Posts Tagged ‘vulnerable’

Germany’s AfD party just lost a major court case that makes it legally vulnerable to mass surveillance by spy agencies

(NaturalNews) Freedom is fast disappearing in Germany where a high court judge just ruled that the Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party constitutes a… Source

‘Do Not Euthanize’ Registry Launched By Pro-life Hospice Group To Protect Vulnerable Canadians

One of the only fully pro-life hospices n Canada, the Delta Hospice Society (DHS), has just launched a new Do Not Euthanize (DNE) National Registry. The purpose of the registry is to help “defend” vulnerable […] The post ‘Do Not Euthanize’ Registry Launched By Pro-life Hospice Group To Protect Vulnerable Canadians appeared first on The […]

US Intelligence: World Still Vulnerable To Pathogens That Could Cause ‘Devastating Pandemic’

Countries around the world are susceptible to another “devastating pandemic” due to the failings of global health services and the inability to effectively surveil diseases, according to US intelligence agencies. Their warning comes just days […] The post US Intelligence: World Still Vulnerable To Pathogens That Could Cause ‘Devastating Pandemic’ appeared first on The People's […]

Your Noisy Fingerprints Vulnerable To New Side-Channel Attack

Here’s a warning we never thought we’d have to give: when you’re in an audio or video call on your phone, avoid the temptation to doomscroll or use an app that requires a lot of swiping. Doing so just might save you from getting your identity stolen through the most improbable vector imaginable — by […]

BTC’s Secured Operating System Vulnerable to HACKERS NOW!

Bitcoin being vulnerable to hackers now that the operating system (Ones Compliment) security used to keep hackers from getting in was exposed. Source

Evil in the medical system: Medically kidnapped children vulnerable to abuse in foster care

(NaturalNews) Many people trust the U.S. medical system, but not everyone knows that some infants can be abused without their parents knowing about it.In many… Source

Trump Warns U.S. Is “More Vulnerable From Inside Terror Attacks Than Ever”

Donald Trump warned Tuesday that America is more at risk from terror attacks from within than ever before in the history of the country owing to the wide open Southern border. “With the millions of people that Crooked Joe Biden has allowed into the United States through his ridiculous Open Borders Policy, mostly young men, […]

Poll: Trump, Biden Statistically Tied in Pennsylvania, Democrat Sen. Casey is Vulnerable

Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden are statistically tied in a hypothetical 2024 presidential match-up, according to a National Public Affairs poll.   Source

The Next Generation Is Being Groomed For Destruction – Here’s Why They Are Vulnerable

The past week the National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the US, issued guidance on the use of leftist activist symbols in public school classrooms. As part of their advice to teachers, they recommended violating district and state rules and hanging items such as pride flags and BLM flags. This is generally cited as a […]

Fed’s Bostic Open to Rate Hikes, Logan Warns Financial System Vulnerable to Bond Stress

Raphael Bostic, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, is open to continuing to raise interest rates in the months to come if economic data clocks in stronger than expected. Bostic spoke with reporters on Thursday, acknowledging that he will update his policy trajectory if consumer spending is robust and labor markets remain […]

A vulnerable baby, the NZ Govt and a parental right of choice are under scrutiny

Little NZ baby Will Savage is in need of a heart operation. His parents wishing to ‘err on the side of caution’ desire non covid-vaxxed blood for him and even have donors lined up to supply. Starship Hospital medics are saying jabbed blood or no op for him. Te Whatu Ora Health NZ have applied […]

UN launches new financial tool to improve education for world’s most vulnerable children

The UN launched a new mechanism to help educate vulnerable children across the developing world on Saturday.  The International Finance Facility for Education aims to help lower-middle-income countries — home to around 700 million out-of-school children — improve schooling, alongside educate refugees and the displaced.  Announced at the United Nations Transforming Education Summit, the 10 […]

UN launches new financial tool to improve education for world’s most vulnerable children

The UN launched a new mechanism to help educate vulnerable children across the developing world on Saturday.  The International Finance Facility for Education aims to help lower-middle-income countries — home to around 700 million out-of-school children — improve schooling, alongside educate refugees and the displaced.  Announced at the United Nations Transforming Education Summit, the 10 […]

Vulnerable Democrat Cindy Axne Again Claims to Buck Party Leadership Despite Voting Record

Rep. Cindy Axne (D-IA) again claimed that she “stood up” to her party’s leaders and “voted against” them in Congress, despite her voting record showing otherwise, in a video obtained by Breitbart News.

Vulnerable Democrat Rep. Elaine Luria: Thank God We Elected Joe Biden

Vulnerable Virginia Democrat Rep. Elaine Luria  was caught on camera recently saying “thank God” the country elected Joe Biden in 2020.

Vulnerable Democrat Cindy Axne Claims Biden Student Loan Scheme Will Reduce Inflation

Vulnerable Rep. Cindy Axne, the lone Democrat in Congress from Iowa, claimed that President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness scheme “will bring down inflation,” despite what prominent Democrat economists and analysts have shown.

Vulnerable Democrat Kim Schrier Campaigns with Biden, Later Slams Him on Baby Formula and Border

Vulnerable Democrat Rep. Kim Schrier (WA) walks a tightrope with President Joe Biden as she continues to play both sides, campaigning with him when she deems his presence beneficial to her campaign and slamming his administration when she doesn’t.

Vulnerable Democrats Craft Title 42 Midterm Talking Points to Omit Biden’s ‘Broadscale Release’ of Illegal Aliens

The most vulnerable Democrats facing re-election in this year’s midterms have crafted carefully-worded talking points to describe their dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden’s ending Title 42, the crucial border control authority, while making sure to omit his plans for “broadscale release” for border crossers and illegal aliens into American communities. 

Exclusive–Hauman: Vulnerable Democrats Are Pretending to Care About the Border, Don’t Fall for It

Panicked Democrats are suddenly coming out of the woodwork urging the Biden administration to have a plan in place before Title 42 officially ends on May 23.

Dem Rep. Crow on Venezuelan Oil Imports: Taking Oil from Dictators Makes Us ‘Vulnerable’ – Stand up for Freedom ‘the Right Way’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of ABC’s “GMA3,” Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) said he opposes importing oil from Venezuela because importing oil from dictatorial regimes leaves America “vulnerable” and America can’t support dictators anywhere and we have to stand up for American values, democracy, and freedom “the right way.” Crow said that dictators have used oil as […]

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