Posts Tagged ‘houses’



US houses prices double in two years. RF Kennedy Jr has the answer.

In this interview with Howie Mandel and his daughter, Jackelyn Shultz, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s knowledge and poise shine through — even as his motives and integrity are questioned. Kennedy remains respectful and is eager to have an open, honest debate — a trait he says he learned as a child. “I was raised in […]

Lava Consumes Houses In Iceland Town As Volcano Erupts For 2nd Time This Month

About 100 residents had to evacuate again as lava reached the streets of the fishing town of Grindavík. Source

We blew up Israeli houses on 7 October, says Israeli colonel

Originally published by The Electronic Intifada, 5 December. Colonel Nof Erez and Elbit’s Hermes 450 military drone. Erez says that Israel used airstrikes to deliberately “explode” Israeli houses in a “Mass Hannibal” event on 7 October. Ynet/Elbit Systems An air force colonel has said that Israeli airstrikes may have intentionally killed Israeli captives rather than let them be […]

A heat wave and no electricity has turned most houses in Gaza into furnaces

The Gaza power crisis has worsened over the summer, as demand for electricity during an unprecedented heat wave has led to even more drastic rationing. Source

Noruz travelers visit houses of late Persian poets in Tehran

TEHRAN –Over 5,000 Noruz travelers paid visits to the house museums of contemporary Iranian literary figures in Tehran during the New Year (Noruz) holidays, which ended on April 2, an official with Tehran Municipality has said. Source


Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has called on Washington to answer claims about the pipeline sabotage. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has argued that the US should respond to allegations that it sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines. The remarks came as the Mexican leader hit out at Washington following criticism of his country. “If we […]

Utah Houses Passes Bill Restricting Abortion Clinics in the State

The Utah House of Representatives passed House Bill 467 on Feb. 17 that seeks to restrict the operation of abortion clinics in the state while also making changes to related regulations. “No abortion clinic may operate in the state on or after January 1, 2024, or the last valid date of an abortion clinic license […]

Millennials Are Finally Buying Houses… And Making Them Ugly

There’s a war raging all around us, and the battlefield is recently renovated houses. On one side are the excited, young homeowners, eager to transform the fixer-up they bought into their dream home. On the other side, there’s… pretty much everyone else, furious and horrified at the sight of the original hardwood replaced with slate-colored […]

Houses and roads submerged as Nigeria grapples with deadly flooding

Recent flooding in Nigeria has submerged roads, houses and disrupted supply routes for the delivery of aid. At least 600 people have died across the west African nation, and 1.3 million others have been forced to leave their homes, according to the latest government figures. Many have been moved to displacement camps and are using boats […]

Deadly floods destroy houses and farmland in northeastern Nigeria

Half a million Nigerians have been affected by floods caused by heavy rains since the start of the year, President Muhammadu Buhari said on Tuesday. Twenty-three of Africa’s most populous country’s 36 states are affected by seasonal flooding, with northeastern states particularly hard-hit this year. Buhari’s office said emergency services were providing aid and he […]

50% of rural houses retrofitted

TEHRAN – Some 50 percent of houses in rural areas of the country have so far been retrofitted, Akbar Nikzad, head of the Housing Foundation of the Islamic Revolution, has said. Source

Canadian houses now selling at hefty discounts as real estate values plummet

(Natural News) Homes are starting to sell at discounted prices in Canada, a trend that used to be unthinkable just a few months ago for the thriving real estate market in the country. In various parts of the North American country, houses are being sold at almost a bargain price. An opulent five-bedroom house listed at $2.25… […]

FNC’s Karl Rove: Arrest Protesters at Justices’ Houses or ‘It’s Open Season on Judges’

Fox News analysts Karl Rove said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that unless protesters were arrested outside the houses of Supreme Court Justices, it is “open season on judges.”

More than 300 houses burned down in historic Christian village in Myanmar

(Barnabas Aid) — The Myanmar military (Tatmadaw) burned down almost all residential buildings in the predominantly Christian village of Chaung Yoe in the Sagaing Region in a raid on May 20. Hundreds of villagers were forced to flee their homes as Tatmadaw troops began torching the village and two other neighboring communities. At least 320 of the […]

Israeli plans to demolish 38 Palestinian houses are opposed by 50 members of Congress

In a highwater mark of mainstream opposition to the unending Israeli occupation, 50 members of Congress have signed a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging him to try to stop Israel’s demolition of 38 Palestinian houses in al-Walaja, a village in the occupied West Bank, because the demolitions will undermine “Palestinian dignity” and […]

Relief Foundation, Basij to build 5,000 houses for the deprived

Relief Foundation, Basij to build 5,000 houses for the deprived – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – The Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation and the Basij will provide 5,000 houses for the underprivileged families across the country, Mehr reported on Monday. A memorandum of understanding has been signed with the Basij and Housing Foundation regarding the construction of 5,000 […]

Stone Circles Explained: How Maypoles and Lintels Lead to Stone Houses

The following essay is extracted from “ Stone Circles Explained ” by Stephen Childs. This book offers some alternative and less explored theories of the purpose of stone circles. Not all stone circles fit neatly into the explanations outlined in this essay, but some fit quite well! Stonehenge and Gobekli Tepe, for example, served other […]

The Houses of Dead and Crooked Souls

“A house constitutes a body of images that give mankind proofs or illusions of stability.”      – Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space There is a vast and growing gulf between the world’s rich and poor.  An obscene gulf. If we can read houses, they will confirm this.  They offer a visible lesson in social class. Houses […]

Around 1000 Houses Demolished In Khori Gaon

Delhi and Haryana governments cannot shy away from the responsibility of the Khorigaon people. Without a feasible rehabilitation plan, stop the demolition in the midst of monsoon.  Demolition continued in Khori village during the first monsoon rains in Delhi. Sitting in the comfort of her office, Garima Mittal, the commissioner of Faridabad Municipality, carried out […]

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