Posts Tagged ‘breakthrough’

Breakthrough in PFAS cleanup: New method destroys toxic ‘forever chemicals’

A groundbreaking discovery by scientists at the University of California, Riverside, offers a promising solution to the widespread contamination of water supplies by harmful PFAS, often referred to as “forever chemicals.” This innovative method breaks down these persistent pollutants into harmless compounds, providing a sustainable and highly effective means of cleaning up contaminated water. Per- […]

Princeton Scientists Unveil Breakthrough In Fusion Reactor Technology

Authored by Brian Westenhaus via, Researchers at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) utilize liquid lithium coating in fusion reactor vessels to optimize fueling and enhance plasma stability. Findings published in Nuclear Fusion highlight the importance of neutral particle density at the edge of plasma for maintaining stability and efficient fusion reactions. Ongoing research aims […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 152: Prospect of breakthrough in ceasefire talks remains thin

Canada will resume funding to UNRWA and pay a pledge of $25m due in April. In Gaza, another Palestinian child dies of thirst and hunger in the north, bringing the number of children to die from malnutrition to 18. Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 152: Prospect of breakthrough in ceasefire talks remains thin

Canada will resume funding to UNRWA and pay a pledge of $25m due in April. In Gaza, another Palestinian child dies of thirst and hunger in the north, bringing the number of children to die from malnutrition to 18. Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 152: Prospect of breakthrough in ceasefire talks remains thin

Canada will resume funding to UNRWA and pay a pledge of $25m due in April. In Gaza, another Palestinian child dies of thirst and hunger in the north, bringing the number of children to die from malnutrition to 18. Source

Scientists Have Reported a Breakthrough In Understanding Whale Language

Researchers have identified previously unknown elements of whale vocalizations that may be analogous to human speech, a new study reports.  Sperm whales are giants of the deep, with healthy adults having no known predators. Scientists studying their vocalizations have already picked out key elements of their communication, namely clicks, sequences of which are called codas. […]

Researchers discover breakthrough “switch” that causes cancer cells to self-destruct

Researchers discover breakthrough “switch” that causes cancer cells to self-destruct Researchers at UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center in Sacramento, California have made a breakthrough discovery for the future of cancer treatments. The research team found a biological “switch” that causes cancer cells to self-destruct. This discovery will impact the lives of over 18 million Americans […]

Scientists Create Monkey Chimera With Fluorescent Eyes in Breakthrough

Chinese scientists have reported the creation of a monkey chimera—meaning an animal made up of cells from two genetically distinct organisms—with fluorescent green eyes and fingers. While this seems pulled right from the pages of a comic book, the creation of animal chimeras using stem cells is being explored to further our basic understanding of […]

Toymaker Lego Abandons Oil-Free “Breakthrough” Brick As ESG Push Derails 

Toymaker Lego Abandons Oil-Free “Breakthrough” Brick As ESG Push Derails  ‘Woke’ toymaker Lego has discontinued its sustainability effort to manufacture bricks made from recycled plastic. This decision came after discovering recycled plastic was actually contributing to higher carbon emissions, the Financial Times reported on Sunday. Niels Christiansen, chief executive of Lego, told FT that utilizing recycled polyethylene terephthalate […]

US distances itself from reported breakthrough in Saudi-Israel talks

The White House rebuffed a reported breakthrough Wednesday in talks to normalise relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, saying it is premature, reports Anadolu Agency. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said the report "has left some people with the impression that the discussions are farther along and closer to some sense of certainty than […]

Scientists Working to Generate Electricity From Thin Air Make Breakthrough

Image: Derek Lovley/Ella Maru Studio ABSTRACT breaks down mind-bending scientific research, future tech, new discoveries, and major breakthroughs. Scientists have invented a device that can continuously generate electricity from thin air, offering a glimpse of a possible sustainable energy source that can be made of almost any material and runs on the ambient humidity that surrounds […]

Breakthrough in Peopling of the Americas Finds a Female Lineage from China

A groundbreaking new study has harnessed the power of mitochondrial DNA to trace a marvelous female lineage from northern coastal China all the way to the Americas.  Read more Section:  News Evolution & Human Origins Read Later  Source

An Ancient Document Breakthrough Could Reveal Untold Secrets of the Past

If you’ve ever tried to decipher your grandmother’s handwritten recipe or a forgotten note from your favorite childhood teacher, then you’ve experienced the agony of attempting to read between ink stains, smudged letters, and discoloration. For historians studying ancient documents, these headaches are magnified tenfold—especially because the authors of these documents are long since gone. […]

Breakthrough Study: Scientists Confirm ‘Climate Change Is a Scam’

Groundbreaking new data has confirmed what many have suspected all along: man-made climate change is a complete and utter scam. The data, compiled by British journalist Christopher Monckton, examined temperatures from the past decade and […] The post Breakthrough Study: Scientists Confirm ‘Climate Change Is a Scam’ appeared first on News Punch. Source

EXCLUSIVE: Hot fusion breakthrough only “allowed” because of COLD FUSION (LENR) revolution now under way

EXCLUSIVE: Hot fusion breakthrough only “allowed” because of COLD FUSION (LENR) revolution now under way Wednesday, December 14, 2022 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) Earlier this week, the Dept. of Energy announced a breakthrough in “hot” nuclear fusion: A net gain of energy from the fusion experiment at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in […]

Will the fusion breakthrough ignite a Congressional chain reaction?

Department of Energy announced a breakthrough in the decades-long quest to recreate on Earth the process that powers the Sun: nuclear fusion. To simplify slightly, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California recently fired a bunch of lasers at a piece of hydrogen. The lasers used 2.05 megajoules of energy to hit the […]

MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH: New drug beats Alzheimers for first time

A medical breakthrough has been made by scientists after a new  drug called lecanemab proved to work for the first time against the much dreaded Alzheimer’s disease for which there is no known treatment only an array of previously failed studies reports The Sun. According to the news report, lecanemab acts by clearing out proteins… […]

‘Historic’ breakthrough Alzheimer’s drug may be available from next year, says expert

The breakthrough drug has been hailed as the “beginning of the end” of the war on Alzheimer’s disease. Patients could receive the game-changing Alzheimer’s treatment as early as next year, a top expert has predicted. But scientists have warned dementia services have much to do to deliver the drug if it gets regulatory approval. Drastic […]

Swiss Scientists Find Breakthrough Cure for Paralysis

Swiss scientists have made a breakthrough discovery in the quest to cure paralysis and help paralysed patients walk again. Researchers at Swiss group NeuroRestore say that they’ve correctly identified which neurons can reverse the paralysis of people with […] The post Swiss Scientists Find Breakthrough Cure for Paralysis appeared first on News Punch. Source

Scientists Turn Plastic Into Diamonds In Breakthrough

Image: Anton Petrus via Getty Images ABSTRACT breaks down mind-bending scientific research, future tech, new discoveries, and major breakthroughs. More than a billion miles away from Earth, on the ice giants of Neptune and Uranus, diamonds are forever. This isn’t cosmic poetry, but a reasonable scientific conclusion: We know that under extreme pressures and high temperatures […]

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