Posts Tagged ‘protect’

Groundbreaking study highlights urgent need to protect global forest carbon sinks

Published in Nature, the study underscores the importance of global forests in absorbing carbon dioxide and calls for immediate action to protect these ecosystems. Source

EMP preparedness: How to protect your electronics

(NaturalNews) Both non-preppers and preppers often rely on various electronic devices. But there is a potential threat that could render all devices… Source

Russia just let the world know they will NOT protect Big Pharma’s predatory patents

(NaturalNews) At the 2024 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), a Russian Member of Parliament (MP) sparked international debate by prioritizing the… Source

TikTok ban is not to protect Americans. It’s a tactic directly from China’s playbook

  America Continues Controversial Spy Program President Biden signed a well-publicized bill last month that would ban the TikTok app if the Chinese portion of its ownership is not sold to different investors within a year. On its own merits, the original bill (H.R. 7521) passed in the House 352 to 65. However, the TikTok […]

Oil companies use paid news media partnerships to protect ‘social license to operate,’ documents show

Content created by the in-house advertising studios of major media is coming under growing scrutiny. Source

The Mundane Can Protect Us

A lot of people probably think I work in a pretty mundane, ordinary, unexciting sector of health care. I check eyes and vision in a routine fashion. I prescribe glasses often. I do diagnose and treat eye diseases, but that is numerically a smaller part of my practice. My area of specialization is in binocularity […]

ADL Calls on US Gov’t To ‘Scrap the First Amendment’ To Protect Israel

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has called on the Biden regime to scrap the First Amendment in America in order to protect Israel from anti-semitism and hate. The ADL in coordination with the Conference of Presidents […] The post ADL Calls on US Gov’t To ‘Scrap the First Amendment’ To Protect Israel appeared first on The […]

‘Do Not Euthanize’ Registry Launched By Pro-life Hospice Group To Protect Vulnerable Canadians

One of the only fully pro-life hospices n Canada, the Delta Hospice Society (DHS), has just launched a new Do Not Euthanize (DNE) National Registry. The purpose of the registry is to help “defend” vulnerable […] The post ‘Do Not Euthanize’ Registry Launched By Pro-life Hospice Group To Protect Vulnerable Canadians appeared first on The […]

Nudging is everywhere. Switch off and protect yourself.

Nudging is everywhere these days. Marketers use nudging and other psychological techniques to influence our purchasing decisions. But rather more pernicious is the use of fear or guilt campaigns to nudge us to do things that the government wants us to do, for no good reason – or for reasons that are entirely spurious. Such techniques […]

Stock up on nascent iodine to protect your thyroid from radioactive iodine in case of a nuclear emergency

Stock up on nascent iodine to protect your thyroid from radioactive iodine in case of a nuclear emergency When preparing for disasters, it’s important not to focus only on food items and your emergency water supply. After all, when SHTF you will also need other supplies like toiletries for maintaining proper hygiene and supplements to […]

Russell Bentley – still a lot of work to do to protect Donetsk. Dead NATO soldiers found in Avdiivka

Pushing the UAF out of Avdiivka is a positive step towards protecting Donetsk. But the operation was hardly a cakewalk (it took several months) and as Russell Bentley noted, the UAF is still able to shell Donetsk from other positions. “[Taking Avdiivka] moves the front line away from the city limits; secondly, it opens up space […]

How To Protect Yourself From The Rising Technocracy | Fluoride Lawsuit Update

Feb 20 2024 UPDATE Farmers in 18 European countries have now joined the protests. Netherlands Germany Poland Lithuania Romania France Scotland Portugal Spain Italy Greece Britain Bulgaria Belgium Ireland Czech Republic Wales Norway Without farmers we would all starve. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional […]

BETRAYAL and TREASON: SCOTUS takes away states’ rights to protect border as three former presidents fund flights to bring in more illegal aliens

(NaturalNews) Patriots could not help but feel betrayed at how President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice handled the dispute between the U.S. Customs and Border… Source

On the urgent need for provisional measures to protect Palestinians in Gaza: Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh’s presentation to the International Court of Justice

Irish barrister Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh made international headlines for her stirring presentation to the International Court of Justice on the urgent need to protect Palestinians from Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza. Read her full speech here. Source

The Velvet Fascism of “Protect our Democracy”


UK Run By Pedophiles, To Restrict Children’s Social Media Access To Protect Children From Pedophiles

UK’s new “king”, No Chin Charlie with his bestist buttie Jimmy Savile known for raping dead bodies and children, who provided children to British politicians and elites to rape and sometimes murder Necked child photographed trying to escape out a window at Buckingham Palace on tied together sheets of Child Rape bed. In the UK […]

Zelensky BANS All Future Elections in Ukraine: “We Must Protect Democracy”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has announced a ban on all future elections in Ukraine in order to “protect democracy.” Zelensky, who has already imprisoned opposition party leaders and enacted a gargantuan censorship, is now demanding […] The post Zelensky BANS All Future Elections in Ukraine: “We Must Protect Democracy” appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

‘Israelis Against Apartheid’ demand ICC take action to protect Palestinians from genocide

We, Israelis Against Apartheid, a group of Israeli Jews for decolonization, representing more than 1,500 concerned citizens, call on the ICC to take accelerated action against escalating Israeli war crimes, and the genocide of the Palestinian people. Source

Germans must protect the Jews – Scholz- Citizens should show “civic courage” by standing up to anti-Semitism, the chancellor has said

1933 Headline in a major newspaper. So it appears the Jews Started WW2 For their Rothschild’s masters. And Scholz betraying the German people to suck jew dick seems to prove once again just how well those Mossad Child Rape Blackmail videos work on political prostitutes. The Ole Dog! Source

Woke Teachers Trying To Ban Classic Novel From Schools To “Protect Students”

The Washington Post reports that “progressive” teachers in in Washington state are attempting to get To Kill a Mockingbird, authored by Harper Lee, banned in schools in order to “protect students.” The report notes that The Mukilteo School District teachers are adamant that the classic novel, published in 1960, is “outdated and harmful.” Set in the […]

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