Posts Tagged ‘burned’

Christian Slain, Mother and Daughter Burned for their Faith

Ronald Twinomugisha was killed in Iganga District, Uganda on March 30, 2024. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – An evangelist was slain and a mother and her 10-year-old daughter suffered serious burns for their faith in separate incidents last month in eastern Uganda. In Busei B village, Nakalama Sub-County in Iganga District, sources […]

Christian Beaten Unconscious, Home Burned

Philemon Shuha at hospital in Busolwe town, Uganda after Jan. 30, 2024 attack. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Muslim villagers in eastern Uganda on Jan. 30 beat a Christian unconscious upon seeing him prepare a site for an evangelistic event, and they later set his house ablaze, sources said. The 34-year-old father […]

Jews Still Angry About That Time When The ‘Nazis’ Burned Their Gay Porn Stash in 1933

(Forward) Ninety years have passed since the National Socialist took steps to protect German society by burning “troves” of pornographic Jewish “scientific literature” which attempted to normalize sexual deviancy — including books on “pioneering” gender mutilation surgeries — yet Jews today remain clueless about why these books were burned — and why they themselves are […]

October 7 testimonies reveal that IDF shot up Israeli homes, “burned alive” Israeli civilians – Hamas only responsible for SOME of the civilian deaths

October 7 testimonies reveal that IDF shot up Israeli homes, “burned alive” Israeli civilians – Hamas only responsible for SOME of the civilian deaths Evidence continues to emerge that points the finger at Israel being the responsible party that killed innocent Israeli civilians on October 7, not Hamas. According to many accounts, Hamas militants exclusively […]

Oct 31- Don’t Fight!! Israelis Must Refuse to be Another Burned Offering

(From Sept 2012) Israelis, and perhaps Jews in general, are being set up for extermination as part of a longstanding occult plan to “fulfill Biblical prophecy” by starting a third world war. Col. Douglas Macgregor says Israel’s genocide of Palestinians has done the impossible, united Sunni and Shite Muslims.  He says 300 million Muslims in the […]

Netanyahu: Terrorists Burned People Alive; Every Hamas Member Is ‘a Dead Man’; Gantz Invokes Ten Plagues

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recounted the horrors of Saturday’s terror attack by the Palestinian terror group Hamas in an address Wednesday evening to his nation introducing his emergency national unity government. Source

Homeless Program in Washington State Has Burned Through $143 Million to House Less Than 1,000 People

Homeless Program in Washington State Has Burned Through $143 Million to House Less Than 1,000 People Source

The Fires Burned High And Long Into The Night The Day The Eternal Empire Died

The crowds called for his head for daring to question the rightness of their culture of war and theft-For his saying the Empire would die unless, that repentance was their only hope left- As the mongrel hordes he warned of, battered down the gates of the hallowed home-Of the evil which dared to temp the […]

McDonald’s Found Liable for Hot Chicken McNugget that Burned Girl

McDonald’s was found liable Thursday for a hot Chicken McNugget that fell from a Happy Meal and allegedly burned a four-year-old girl, causing second-degree burns. Now, the company, as well as its franchise owner, Upchurch Foods, is waiting to hear how much it will need to pay the child and her mother. Source

BHP-200104-Burned in the Furnace of Fire Pt 6

EURO FOLK RADIO BHP-200104-Burned in the Furnace of Fire Pt 6 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share The consummation of this last age will end in fire. Will you be ready? Do you have the right Belief? Have you done the things He said? The […]

BHP-191228-Burned in the Furnace of Fire Pt 5

The fiery burning furnace. Abram was delivered through it. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were delivered through it. And we who love Yahweh and follow The Way will be delivered through the fiery end of this age. For our Elohiym is a consuming fire! There are many examples in scripture that teach us what will happen […]

BHP-191221-Burned in the Furnace of Fire Pt 4

There are many examples in scripture that teach us what will happen at the end of the last age. A purge by water has already happened. A purge by fire is near upon us. I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?   Follow along […]

BHP-191214-Burned in the Furnace of Fire Pt 3

We are seeing a pattern of examples that show that the wicked will be consumed by fire. But the righteous are not exempt, we are tried by the fire.  You don’t get to heaven in the ‘rapture’. You get heaven if you can handle the Blaze of Glory that’s coming (Maranatha)!…without getting burned. Knowing and […]

BHP-191207-Burned in the Furnace of Fire Pt 2

EURO FOLK RADIO BHP-191207-Burned in the Furnace of Fire Pt 2 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share What is it going to be like in the end? Well, if Our God is a Consuming Fire!!! then it stands to reason that it will be by […]

BHP-191130-Burned in the Furnace of Fire Pt 1

Want to know how it all ends? What is it going to be like in the end? Here is a hint: Our God is a Consuming Fire!!! This study covers all the verses that give us a picture of what the return of our King will be like. How His remnant will be preserved through […]

Church Building in Sudan Burned Down

Location of Al Qadarif state, Sudan. (Creative Commons) JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – A man suspected of being a Muslim extremist in the ranks of the Sudanese military on Friday (Dec. 16) burned down a church building in eastern Sudan, sources said. The 20-year-old building of a 100-member Sudanese Church of Christ congregation in […]

Home Burned, Two Christians Injured in Separate Attacks

Burning home where cell fellowship met in Luuka, Uganda on Nov. 20, 2022. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Muslim extremists on Nov. 20 burned down a house where a cell fellowship was meeting in eastern Uganda, a week after Muslims in another area caned two converts, sources said. Arafah Senyange, 28, and […]

Burned but not broken: Church building reduced to ashes in Buddhist village

BANGLADESH (Open Doors USA) — What do you do when the only church in your village is burned to the ground? This is the question a group of believers in Bangladesh is now asking. Believers are relatively few in Chattagram Hill Tracts, the southeastern part of Bangladesh. The population is dominated by indigenous peoples, with […]

More than 300 houses burned down in historic Christian village in Myanmar

(Barnabas Aid) — The Myanmar military (Tatmadaw) burned down almost all residential buildings in the predominantly Christian village of Chaung Yoe in the Sagaing Region in a raid on May 20. Hundreds of villagers were forced to flee their homes as Tatmadaw troops began torching the village and two other neighboring communities. At least 320 of the […]

Sri Lankan troops, burned out vehicles on capital’s streets after deadly violence

Sri Lankan troops are deployed on the streets in the capital Colombo to enforce a curfew after the outbreak of deadly violence following weeks of protests over an unprecedented economic crisis.

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