Posts Tagged ‘populations’

BlackRock CEO: ‘Xenophobic’ Countries With Shrinking Populations May Be The ‘Big Winners’ in AI-Driven Future

Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock who has spent years pushing open borders and mass immigration onto America, told the World Economic Forum this week that “xenophobic” countries with “declining populations” may actually be the “big winners” in a future dominated by AI and robotics. NEW – BlackRock CEO: “The social problems that one will […]

Scientists Develop ‘Airborne mRNA’ To Vaccinate Populations Without The Need For Consent

Scientists at Yale University have developed a new form of “airborne mRNA” that they claim can be rapidly deployed to vaccinate large populations without their knowledge or consent. As the globalist elite continue finding it […] The post Scientists Develop ‘Airborne mRNA’ To Vaccinate Populations Without The Need For Consent appeared first on The People's […]

Do you see how the NWO geoengineers are making Cat 5 superstorms the new normal to seasonally geoterrorize populations across the planet?!

RRAD HERE: A first: Category 5 storms have formed in every ocean basin this year READ HERE: OOOPS! Computer Models are (Ahem) Changing for Hurricane Lee; ECMWF Shows Long Island, NY . . . Broadsided   Source

Testing Shows Substantial Glyphosate in Populations, Even Some Foods Labeled Organic

From Download Interview Transcript | Download my FREE Podcast | Video Link Story at-a-glance As food has become increasingly adulterated, contaminated and genetically engineered, the need for laboratory testing has grown HRI Labs is often hired to test foods claiming to be non-GMO, “all natural” and/or organic. Testing often reveals such claims to be […]

Vaccinated Populations Suffering Strange New Illness, Doctors Report Foreign Compounds Found In Vaccines

13 nov 2022 Security cameras from around the world are capturing frightening new footage of people collapsing in spasms on the ground in what may be the latest symptom of exposure to the COVID-19 vaccines. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for […]

Conclusions About Ancient Populations May be Drastically Wrong Due to Dodgy Method

Hundreds of thousands of peer-reviewed papers in genetics employ a method called Principal Component Analysis. But new research shows this method is highly biased. This means that multitudes of major studies regarding ancient populations may be drastically wrong! The Irrisistable Draw of PCA It’s hard to make new friends, especially once you are past your […]

Deadly pesticide still legal in US can harm bee populations for generations, study finds

A new study shows just how dangerous pesticides can be for bees. The research, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America this month, found that bee populations can take a hit for generations if a bee is exposed just once to a common pesticide during its […]

Jail Populations Back Up After COVID-19

Judges, prosecutors and sheriffs in many states sent people home instead of to jail last year, but new data suggests the change is not lasting. “The past year proved there is no need to keep so many people locked up in the U.S.” It wasn’t long after Matthew Reed shoplifted a $63 set of sheets […]

Revealing Study Tracks DNA of Horse Populations Across the Land Bridge

The genetic connections between ancient horse populations living on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean were more extensive than previously believed, new research has revealed. Past theories had emphasized their separate characteristics, but it seems the two horse populations were not as different as past studies had suggested. That is the conclusion of an international […]

Shark and ray populations have dropped 70% and are nearing ‘point of no return,’ study warns

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Oxidative Balance Impacted by WiFi and EMFs — Vulnerable Populations More Affected Says Swiss Expert Group

Oxidative Balance Impacted by WiFi and EMFs — Vulnerable Populations More Affected Says Swiss Expert Group Activist Post / Activist Post By B.N. Frank Decades of research has already determined that exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation is biologically harmful. Children seem to be particularly vulnerable to it. Common sources of […]

Open defecation and vulnerable populations

It was on October 2, 2019, that PM Narendra Modi declared the completion of India’s Swachh Bharat Mission with the construction of over 107 million toilets – calling India, for once and for all, “Open Defecation Free” (ODF). The announcement came 11 years ahead of the United Nations’ 2030 vision. However, even a year later, […]

Plastic pollution is threatening fish populations and the fishing industry in Central America

(Natural News) Plastic pollution is posing a threat to fish populations and fishing industry in Central America as a fisherman discovered plastics and other discarded materials, such as bottle caps, bits of plastic, a mangle comb, and a cigarette lighter, in the stomach of a mahi-mahi or also known as dolphinfish. The […]

DARPA developing "genetic doomsday" weapon to exterminate populations on demand… GMOs to become WMDs

(Natural News) The U.S. military agency known as DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is investing $100 million into so-called “genetic extinction technologies” that could be deployed to exterminate targeted human populations. Emails acquired under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), “suggest that the US’s secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) has become the […]


Study Says Moslem Populations in Some European Countries Will Triple by 2050 report by Lee Rogers from the Daily Stormer All Moslems need to be sent back to the Middle East. No exceptions. Europe is facing a major demographic crisis in the years to come. If blood and soil nationalism is not implemented, many European countries […]

7 Ways EMF Technology Seriously Threatens Entire Populations

Recently, over 180 medics and scientists sent a document to the European Union appealing for the suspension of the new 5G EMF technology planned to roll out. Essentially, the 11 page document warns that EMF technology is a serious environmental hazard, harmful to life. That the new 5G EMF technology has not been properly tested […]

Fish populations are absolutely COLLAPSING across the oceans of the world… may lead to fall of human civilization

(Natural News) It’s time to update that old saying that “there are plenty of fish in the sea” as scientists warn that the numbers of old fish are declining at an alarming rate, putting future generations of fish and even humans in peril. According to studies of fisheries in the seas surrounding Europe and the […]

France: At Least 77 Dead in Nice Truck Attack

France: At Least 77 Dead in Nice Truck Attack July 14th, 2016 Via: AFP: A truck ploughed into a crowd in the French Riviera resort of Nice, killing at least 77 and leaving scores injured in an attack on revellers watching a Bastille Day […]

Multiple sightings of a fireball over Japan

     Recordings of multiple sightings of the bright light also show the visible plume it left as it streaked down from the sky. Social media lit up in Japan on the night of June 18, with Japanese users posting images of a fireball seen hurtling towards earth, visible for several seconds as it streaked through […]

Cox Murder: Democratic Hypocrisy

The murder of far left British MP Jo Cox by a deranged assassin has sparked an international outcry, with campaigning in the Brexit referendum being suspended. However, when nationalists have been murdered by leftists, the “democrats” have ignored such events and carried on as normal. Cox, above, with some of her constituency members who […]

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