Posts Tagged ‘changing’

Israel Caught Changing Story On #RafahMassacre Numerous Times & Gaza Pier Operations Suspended

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/29/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

A Tale of Two Commencements: How Gaza solidarity encampments are changing the way we see university education

Indiana University’s “Liberation Commencement” was a celebration of the students’ brave commitment to fighting powerful institutions and their involvement in challenging Zionism and the Palestinian genocide. Source

What is Really Behind Changing Jesus’ Name to Yeshua

English-speaking devotees in the Hebrew Roots movement eschew the name of Jesus. They replace the name of Jesus with Yahoosha, Yehoshua, Yahshua, Yeshu, and many other variations. One variant for Jesus’ name used by many Hebrew Roots movement adherents is Yeshua. They have been taught that, as a Jew, Jesus’ actual name in Hebrew should […]

The House ‘Concentrates the Mind’ of Hunter Biden with a Game-Changing Subpoena


Elon Musk Exposes How Soros ‘Hijacked’ US Cities Without Changing Any Laws

Elon Musk Exposes How Soros ‘Hijacked’ US Cities Without Changing Any Laws Elon Musk appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast Tuesday and explained how leftists “completely controlled” Twitter and weaponized the social media platform against political opponents and anyone who disagreed with the official government narrative. The billionaire said Twitter was almost like Russian state media […]

A Symbiosis of Humans & Technology – Changing The Conversation

A Symbiosis of Humans & Technology – Changing The Conversation What worldview and state of consciousness should hold our ever advancing technology? Jacob Devaney Jul 16, 2023 Set Your Pulse: Take a breath. Turn your attention to your body and release any tension. Breathe slowly into the area of your heart for 60 seconds, focusing […]

Bashar al-Assad’s visit to Moscow and the changing face of the Middle East

Today, it is becoming increasingly clear to everyone that the very effective diplomacy of Moscow and Beijing is radically changing the face of the Middle East. In particular, the unexpected breakthrough in Syrian-Turkish relations after Moscow’s proposal last December to Ankara and Damascus to resume dialogue and return to cooperation is indicative of this. On […]

Why is the White House urgently changing US ambassadors to Central Asia?

In hopes of further spinning its geopolitical project of establishing a “belt of instability” around Russia, the Biden administration has recently started to place a special emphasis on working with the countries of Central Asia, seeking to turn these “five” into puppet states wholly dependent on the United States. For this purpose, since the end […]

Visualizing The Changing World Population, By Country

The world’s population, which now stands at a whopping 8 billion, has more than tripled since the mid-20th century. Source

Simply changing your diet can shrink colon cancer tumors, study finds

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Rates of colon cancer are on the rise across the United States, particularly among young people. A recent study, however, reveals a silver lining.Published in the journal Gastroenterology, the paper, entitled “Dysregulated Amino Acid Sensing Drives Colorectal Cancer Growth and Metabolic Reprogramming Leading to … [Read More…] Source

Golden Visa regime changing in Greece

The decision to change the rule of granting residence permits to third-country nationals subject to investment in the Greek property market will be finalized in the coming days and possibly this week, reports the Ekathimerini. Investors must spend 250,000 euros on a property to secure a Golden Visa, but that amount is set to be […]

The Global South births a new game-changing payment system

November 30, 2022 by Pepe Escobar, first published at The Cradle and posted with the author’s permission Challenging the western monetary system, the Eurasia Economic Union is leading the Global South toward a new common payment system to bypass the US Dollar. The Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) is speeding up its design of a common payment system, […]

Changing the World One Person at a Time

November 14, 2022 In May of 2020, prompted by the way events surrounding the global pandemic were affecting people’s livelihoods, civil rights and mental health, Laura Aboli founded the United Democratic International Movement for Awareness and Freedom, an organisation dedicated to creating a better world through awareness, inspiration and the relentless pursuit of truth. Laura Aboli: […]

The Changing Narrative Regarding Donald Trump

Commentary This is a phenomenological, not a prescriptive exercise. That is, I’m not advocating anyone or anything. Rather, I want to understand and describe something tha’s happening or perhaps has already happened. Something, I might add, that surprises me. Also, something whose lineaments I’m not sure I quite understand. It might be something in the […]

Drones are changing the nature of armed conflicts

The last few years the use of remotely controlled unmanned aerial vehicles has radically changed the way armed conflicts are being waged. However, this approach cannot be described as new, as the first experiments with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in combat took place during the Second World War, although the technology was […]

Electric Discharge From Plants May Be Changing Air Quality in Ways We Didn’t Expect

Electric Discharge From Plants May Be Changing Air Quality in Ways We Didn’t ExpectNature22 October 2022By Harry Baker, Live Science   Weak electrical discharges, called coronas, can form on tree leaves during thunderstorms. (Penn State)  When lightning flashes above, plants on the ground may respond in kind.Scientists have long been aware that plants and trees […]

JD Rucker: Globalists deliberately changing vaccine narrative to clear the way for revised pandemic treaty

(Natural News) The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine narrative is shifting in preparation for the World Health Organization‘s (WHO) enforcement of the “updated” pandemic treaty in December 2022, according to JD Rucker. The NOQ Report editor-in-chief revealed during an episode of “The JD Rucker Show” that the globalists are deliberately switching the narrative from “vaccines are safe and […]

JD Rucker: Globalists deliberately changing vaccine narrative to clear the way for revised pandemic treaty

(Natural News) The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine narrative is shifting in preparation for the World Health Organization‘s (WHO) enforcement of the “updated” pandemic treaty in December 2022, according to JD Rucker. The NOQ Report editor-in-chief revealed during an episode of “The JD Rucker Show” that the globalists are deliberately switching the narrative from “vaccines are safe and […]

The road to fascism: How the war in Ukraine is changing Europe

As soon as I landed in Rome, I discovered that I was no longer able to access any Russian media whatsoever. Unfortunately, threats by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen that Europe should sever all links with “Russia’s propaganda machine” were taken seriously by the Italian government. As a journalist, having access to only […]

31-Year-Old Transgender Footballer Celebrates Being Able to Use Same Changing Room as Team of Teenage Girls

A school in Wisconsin has voted to ban BLM and LGBT flags, asserting that they represent “political messaging” that has no place within educational institutions. The school board voted to ensure teachers and administration of Wisconsin’s Kettle Moraine School district would “not have political flags or religious messaging in their classroom or on their person.” […]

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