Posts Tagged ‘bashar’

Bashar al-Assad’s visit to Moscow and the changing face of the Middle East

Today, it is becoming increasingly clear to everyone that the very effective diplomacy of Moscow and Beijing is radically changing the face of the Middle East. In particular, the unexpected breakthrough in Syrian-Turkish relations after Moscow’s proposal last December to Ankara and Damascus to resume dialogue and return to cooperation is indicative of this. On […]

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad in Moscow for talks with ally Vladimir Putin

Syrian President Bashar Assad is in Moscow to meet with his top ally Russian President Vladimir Putin as the Kremlin steps up efforts to restore ties between Turkey and Syria. This visit comes on the anniversary of the uprising-turned-civil war in Syria that has killed nearly half a million people and displaced half the country’s […]

France top court upholds prison sentence of Bashar Al-Assad’s uncle

France’s highest court, on Wednesday, confirmed a ruling that found Rifaat Al-Assad, an uncle of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, was guilty of acquiring millions of Euros worth of French property using funds diverted from the Syrian State, Reuters reports. The verdict by the Cour de Cassation, which comes at the end of a long process […]

Syria has achieved a great victory: Bashar al-Jaafari

22 Dec 2021 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen Net The Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister sees that Syria has achieved a great victory against terrorism, despite the fact that the war is not over yet. Syrian deputy foreign minister Bashar al-Jaafari during an interview for Al Mayadeen on December 22, 2021 The past decade for […]

Syria: Bashar Assad re-elected for fourth term as president following a predictable landslide

Syrian President Bashar Assad has been re-elected for a fourth seven-year term, officials have said, having won a landslide in an election described as illegitimate and a sham by the West and his opposition. Assad’s win was not in doubt, in an election where officials said 18 million were eligible to vote. But in the […]

Palestinian teenagers Bashar and Yousef join a grim statistic: Shot by Israeli forces

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Bashar Resan bids farewell to Persepolis

TEHRAN – Iraqi midfielder Bashar Resan bade an emotional farewell to Persepolis football club. When Resan arrived in Tehran in the summer of 2017, he can scarcely have imagined he would contest two AFC Champions League finals with Persepolis in three years. “First of all, I would like to thank the Persepolis fans and all […]

Dr. Bashar Al-Jaafari’s Statement During the Security Council Session on the Political and Humanitarian Situation in Syria Bashar al-Jaafari at the Security Council 11/25/2020

Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on NOVEMBER 25, 2020 Al-Jaafari: countries hostile to Syria, particularly the US and Turkey, support terrorist organizations and separatist militias 25 November، 2020New York, SANA Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, said that countries hostile to Syria, on top of them the US and Turkey, continue their violations of the international […]

Interview with Bashar al-Assad: ‘We were close to direct conflict between Russian and US forces in Syria’

The following interview was broadcast this week, featuring Syrian President Bashar Assad, which provides a clear insight into the issues current facing Damascus and whether or not a viably resolution is possible following this seven year-long war.  Syrian President Assad talks with RT International correspondent Murad Gazdiev about the progress of the Syrian Army’s military […]

Bashar al-Assad Could End the War in 24 Hours – But He Won’t as A Matter of Principle

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H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad in Eastern Ghouta

DAMASCUS, (ST)_ H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad in Eastern Ghouta with the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army on the front fire lines in the fight against terrorism, March 18, 2018. The Presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic “You are waging the war against terrorism on behalf of all the world as the ongoing battle is […]

Destroying Syria, Why does Washington hate Bashar al-Assad?

The Donald Trump administration is planning to install a 30,000 strong armed “security force” in northern Syria along the borders with Turkey and Iraq. This presumably will tie together and support the remaining rag-tags of allegedly pro-democracy rebels and will fit in with existing and proposed U.S. bases. The maneuver is part of a broader […]

Jaberi Ansari, Bashar Jaafari talk Syrian settlement in Astana

MNA– Iran’s deputy FM Hossein Jaberi Ansari and Syrian envoy to UN, Bashar al-Jaafari held talks on the Syrian settlement in the framework of Astana 8 meeting in Kazakhstan. Syrian Arab Republic delegation, headed by Bashar al-Jaafari, held a meeting in Astana on Thursday with Iranian delegation, headed by Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab […]

Life for women in Syria; Who is Asma Assad? Bashar Assad on chemical weapons [Video]

Syrian President Bashar Assad, First Lady Asthma Assad and their three children. Image credit: Youtube Screenshot THREE SHORT VIDEOS ABOUT SYRIA Video compilation: – Life for women in Syria (Dec. 2016, 18 mins.) – Who is Asma al-Assad? (Oct. 2016, 27 mins.) – Watch Bashar al-Assad talk about the recent alleged chemical attacks (Apr. 2017, […]

Bashar al-Assad: No role for West & allies in Syria until they cut support to terrorists

“Our army is achieving one gain after another every day to eliminate terrorists… We will continue to attack terrorists until the last terrorist on Syrian land [is gone],” Assad said in a televised address Sunday. However, despite the recent military success, it is still too early to talk about victory as the “battle continues, and where we […]

SYRIA: President Bashar Al Assad’s Full Speech to Journalist Union in Damascus 2006

The Bizarre Case of Bashar: The Syrian regime’s questionable use of nerve gas in Khan Sheikhoun

By Uri Avnery Canon Doyle, the creator of the legendary Sherlock Holmes, would have titled his story about this incident “The Bizarre Case of Bashar al-Assad”. And bizarre it is. It concerns the evil deeds of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian dictator, who bombed his own people with Sarin, a nerve gas, causing gruesome deaths of […]

The Real Reasons the West Cannot Topple Bashar Assad

The Real Reasons the West Cannot Topple Bashar Assad Posted on June 13, 2017 by Richard Edmondson Sarah Abed has posted a fascinating article at her blog, The Rabbit Hole, providing an analysis of how, and why, Syrian President Bashar Assad–despite nearly eight years of sweat poured by scheming Western regime changers into the goal of […]

Israeli minister: ‘The time has come’ to kill Bashar Assad

An Israeli minister called for the assassination of Syrian President Bashar Assad on Tuesday, saying he “does not have a place in this world.” Speaking at a conference outside Jerusalem, Housing and Construction Minister Yoav Galant, a retired IDF general, said that in light of recent allegations that Assad’s regime carried out mass executions and […]

US Hostility Toward Iran Persists. Billions of Dollars of Iranian Assets remain Frozen”

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