Posts Tagged ‘Syria’

Ukraine Fighting In Syria, Israel’s Ceasefire Lie Implodes & IDF’s Regular Use of Human Shields

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/3/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Two most important US military bases targeted in eastern Syria

April 21, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English Al Mayadeen’s correspondent explained that the targeting of the two US bases occurred approximately two months after attacks on the US bases in eastern Syria stopped. Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent in Aleppo reported on Monday at dawn that four missiles struck the US military base in […]

Netanyahu killed a top Iranian general in Syria to provoke a regional conflict — and the U.S. media is hiding his true motivation

Benjamin Netanyahu continues to raise the risk of a Mideast regional war which could draw in the U.S. — and the mainstream media is hiding the danger from its audience. Israel’s provocative aerial assassination of a senior Iranian military leader in Damascus on April 1 is only Netanyahu’s latest effort to expand the fighting across […]

Israel Assassinates IRGC Commander in Syria, Russian Consent!

APRIL 1, 2024 ARABI SOURI US-sponsored Israel assassinated the commander of the IRGC – Al Quds Forces in a bombing that targeted an Iranian diplomatic building in the Syrian capital Damascus, the Israeli bombing led to the destruction of the building which also houses Syrian civilian business offices. The Israeli bombing in the late afternoon […]

US Proxies Fear ‘Afghanistan-Style’ Withdrawal From Syria

Via The Cradle The US military’s Kurdish proxies occupying northeast Syria fear an “Afghanistan-like pullout” of US forces that would leave them at the mercy of their long-time enemy Turkey, Middle East Eye (MEE) reported Friday.  Turkey has escalated its airstrikes on areas in northeast Syria occupied by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in recent months; at the same […]

China urges Israel to stop bombing Syria to avoid escalation of conflict in Gaza

(NaturalNews) Charge d’affaires of the Chinese Permanent Mission to the United Nations Dai Bing has raised concerns that Israel’s unrelenting military actions… Source


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FEBRUARY 22ND, 2024 HEKMAT ABOUKHATER On February 13, the U.S. House of Representatives deliberated on Resolution 3202, the “Assad Regime Anti-Normalization Act of 2023.” The following day, the House passed the bill with a 389 to 32 bipartisan majority. Now, the bill moves on to the Senate, where it will most likely pass with similar bipartisan support and […]

At least 2 martyrs in Israeli attack on apartment in Syria

February 21, 2024 Source: Mayadeen English By Al Mayadeen English Four Israeli airstrikes have targeted a residential apartment in Syria, resulting in several casualties, including two martyrs. At least two people were martyred in an Israeli attack on Kafar Soush, a neighborhood in the Syrian capital of Damascus, Syrian state TV reported on Wednesday. Earlier, Al Mayadeen’s correspondent in […]

Zionist Biden Bombs Syria and Iraq for Israel and ISIS Proxies

FEBRUARY 3, 2024 ARABI SOURI The Biden White House junta bombed Syria and Iraq to sustain his anti-Christian and anti-Jewish Zionist project protecting the US proxies Israel and the plethora of US-founded and sponsored terrorist groups in the two countries, namely ISIS and al Qaeda. Throughout the night, the US war machines added a new series to […]

US Strikes At Least 85 Targets In Iraq & Syria, Including From B1 Bombers

Importantly, there have been no reports of US airstrikes in Iran this evening, and US officials say that the Pentagon does not plan to hit targets inside the Islamic Republic. But the strikes on eastern Syria and in western Iraq were large, and targeted IRGC assets and personnel and their affiliates. According to a CENTCOM […]

Johnson criticizes ‘excessive signaling’ as US begins strikes in Iraq, Syria

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) criticized the Biden administration for what he called a slow response to the attack on a U.S. base in Jordan that killed three American service members, as Capitol Hill reacted Friday night to the first set of retaliatory U.S. strikes on Iranian-linked militia groups in the Middle East. “The tragic deaths… […]

Neocons Freak As Biden Reportedly Considers Syria, Iraq Withdrawal

Neocons Freak As Biden Reportedly Considers Syria, Iraq Withdrawal Via The Ron Paul Institute Neocon heads (like the Middle East Institute’s Charles Lister’s) are exploding with the news this week that the Biden Administration may be considering withdrawing from its illegal occupations in both Syria and Iraq. First on Syria. As Lister opines in Foreign Policy: …four sources […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 106: Israel bombs Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, U.S. bombs Yemen

Casualties: 24,927 killed* and at least 62,388 wounded in the Gaza Strip. 369 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147. 550 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, including 194 since the beginning of the ground invasion, and at least […]

Iran Bombs Targets in Syria and Iraq as retaliation for Kerman Attack

    In a swift and decisive response to the heinous terrorist attack that took place in Kerman, Iran, on January 3, claiming almost a hundred lives and leaving hundreds injured, the Iranian government has carried out retaliatory strikes. The attack targeted what Iran alleges are ISIS positions in Syria and an Israeli spy center […]

Iran Angry After Israel Assassinates Iranian Commander in Syria Airstrike

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi strongly condemned the recent killing of Seyyed Razi Mousavi, an Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) military advisor, in an Israeli airstrike in Syria. Raeisi asserted that the Israeli regime will “definitely pay the price” for this criminal act, considering it a desperate move by the usurping Zionist regime. Mousavi, who served […]

Senior IRGC Commander Martyred in Syria

 December 25, 2023 A senior Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) military advisor was martyred in an Israeli regime’s airstrike on the suburb of Damascus. Senior IRGC commander was martyred after the Zionist regime launched three missiles at his position in the suburbs of the Syrian capital of Damascus, as reported by an Al Mayadeen correspondent. […]

An Israeli Airstrike In Syria Kills A High-Ranking Iranian General

Iranian state media say that an Israeli airstrike in a Damascus neighborhood has killed a high-ranking Iranian general. Source

US Attacked 100 Times In Iraq & Syria Since October, Both Countries which US Corporation Illegally Invaded & Is Illegally Occupying

Before I explain how to stop the attacks on US Occupation troops in countries US illegally invaded, a short American History lesson is in order so Americans can understand how their country ended up in the Cluster F##k it is in. 1776 Americans rebelled against England. 1783 the war was won, although it was some […]

Nearly 60 U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria injured in series of attacks by Iran-backed militias

Nearly 60 U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria injured in series of attacks by Iran-backed militias The Pentagon has reported that approximately 60 American troops sustained injuries following a series of attacks carried out by Iran-backed groups in Iraq and Syria over the past month. In a press briefing, the Department of Defense revealed that since Oct. 17, […]

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