now ensconced […]

German government behaving like Nazis in banning free speech that they claim mirrors Nazi language about German nationalism

(NaturalNews) A right-wing German lawmaker has been convicted of using an “illegal†slogan that Sturmabteilung stormtroopers used in the Nazi era.The… Source

Israel’s Gaza war ‘reminiscent of the Nazis’ – Erdogan

READ HERE: The Turkish president has condemned the IDF for the staggering Palestinian death toll Israel’s war in Gaza is comparable to the massacres committed by Nazi Germany during World War II, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday. This comes as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) ramp up their ground assault against Hamas militants […]

How Zionists closely collaborated with the Nazis to accomplished the most nefarious goals

THE SECULAR ZIONIST AGENDA FOR A JEWISH STATE Rabbi Dr. Chaim Simons [email protected] August 2007 © Copyright. 2007. Chaim Simons INTRODUCTION In an article in the English edition of “Mishpacha” in January 2005 appeared the following: “The Left is still loyal to the State of Israel in varying levels of faithfulness, but it hates Eretz […]

Jews Still Angry About That Time When The ‘Nazis’ Burned Their Gay Porn Stash in 1933

(Forward) Ninety years have passed since the National Socialist took steps to protect German society by burning “troves” of pornographic Jewish “scientific literature” which attempted to normalize sexual deviancy — including books on “pioneering” gender mutilation surgeries — yet Jews today remain clueless about why these books were burned — and why they themselves are […]

The crimes of the Nazis in Greece: Part two

The crimes of the Nazis in Greece: Part two This is the second in a three-part series; Parts one and three. Destructive terror against the population The Nazis’ response to the resistance of the Greek people was horrific. They imposed a bloody regime of terror, which, in its brutality, resembled the ruthless National Socialist (NS) wave of extermination […]

Jewish Nazis Made Deal with German Nazis

According to Lenni Brenner’s book, the Zionist party was the only other political party in Nazi Germany that enjoyed a measure of freedom, and could publish a newspaper. The reason: Zionists and Nazis had a common interest, making German Jews go to Palestine. History is not always what you’d expect. There are more shocking examples in […]

Zionist Bankers Funded the Nazis

In 1935 the steamer “Tel Aviv” made its maiden voyage from Nazi Germany to Haifa with Hebrew letters on its bow and a Nazi flag fluttering from its mast. The Captain of the Zionist-owned ship was a member of the Nazi Party. A passenger described the spectacle as a “metaphysical absurdity.” Actually it made perfect sense. Jewish bankers put […]

Savvy Granny – Cabalist Bankers Created Both Nazis and Bolsheviks

“The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks […]

Neo-Nazis and the Far-Right Are Trying to Hijack Pro-Palestine Protests

Around 40 people affiliated with the National Justice Party, a white nationalist and antisemitic group, gathered in front of the White House to protest Israel last weekend. The group was led by Mike Peinovich, a long-time white nationalist personality who previously used the alias “Mike Enoch,” and was one of the architects of the deadly […]

Paperclipped Nazis and Stay-behind Gladios (2008)

FROM 2008: In the waning days of WWII, as the cold war began to freeze Europe, as the Iron Curtain was erected, intelligence agencies began a mad scramble to recruit the best and brightest minds from Nazi Germany. Learn more about how Nazi war criminals were brought over to found NASA, work in military weapons […]

As 2024 Looms, Neo-Nazis Are Returning to the Streets

On a recent overcast afternoon in Orlando, Florida, 10 neo-Nazis gathered outside the entrance to Disney World. Some wore skull masks, and their T-shirts were emblazoned with the letters OBS—Order of the Black Sun—the name of their group. One held a sign containing names of convicted white supremacist mass murderers, including Dylann Roof and Anders […]

Neo-Nazis Are Shocked a Guy Called ‘BoneFace’ Isn’t Who They Thought He Was

What was meant to be the biggest show of force by Neo-Nazis in the U.S. this year, turned into yet another display of inflighting, this time over a heavily tattooed racist named “Boneface.”  Over the weekend, the Goyim Defence League and the Blood Tribe—two neo-Nazi groups—held a rally in Orlando, Florida, which saw about 50 […]

Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich …in the EU

By ADAM LEBORUPDATED: 17:30 EDT, 9 May 2009 View comments The paper is aged and fragile, the typewritten letters slowly fading. But US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128 is as chilling now as the day it was written in November 1944. The document, also known as the Red House Report, is a detailed account of a secret meeting […]

Washington Post shamelessly whitewashes Ukrainian Nazis

Flags at an Azov parade in June 2022 displayed its far-right insignia, as well as the image of Yevhen Konovalets, the founder of a Ukrainian group which later helped the Nazis carry out the Holocaust. (Azov Media) The Washington Post this week published a shocking apologia for the Azov Battalion. Azov is the Ukrainian government’s […]

How Zionism helped the Nazis perpetrate the Holocaust

Originally published by The Electronic Intifada. Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponisation of Memory in the Service of State and Nation by Tony Greenstein, self-published (2022) Tony Greenstein’s new book opens on a personal note: “from an early age, I had my doubts about Zionism.” The son of an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, Greenstein has for […]

Biden & Democrats Share Same ‘Core Principles’ As Hitler & The Nazis Says Tulsi Gabbard

During a recent appearance on the Jesse Watters Primetime show, former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard said that Biden and the Democratic party now share the same core principles as Hitler and the Nazis. Gabbard was referring […] The post Biden & Democrats Share Same ‘Core Principles’ As Hitler & The Nazis Says Tulsi Gabbard appeared first […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Stop Dissing the Nazis

Ali Alexander is confident that “everything I know and believe will become popular. Everything my opponents says now will be extinct.” Jon Miller wants to “make it a crime to be trans”: “You’d be amazed at how many suddenly shed themselves of this ‘I was born in the wrong body!’ hysteria once they realize it’d […]

Nazis’ Children at the World Economic Forum

Hitler and the pope Grandpa BadBush was charged with violation of the TRADING WITH THE ENEMIES ACT for providing Germany with the means to kill American soldiers in WW 2. “IT’S A BIG CLUB, AND YOU AIN’T IN IT!” George Carlin One evil son of a bitch dies, two more takes their place! The Ole […]

40 percent of Americans think ‘Israel treats Palestinians like Nazis treated Jews’

If you don’t want to socialize with people who support Israel, or you think Israel treats Palestinians the way Nazis treated Jews, you’re antisemitic, according to a new survey by the ADL aimed at branding “highly negative” views of Israel as bigotry, thereby granting political immunity to apartheid. “You hate the Jewish state, chances are […]

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