Posts Tagged ‘fusion’

Princeton Scientists Unveil Breakthrough In Fusion Reactor Technology

Authored by Brian Westenhaus via, Researchers at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) utilize liquid lithium coating in fusion reactor vessels to optimize fueling and enhance plasma stability. Findings published in Nuclear Fusion highlight the importance of neutral particle density at the edge of plasma for maintaining stability and efficient fusion reactions. Ongoing research aims […]

Scientists achieve nuclear fusion net energy gain for second time

Scientists achieve nuclear fusion net energy gain for second time By T.K. Randall August 7, 2023  Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory The achievement represents another step toward unlimited clean energy that could revolutionize the world. Often seen as the Holy Grail of power generation, nuclear fusion is the same process that […]

EXCLUSIVE: Hot fusion breakthrough only “allowed” because of COLD FUSION (LENR) revolution now under way

EXCLUSIVE: Hot fusion breakthrough only “allowed” because of COLD FUSION (LENR) revolution now under way Wednesday, December 14, 2022 by: Mike Adams (Natural News) Earlier this week, the Dept. of Energy announced a breakthrough in “hot” nuclear fusion: A net gain of energy from the fusion experiment at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in […]

Will the fusion breakthrough ignite a Congressional chain reaction?

Department of Energy announced a breakthrough in the decades-long quest to recreate on Earth the process that powers the Sun: nuclear fusion. To simplify slightly, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California recently fired a bunch of lasers at a piece of hydrogen. The lasers used 2.05 megajoules of energy to hit the […]

Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Achieved Fusion Ignition

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) today announced the achievement of fusion ignition at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)—a major scientific breakthrough decades in the making that will pave the way for advancements in national defense and the future of clean power. Source

Nuclear Fusion Experiment Reveals Unexpected Physics Inside ‘Burning Plasma’

Scientists who are working toward the dream of nuclear fusion, a form of power that could potentially provide abundant clean energy in the future, have discovered surprising and unexplained behavior among particles in a government laboratory, reports a new study. The results hint at the mysterious fundamental physics that underlie nuclear fusion reactions, which fuel […]

Marc Elias Testifies at Sussmann Trial He Had ‘Discretion’ to ‘Direct’ Fusion GPS

Marc Elias, a key Democratic Party election attorney partly responsible for arranging the fraudulent “Russia dossier” in 2016, took the stand Wednesday in the trial of former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann.

Chinese Scientists Say They’ve Discovered Cheap New Way to Do Nuclear Fusion

Chinese Scientists Say They’ve Discovered Cheap New Way to Do Nuclear Fusion They’re using tiny cones made of gold to do it. Image by Chinese Academy of Sciences A team of scientists in China say they’ve discovered a cost-effective method of achieving nuclear fusion that could rival much more expensive counterparts. Researchers at the Chinese Academy […]

Deep State Fusion Centers Spying on YOU; We’re Living in Nazi Amerika

[embedded content] [embedded content] [embedded content] [embedded content] Comment: The Synagogue of Satan RUNS Amerika with an Iron Fist and Soon the American People will know it and not be able to deny it any longer. [embedded content] Comment: Who are the THEY who control the money? Rothschild ZIONISTS Who are the controllers of […]

Scientists Are On the Edge of a Fusion Power Breakthrough

Fusion energy — to many, the holy grail of sustainable energy — is on the edge of its next breakthrough. Using a powerful laser at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California, researchers managed to heat up a peppercorn-sized sample of two hydrogen isotopes well past the temperature of the Sun’s core, a process known […]

Fusion Centers Enter Kids As Young As 1 Years Old In Secret Gang Databases

[embedded content] Recent documents from the Metropolitan Police Department in D.C. (MPD) and the Boston Police Department (BPD) show that Regional Intelligence Centers (RIC) are encouraging police officers to put children and adults in secret gang databases. Last month an article in The Intercept showed that police gang databases are riddled with civil rights violations and errors. It revealed how police used […]

With fusion Emirati-Jewish dishes, a kosher chef blossoms in Dubai

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates  — Last year, Israel and the United Arab Emirates signed a treaty establishing diplomatic relations. But for more than a year earlier, diners in the UAE had already been finding their way to Jewish culture — via the home cooking of a South African expatriate. Elli Kriel, a sociologist by training […]

Big Brother Is Spying On You In Thousands Of Ways, And All Of That Info Now Goes Into Centralized “Fusion Systems”

Big Brother is watching you. Sadly, most people don’t realize how extensive the surveillance grid has now become. As you drive to work or to school, license plate readers are systematically tracking where you travel. In major cities, thousands of highly advanced security cameras (many equipped with facial recognition technology) are monitoring your every move. […]

Giant Fusion Reactor Hotter Than the Sun to Provide Unlimited Clean Energy Without Waste

By Andy Corbley -Aug 10, 2020 html Facebook Twitter Email Reddit More In France, President Emmanuel Macron held a ceremony July 27 to launch the assembly phase of one of humanity’s most-complex engineering projects ever attempted—a giant nuclear fusion reactor, a machine that could produce relatively unlimited amounts clean power. ITER workers unveil major component in […]

Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will “Lead To Fusion Of Our Physical, Digital, & Biological Identity”

(Zero Hedge) Globalist Klaus Schwab made it clear that transhumanism is an integral part of “The Great Reset” when he said that the fourth industrial revolution would “lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” which in his book he clarifies is implantable microchips that can read your thoughts. As we highlighted earlier, […]

Fusion GPS Leader Bragged in 2019 Book About Planting False Attacks Against Devin Nunes in Local Newspaper

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) was the target of opposition research hits that a local newspaper, owned by a broader national chain, dutifully reprinted on behalf of Fusion GPS without disclosing to its readers the questionable source of the information. The Fresno Bee published a story in […]

UK COLUMN: ‘Fusion’ Deep State Doctrine, Russiagate Clap-Trap, NATO in Iraq & More

In terms of the authoritarian police state – Russiagate and ‘Russian threat’ is the gift that keeps on giving. Also, a bumpy road for Italy’s new reformist government, NATO sneaking into Iraq, and radical progressive think tank waging ‘war on the nostalgia’. All this and more… UK Column anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest […]

Lockheed Martin Patents Nuclear Fusion-Powered Fighter Jet

Lockheed Martin has secretly been developing a game-changing compact nuclear fusion reactor that could potentially fit into a fighter jet. The Maryland-based defense contractor recently obtained a patent associated with its design for a fully compact fusion reactor, after filing for the patent in 2014. If the latest patent from the defense company serves as […]

Russian Billionaire Claims Fusion GPS Funded By George Soros

ZeroHedge| In a Daily Caller op-ed calling the Russian meddling narrative a “false public manipulation,” Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska claims that Daniel Jones – a former FBI investigator, Feinstein staffer and now a Fusion GPS operative – told the Russian Oligarch’s lawyer in March, 2017 that Fusion GPS was funded by “a group of Silicon Valley billionaires and George Soros.” Daniel J. […]

Russian Billionaire Claims Fusion GPS Funded By Soros

In a Daily Caller op-ed calling the Russian meddling narrative a “false public manipulation,” Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska claims that Daniel Jones – a former FBI investigator, Feinstein staffer and now a Fusion GPS operative – told the Russian Oligarch’s lawyer in March, 2017 that Fusion GPS was funded by “a group of Silicon Valley billionaires and George Soros.“ Daniel […]

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