Posts Tagged ‘demolish’

OPERATION DEMOLISH GAZA: The Well-Concealed Back Story

The Hidden Agenda Behind Israel’s Gaza Land Grab SOTN Editors Note: No one does false flag operations and naked land theft like the Zionist State of Israel.  After all, the apartheid regime in Tel Aviv has been at it in Palestine since 1948.  Hence, it should come as no surprise to anyone that the transparently […]

Google’s New AI Plan To Demolish Journalism Industry

Google’s New AI Plan To Demolish Journalism Industry May 12, 2023 Journalism, as we have known it, is headed for a massive train wreck, thanks in bulk to Google. Google dominates the Internet and its content. With Google as the sole opinion-maker for acceptable content, how long will it take for the whole world to […]

Israel to demolish Palestine school in Masafer Yatta

The Israeli occupation army yesterday issued an order to demolish a Palestinian school which is under construction in the Masafer Yatta region, south of Hebron, in the occupied West Bank. Local sources said Israeli forces informed the residents of the demolition order of the three-classroom school in Al-Safi area. Occupation forces have recently escalated their […]

To try to save his neighbors, he had to demolish his own house

Ashraf al-Qaisy demolished his own home to try to save the lives of his neighbors during the most recent Israeli attack on Gaza. He has no regrets even though none of them survived. If I could go back in time I would make the same decision again. The lives of my beloved neighbors are worth […]

Israel forces demolish Palestinian greenhouse in occupied West Bank

Israeli occupation forces ordered the demolition of a Palestinian-owned greenhouse last night, based in the north-eastern West Bank city of Tubas, reported Wafa news agency. Mutaz Bisharat, the Director of the Committee against the Wall and Settlement in Tubas, said that the Israeli forces ordered a local resident to remove his one-dunum greenhouse, located in […]

Israeli plans to demolish 38 Palestinian houses are opposed by 50 members of Congress

In a highwater mark of mainstream opposition to the unending Israeli occupation, 50 members of Congress have signed a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging him to try to stop Israel’s demolition of 38 Palestinian houses in al-Walaja, a village in the occupied West Bank, because the demolitions will undermine “Palestinian dignity” and […]

Israel to demolish home of 95-year-old disabled Palestinian woman in Negev

‘Like A Red Shield Dragon Falling From The Sky In Flames’ Like a Red Shield dragon falling from the shy in flames-Israhell will light the night sky with her burning shame- Exposed as FAKE Hebrews, Liars, Fakes Frauds, bunch of pedophile-Slaughtering the Indigenous Semitic Palestinians in their own domiciles- A demon god’s promise to another […]

Israel forces Palestine family in Jerusalem to demolish 3 homes

Israeli occupation authorities yesterday forced a Palestinian family to demolish their homes in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan, Wadi Al Hilwa Information Centre reported. Mazen Nassar said his family was forced to carry out the demolition to avoid paying 80,000 shekels ($26,000) for the occupation municipality to do it. Thirty-five members of his family […]

WATCH: Israeli Authorities Demolish Palestinian Home in Lod

Posted on October 31, 2021 by uprootedpalestinians October 31, 2021 Israel demolished a Palestinian house in Lod. (Photo: via WAFA news agency) Israeli authorities on Sunday demolished a Palestinian house in the Palestinian city of Lod inside Israel, the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported. Israeli forces, accompanied by bulldozers, raided the al-Mahatta neighborhood in […]

Palestinian Mother Hugs Son’s Grave As Occupation Attempts to Demolish It

25 Oct, 2021 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen The Israeli occupation continues demolishing, bulldozing, and desecrating graves in al-Yusufiya Cemetery in Bab Al-Asbat, occupied al-Quds. The mother of Alaa Nababita, a late Palestinian whose grave was desecrated by the Israeli occupation The Israeli occupation forces assaulted the mother of a late Palestinian young man, Alaa […]

Israeli Authorities to Demolish 13 Palestinians Houses in East Jerusalem

Posted on October 20, 2020 by uprootedpalestinians October 19, 2020 Israeli forces surround 3 houses in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, in preparation for demolition. (Photo: via Twitter) The Israeli municipality in West Jerusalem has issued demolition notices against 13 inhabited Palestinian houses in Silwan, a neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem, the Palestinian news […]

Israeli Forces Demolish Palestinian Bedouin Village for 177th Time (VIDEO)

Source August 27, 2020 Israeli forces habitually destroy al-Araqeeb village. (Photo: via Twitter) The Israeli authorities today demolished the Palestinian Bedouin village of al-Araqeeb, in the Naqab desert, for the 177th time since 2000 and for the sixth time this year, according to the Palestinian news agency WAFA. Israeli police broke into the village and […]

Doing Assad’s job: OPCW report says Syria planned to demolish building US missiles destroyed

     A 2017 OPCW report says Syrians were cooperating in the process of demolishing the Barzah facility — the main target of Trump’s attack. Instead Trump fired seventy-six $1.9 million Tomahawks at them (so says Pentagon). The main target of Trump’s latest Syria strike, that according to the US no fewer than 76 of the […]

UN: Israel to demolish 50 Palestinian schools in West Bank

Dozens of Palestinian schools are at risk of being demolished by Israel, the UN has warned, leaving children in the occupied territories even more vulnerable. At least 45 schools are now facing demolition by the occupying Israeli military, the UN office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) warned on Sunday. Children as young as seven would […]

Israel to demolish 6 Palestinian buildings in Jerusalem

Israeli municipality in Jerusalem plans to demolish six large buildings in occupied East Jerusalem, allegedly because they were built without the impossible to obtain planning permits. Hundreds of Palestinians will be evacuated from the buildings in the neighbourhood of Kafr Aqab, in the north of the city, as a result of the demolition, Israel’s Channel 10 said. […]

Israel to demolish 5 Palestinian residential buildings in Jerusalem

Israeli Jerusalem Municipality is preparing to demolish five Palestinian residential buildings in the town of Kafr Aqab in occupied holy city of Jerusalem, Israeli daily Haaretz revealed on Sunday. Haaretz reported that the Israeli district court in Jerusalem rejected last week an appeal against the demolition from Kafr Aqab’s residents, and permitted Israeli occupation authorities to demolish […]

Israeli Forces Demolish Palestinian Bedouin Village for 119th Time

Israelis Demolish Kindergarten

[ Ed. note – No words. ] Times of Israel Israeli Civil Administration officials and security forces on Monday demolished a temporary structure built without a permit that was to house a kindergarten in a Jerusalem-area Bedouin village. The room, built of wood and metal paneling in the Bedouin village of Jabal al-Baba adjacent to […]

Yeltsin ordered to bury Lenin’s body, ‘demolish Mausoleum,’ Russia’s former PM reveals

“Boris Nikolayevich [Yeltsin] ordered me to demolish the mausoleum. It was in 1998,” said  Stepashin, who at that particular time served as minister of interior affairs and later in 1999 was appointed PM, in an interview with Istorik (Historian) magazine. He said he was summoned to Yeltsin’s office, where the president told him he had […]

Erdogan supporters still on Istanbul streets after botched putsch

Tens of thousands of demonstrators have come out on the streets in Turkey’s biggest city of Istanbul for the fifth night in a row to show support for the government in the wake of last Friday’s failed military coup. People converged on Taksim Square on Wednesday night, waving Turkish national flags and chanting slogans in […]

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