Posts Tagged ‘achieved’

100% Cancer Remission Achieved in ALL Patients in Groundbreaking Study

A recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine has yielded groundbreaking results after a monoclonal antibody successfully eradicated rectal cancer in all enrolled patients, ushering them into complete remission without resorting to chemotherapy, radiation, or surgical interventions. Dr. Andrea Cercek, one of the lead researchers, said, “It’s absolutely incredible. We didn’t expect […]

Putin Says There Will Be No Peace In Ukraine Until Goals Are Achieved

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed that there would be no peace in Ukraine until his goals are achieved and said those objectives remain unchanged at a year-end news conference. Offering rare detail on Moscow’s operation, Putin dismissed the need for a second wave of mobilization of reservists, saying there are some 617,000 […]

VICTORY against Monsanto achieved: Chemical giant forced to pay out over $1.5 billion in Roundup verdict

VICTORY against Monsanto achieved: Chemical giant forced to pay out over $1.5 billion in Roundup verdict Three former users of Roundup weed killer have won more than $1.5 billion in a judgment against Monsanto, now a unit of Bayer AG, that a Missouri jury says must pay its victims for the glyphosate-based herbicide giving them cancer. […]

Dumbocracy Achieved: ACT Test Scores For US Students Drop To 30-Year Low

Dumbocracy Achieved: ACT Test Scores For US Students Drop To 30-Year Low The government-enforced lockdown of schools and months of forced remote learning during Covid have devastated the education of America’s future leaders. New data on ACT college admissions tests shows high school students’ scores have plunged to the lowest in over three decades. According […]

Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Achieved Fusion Ignition

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) today announced the achievement of fusion ignition at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)—a major scientific breakthrough decades in the making that will pave the way for advancements in national defense and the future of clean power. Source

Leader: Progress is achieved through resistance

TEHRAN— Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei met a number of veterans and commanders from the Sacred Defense who defended against the invasion of Iran by Saddam’s regime on Wednesday. The Sacred Defense, otherwise known as the imposed war was backed by the U.S. and tens of other arrogant powers.  During this […]

Leader: Progress is achieved through resistance

TEHRAN— Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei met a number of veterans and commanders from the Sacred Defense who defended against the invasion of Iran by Saddam’s regime on Wednesday. The Sacred Defense, otherwise known as the imposed war was backed by the U.S. and tens of other arrogant powers.  During this […]

Syria has achieved a great victory: Bashar al-Jaafari

22 Dec 2021 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen Net The Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister sees that Syria has achieved a great victory against terrorism, despite the fact that the war is not over yet. Syrian deputy foreign minister Bashar al-Jaafari during an interview for Al Mayadeen on December 22, 2021 The past decade for […]

Good agreement cannot be achieved through ‘vague and general dialogue’

Good agreement cannot be achieved through ‘vague and general dialogue’ – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN — As the Vienna talks are put on hold at the request of the Europeans, Iranian experts are in now in Vienna to carefully examine the drafts, clauses, and proposals. Apparently in Western terminology, this is not defined as “seriousness.” Speaking at […]

How Amish Communities Achieved ‘Herd Immunity’ Without Higher Death Rates, Lockdowns, Masks, or Vaccines

In Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, thousands of Amish families took a different approach to COVID-19. Their outcomes are a story you probably won’t hear anywhere in mainstream media. By May 2020, the Amish were through COVID and had obtained herd immunity according to those studying the communities. To get there, they did not implement lockdowns, vaccine […]

COVID For Amish: Herd Immunity Achieved With No Hospitalizations, Isolation, or Vaccines

COVID For Amish: Herd Immunity Achieved With No Hospitalizations, Isolation, or VaccinesDate: October 25, 2021Author: Nwo Report  Don’t expect the mainstream media to give this the full coverage it deserves — instead, share this link with friends and family to get the word out! Source: Jamie WhiteReports from Amish country reveal the notoriously anti-modern community […]

IPI: Justice for Khashoggi has not been achieved 3 years after his murder

The International Press Institute (IPI) said on Friday that justice has not been achieved for late Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, three years after his murder. On its website, the IPI announced that 2 October, 2021, marks three years since Khashoggi’s murder, describing it as a: “Heinous act for which justice is still denied.” It added: […]

Unvaccinated people have already achieved herd immunity, while the VACCINATED are now getting sick

Home » Health, North America, Social » Unvaccinated people have already achieved herd immunity, while the VACCINATED are now getting sick     New research has found that rates of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) infection among the “unvaccinated” are plummeting at the same time that infections among the “fully vaccinated” are skyrocketing. Herd immunity has already […]

Has India Really Achieved Independence?

Today the nation celebrates independence with proto-fascism at a crescendo which disguises itself as a neo-liberal democracy. At no point in history have the forces of capital been so strong or dictated themselves so ruthlessly .Hindutva fascism has penetrated every sphere of society and the semi –bourgeois democratic socio-political system at an unprecedented scale. The […]

Ex-CIA Agent: US Wasted Trillions on Wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, Achieved Nothing

July 26, 2021 By Staff, Agencies The US has squandered trillions of dollars on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq while failing to achieve any objectives, former US counter-terrorism specialist and CIA military intelligence officer Philip Giraldi wrote in an op-ed for Strategic Culture Foundation. In an article, Giraldi made the remarks as US soldiers […]

Psaki Says Biden Is So Incredibly Fit He Has Achieved Resting Heart Rate Of Zero

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a press conference yesterday, Press Secretary Jen Psaki revealed that President Biden is very fit and healthy– so healthy, that he has achieved a resting heart rate of zero beats per minute. “The President is so, so very healthy,” said Psaki. “So healthy. I’ve never seen anyone more healthy and vibrant. He is […]

The Data Suggest We Achieved Herd Immunity Before the Vaccines Were Rolled Out

16 May 2021 We’re publishing an original piece of data analysis today by a leading British scientist – a full professor at a major university – who wishes to remain anonymous. He believes the data show that the population of Britain had surpassed the herd immunity threshold in December, before the vaccines were rolled out. He’s not […]

Israel election: Meretz and Labor have achieved an almost heroic achievement, but should not be blinded by it

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Medical Miracle: Israeli Military Claims It Has Achieved ‘Herd Immunity’ To COVID

The Israeli military announced another medical miracle — that it has achieved herd immunity to COVID-19 after 80% of its personnel had either been vaccinated, had the disease — or both: The announcement makes the Israel Defense Forces perhaps the first military in the world to achieve immunity to the disease. “Things look a lot […]

Religious Pluralism Won’t Be Achieved in the Courts

Israel’s Supreme Court. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. – Reactions to this week’s Israeli Supreme Court ruling about recognizing the validity of conversions to Judaism by non-Orthodox denominations are all out of proportion to its actual significance in terms of the number of those affected by the decision. Representatives of both Reform and Conservative Judaism, as […]

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