Posts Tagged ‘consent’

Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn As Pro-Pedophile Activists Demand Age of Consent Dropped to 12

Pro-pedophilia activists groups are celebrating following the news that Germany has bowed to the World Economic Forum and decriminalized the possession of child pornography. The move is being celebrated by “pedophile rights” activist groups which […] The post Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn As Pro-Pedophile Activists Demand Age of Consent Dropped to 12 appeared first on […]

How the American Elite Manufacture Consent – George Carlin Clip at the end

About This Video In this eye-opening video, we dive deep into the critical and often controversial ideas of George Carlin and Noam Chomsky. We examine their viewpoints on conflict, propaganda, and the subtle ways in which those in positions … Read the rest Source

Whitney Webb Interview – Manufacturing Bipartisan Consent For Biometric Surveillance

Joining me once again today is TLAV writer and researcher, and founder/editor of Unlimited Hangout, Whitney Webb, here to discuss the biometric surveillance network being built around democrat and republican alike, while they all squabble about manufactured distractions and situations designed to manufacture bipartisan consent. She explains how this is connected to the push for […]

Israel Assassinates IRGC Commander in Syria, Russian Consent!

APRIL 1, 2024 ARABI SOURI US-sponsored Israel assassinated the commander of the IRGC – Al Quds Forces in a bombing that targeted an Iranian diplomatic building in the Syrian capital Damascus, the Israeli bombing led to the destruction of the building which also houses Syrian civilian business offices. The Israeli bombing in the late afternoon […]

The Era of Informed Consent is Over

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In a significant blow to patient autonomy, informed consent has been quietly revoked just 77 years after it was codified in the Nuremberg Code. On the 21st of December 2023, as we were frantically preparing for the festive season, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food […]

New York Lawmakers Pushing To Vaccinate Children Without Parental Consent

New York State lawmakers are weighing legislation that will allow children of any age to be vaccinated without parental consent in cases where parents object to immunization. Assembly Bill A6761, introduced by New York Assemblymember […] The post New York Lawmakers Pushing To Vaccinate Children Without Parental Consent appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

What Killed Informed Consent?

[The following is a chapter from Dr. Julie Ponesse’s book, Our Last Innocent Moment.] Every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body.  Justice Benjamin Cardozo, Schloendorff v. Society of New York Hospital (1914) In the Blink of an Eye As my fingers […]

Criminal FDA Declares Informed Consent Null and Void

If we’ve learned one thing over the last three years, it’s that abiding by centuries-old medical ethics, like asking questions, is what White Supremacists™ and domestic terrorists do. Source

The Loosening of Rules on Informed Consent

On January 22, 2024, amendments to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations (21 CFR 50) covering Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) were finalized and implemented. The amendments added a new section 50.22 that allows for exceptions to informed consent requirements for minimal risk research.  While the addition of section 50.22 harmonizes FDA IRB regulations with […]

Dissolution Of Informed Consent, Zionism Is Racism & Israel Loses Control Of Oct. 7 Narrative In Israel

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/25/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Without Informed Consent, You Have No Freedom

In the video above, Del Bigtree with The Highwire interviews Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), about the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA), which she pioneered. Unfortunately, the law has not lived up to its initial purpose, and has instead allowed the drug industry to […]

The destruction of informed consent in NZ (The work of evil is often piecemeal, steady, methodical)

From NewZealandDoc @ Substack A Quiet Evil: The Destruction of Informed Consent It is tempting to think of evil in apocalyptic imagery: vast and sudden demolition, a searing propulsive darkness or a blinding conflagration, the work of engineered catastrophic mayhem, in whose wake is utter smouldering demise. Yet the work of evil is often piecemeal, […]

Consent of the Governed, Where Art Thou?

I am often asked some form of the question “What caused you to come out of the closet and start criticizing the vaccines?” On a related note, when interviewed by a reporter from the infamous Atlantic August 2021 hit piece, Stan Gromkowski (a former Vical colleague of mine) prophetically opined, “He’s fucking up his chances […]

After receiving informed consent on 5G dangers, a Connecticut city rejected new 5G installations

After receiving informed consent on 5G dangers, a Connecticut city rejected new 5G installations In order to advance 5G technology into the state of Connecticut, the telecommunications industry sought to implement a template contract with Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont. The template contract would expedite 5G equipment installations across the top five major cities in the […]

WEF Orders World Govt’s To Lower Age of Consent to 12

The World Economic Forum has ordered governments around the world to reduce the age of consent to 12 years and decriminalize pedophilia. According to the sick and twisted minds in the corridors of power in Davos, age of consent laws have no place in an “enlightened society” because they discriminate against a child’s right to […]

Big Pharma’s Move to Medicate Kids Without Parental Consent

Photo: Source

Beware Fake Consent Forms

A short post on how fake informed consents were obtained for COVID vaccines in some jurisdictions Written by me in April 2021, but relevant as we consider litigation for COVID crimes MERYL NASS NOV 1 How governments fool you into thinking you have given a legal consent, when you haven’t Much of the country […]

Air Vax – Vaccinating you (& the masses) via your lungs, without your knowledge or consent

This was surely coming wasn’t it? Or has it already? We know our food, air & water have been poisoned for a long time …. it’s anybody’s guess in light of the past 3 years’ scenario… EWNZ From Video Link Story at-a-glance Yale University researchers have developed a new airborne method for delivering mRNA […]

Scientists Develop ‘Airborne mRNA’ To Vaccinate Populations Without The Need For Consent

Scientists at Yale University have developed a new form of “airborne mRNA” that they claim can be rapidly deployed to vaccinate large populations without their knowledge or consent. As the globalist elite continue finding it […] The post Scientists Develop ‘Airborne mRNA’ To Vaccinate Populations Without The Need For Consent appeared first on The People's […]

Whatever Happened to Informed Consent?

Here’s what never happened in the hospital during COVID: a doctor sat down next to a patient and said, “You have a choice. We can give you Remdesivir, which killed 53 percent of the patients in an Ebola trial. It was so bad the trial had to be shut down. And you’ll notice here in Remdesivir’s fact sheet, it says, ‘Not a […]

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