Posts Tagged ‘numerous’

Israel Caught Changing Story On #RafahMassacre Numerous Times & Gaza Pier Operations Suspended

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/29/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Resistance destroyed numerous IOF vehicles in al-Zaytoun – Exclusive

May 10, 2024 By Al Mayadeen English Source: Al Mayadeen + Israeli Media Palestinian Resistance factions announce a series of operations against Israeli occupation forces across the Gaza Strip. A field leader in the Palestinian Resistance from al-Zaytoun neighborhood told Al Mayadeen that Resistance fighters are engaged in fierce confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces southwest of the […]

LOXISM: Numerous quotes from prominent Jewish leaders over the past 150 years about perpetrating a white genocide and creating a multicultural bloodline worldwide (Video)

Loxism is the hatred of White people by Jews. It is the most pervasive form of racial hatred on the planet, and yet it is never mentioned by the mainstream of society. It is the driving force behind global events, and yet we are threatened with imprisonment or social ostracization for mentioning it. Jewish hatred […]

President Raisi inaugurates numerous energy projects in central Iran

TEHRAN – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi inaugurated several water and electricity projects in Kerman Province during a one-day visit to the province on Friday, IRIB reported. Source

WHO Forced to Back Down After Numerous Nations Rejected Pandemic Treaty

The World Health Organization was forced to go back to the drawing board after multiple nations and the entire continent of Africa rejected its pandemic treaty power grab in favor of national sovereignty. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Malaysia and entire continent of Africa rejected pandemic treaty power grab in favor of national […]

Numerous Studies Show That The Changes Made To “COMIRNATY” Can Be Dangerous & Cause Lasting Effects

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/19/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and […]

Many Young Adults & Children Death Records In VAERS, Numerous From Heart Issues Right After Shot

Many young people, who have almost zero chance of dying from “Covid,” are receiving the toxic vaccines and then dying right after. link Share now! Source

Hildebeast Correctly Called a WAR CRIMINAL; Crimes Too Numerous to Be Covered Here-Should Hang For Treason

Comment: For arranging the sale of uranium to Russia so they could build a nuke is reason alone to hang her for treason. I don’t understand the American people’s long support and even worship of these Vile criminals. When will they realize their respected mis-leaders are vile predators who prey on children and commit the […]

School Canceled After Numerous Teachers Experience Side Effects from Moderna Vaccine

Nwo Report Staff had been warned second dose of shot can ‘pack a punch.”You are more likely to get [side effects] on the second one than the first,’ said school rep. Source: Adan Salazar A school district in Iowa had to cancel classes Monday when several teachers reported suffering adverse reactions after receiving Moderna’s Covid-19 […]

Study Finds Numerous Life-Threatening Injuries, Hospitalizations & Deaths After Gardasil (HPV) Vaccine

Next Story A new study published in Clinical Rheumatology exposes how vaccine manufacturers used phony placebos in clinical trials to conceal a wide range of devastating risks associated with HPV vaccines. Instead of using genuine inert placebos and comparing health impacts over a number of years, as is required for most new drug approvals, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline […]

The Dangers of Processed Foods Exposed in Numerous Studies

Anna Hunt, Staff WriterWaking Times To many people, news and research about the positive effects of superfoods are sufficient motivation to eat healthy. Yet, sometimes we need a stark reminder of the dangers of processed foods to stay on track with our diet goals. When you go into the grocery story, an overwhelming majority […]

Bigtime Zionist Propagandist Weinstein Faces Numerous Allegations of Sexual Assault – Exposing the Jewish Casting Couch!

Bigtime Zionist Propagandist Weinstein Faces Numerous Allegations of Sexual Assault – Exposing the Jewish Casting Couch! Download Today Dr. Duke revealed the outrageous sexual crimes committed by movie mogul (((Harvey Weinstein))), co-founder with his brother of Miramax Films. As numerous well-know Jews have pointed out, Hollywood is completely dominated by Jews, although any goy who […]

Man Loses 110 Pounds in Six Months & Overcomes Numerous Health Issues With A “Mucusless Diet”

I was intrigued the first time I heard of the Mucusless Diet Healing System, but not enough to look into it further. The name alone sort of jumps out at you when you hear it the first time. But then it popped up again… and again. I eventually thought to myself, Is the universe trying […]

The numerous tactics that narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths use to manipulate and silence you

     Toxic people such as malignant narcissists, psychopaths and those with antisocial traits engage in maladaptive behaviors in relationships that ultimately exploit, demean and hurt their intimate partners, family members and friends. They use a plethora of diversionary tactics that distort the reality of their victims and deflect responsibility. Although those who are not narcissistic […]

Spanish bullfighter gored to death in ring first time in over 20 years

Bullfight-back: Madrid’s Corrida canceled after all matadors gored Victor Barrio, 29, was killed on Saturday when a bull’s horn ripped through the man’s chest. The fight was being staged in the town of Teruel in the eastern region of Aragon. The performance ending with Barrio’s death was also broadcast on television. The last matador who […]

CONFIRMED: FBI Introduced Florida Shooter to "Informants"

Mateen first appeared on authorities’ radar in 2013 after the security guard’s colleagues alerted the FBI to inflammatory statements he made to colleagues claiming “family connections to Al Qaeda,” according to Comey.  Mateen also told coworkers he had a family member who belonged to Hezbollah, a Shia network that is […]

US Anakonda exercise military convoy kills civilian in Poland

     In the military exercise “Anaconda” a man has been killed and his passenger seriously injured. The man died in a collision of his car with a US military transport, which was part of a convoy driving through Poland. In the margins of the NATO military maneuver “Anaconda” a man was killed in a car […]

Contradictory killing: 5 shot dead after gunman decides ‘to scare’ offenders, ‘shoots in the air’

At about 6 am on Sunday, a group of bikers and a local resident who belonged to the same motorcycle club started arguing near an abandoned brewery in the village of Chelokhovo in the Moscow Region, according to Natalya Osipova, a Moscow Region Court spokesperson cited by RIA Novosti. The man was identified by the […]

Tropical cyclone Fantala brings heavy rainfall and flooding in coastal Kenya; 5 inches of rain in 4 hours

     Tropical cyclone Fantala, the strongest on record in the Indian ocean, triggered spiralling winds that caused an insurgence of moist air from the Indian ocean to the adjacent coastlines of Kenya and eastern Tanzania. Prolonged heavy rainfall occurred as a result, lasting days from Wednesday, 13 April to 18 April 2016. This near week-long […]

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