Posts Tagged ‘switch’

Groundbreaking Study Discovers ‘Off-Switch’ for mRNA COVID-19 Injections

Contrary to initial claims that the “vaccine” stays in the arm, it spreads throughout the body, prompting serious safety concerns. Now, there is hope for approximately 5.5 billion people to “inactivate” what they put into their bodies. In a recent preprint study, Dr. McCullough and his team presented a novel approach using small interfering messenger […]

HAARP’s Aurora Switch Was Turned on Last Week to Create “Artificial Airglows”

by Rhoda Wilson AI search summaries show that on the same day the aurora borealis was seen across the northern hemisphere, HAARP was running experiments to artificially create aurora-like glows or “airglow” in the ionosphere. The aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, has been a spectacular sight in the night sky recently. On […]

Nudging is everywhere. Switch off and protect yourself.

Nudging is everywhere these days. Marketers use nudging and other psychological techniques to influence our purchasing decisions. But rather more pernicious is the use of fear or guilt campaigns to nudge us to do things that the government wants us to do, for no good reason – or for reasons that are entirely spurious. Such techniques […]

European Council President Calls On Europe To Switch To A War Economy

European Council President Calls On Europe To Switch To A War Economy Authored by Mike Shedlock via, As a way to create jobs, EC President Charles Michel promotes a war economy. Where that would lead is obvious. I suggest putting Michel on the front line with Senator Lindsey Graham. Michel’s Rosy War Economy Eurointelligence […]

The Social Pole Switch

I. Magnetic Pole Switch The Earth is not a rock. Instead it has a solid core surrounded by thousands of kilometers of swirling magma covered by a thin crust (where we live). “Electrical currents flowing in the slowly moving molten iron generate a magnetic field” that protects the Earth from “solar wind, particle radiation, and […]

Nintendo suing developers of a Switch emulator for ‘facilitating piracy at a colossal scale’

Nintendo Inc. is accusing the developer of a Switch emulator of copyright violations and pirating its video game software in a new lawsuit filed this week. The lawsuit was filed in the District of Rhode Island federal court on Monday by Nintendo Inc., which is accusing Tropic Haze LLC of being aware that the use… […]

Boebert announces congressional district switch

Boebert announces congressional district switch lead image Source

Russia and China Ditch Western Currencies, Switch to Rubles and Yuan in Trade

Western currencies have almost been completely phased out in Russia-China trade, as nearly all payments between the countries are now carried out in rubles and yuan, according to russina Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Source

Israeli Bait-and-Switch Tactics — Amidst the Resistance’s Careful Strategic Calculus

14 Dec 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English Alastair Crooke Hamas’s resilience plus the sustained international pressure as a result of the continuing Gaza massacre, ultimately may compel the Israelis to negotiate. Israeli National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi said on Saturday’s Israeli Channel 12 news that the situation on the border with Lebanon would change. He said that […]

Researchers discover breakthrough “switch” that causes cancer cells to self-destruct

Researchers discover breakthrough “switch” that causes cancer cells to self-destruct Researchers at UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center in Sacramento, California have made a breakthrough discovery for the future of cancer treatments. The research team found a biological “switch” that causes cancer cells to self-destruct. This discovery will impact the lives of over 18 million Americans […]

You will soon be a PRISONER in your own car: Mandatory vehicle “kill switch” will disable driving based on bad performance

You will soon be a PRISONER in your own car: Mandatory vehicle “kill switch” will disable driving based on bad performance An amendment proposed by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) to stop the federal government from basically taking over private vehicle ownership in 2026 and beyond has failed, meaning Americans will soon become prisoners in their […]

Jeff Bezos Says Public Must Switch to WEF’s Bug-Only Diet To ‘Save the Planet’

The mainstream media is ramping up pressure on the public to begin switching from traditional animal-based diets to exclusively insect-based diets in order to ‘save the planet.’ Corporate media outlets are promoting the switch to […] The post Jeff Bezos Says Public Must Switch to WEF’s Bug-Only Diet To ‘Save the Planet’ appeared first on […]

Project Sanguine:  Project Kill Switch? Project Great Reset.

This equation was posted on Telegram by ETheFriend and shared in my chat room. “Let’s begin with how they want to target you currently. The end result of -Project Sanguine- aka “project kill switch” —— “It will be dense science, but as we go, I will break it down. —- “Step 1: Genetic Vulnerability Score […]

In Pakistan, a switch in fishing methods saves thousands of dolphins

In 2013, at least 12,000 dolphins were killed in Pakistani territorial waters in the Arabian Sea, caught in the massive nets cast by fishermen, Anadolu Agency reports. Those gill nets, locally known as “bither,” were notorious for their high level of bycatch. Pakistan’s territorial waters are home to 25 kinds of dolphins, notably spinner, bottlenose […]

CNN Tells Viewers To Switch Their Diets to Bill Gates’ Carcinogenic Lab-Grown Meat

CNN has begun ordering viewers to immediately switch their diets to Bill Gates carcinogenic “lab-grown” fake meat. As The People’s Voice reported, the U.S. government approved Gates’ lab-grown meat sales to the public for the first time, issuing a “no questions” response to the request for approval, despite scientific evidence the fake meat products funded […]

Switch to America

march 12 2023 Vote with your dollars and ensure that your purchases are supporting companies that promote freedom. Join millions of other shoppers that have made the switch already. Take action and be part of the movement to switch to affordable, American made consumer goods. Learn how you can join the movement – enter your […]

Aqvox defrauding audiophiles with a cheap switch

MANY corporations/companies exist for the sole purpose of defrauding people of their hard earned dollars, pesos or even rubles. Under the microscope (almost literally) is a company that trades in Germany under the internet address of The business should be shut down and under investigation of fraud. They claim that their ~800EUR* (modified) Dlink (~22EUR) […]

Urban authorities set the example with urban lighting switch off

To save energy, many cities have decided to restrict the lighting up of public buildings, especially monuments. That’s the case in Lyon in the southeast of France. Setting an example The city’s well-known for its Festival of Lights on December the 8th. That event hasn’t been called into question – yet – but the green-led […]

Urban authorities set the example with urban lighting switch off

To save energy, many cities have decided to restrict the lighting up of public buildings, especially monuments. That’s the case in Lyon in the southeast of France. Setting an example The city’s well-known for its Festival of Lights on December the 8th. That event hasn’t been called into question – yet – but the green-led […]

Urban authorities set the example with urban lighting switch off

To save energy, many cities have decided to restrict the lighting up of public buildings, especially monuments. That’s the case in Lyon in the southeast of France. Setting an example The city’s well-known for its Festival of Lights on December the 8th. That event hasn’t been called into question – yet – but the green-led […]

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