Posts Tagged ‘covered’

Inspector General: Biden’s State Dept Covered Up $11 Million In Payments to Taliban

Joe Biden has sent the Taliban at least $10.9 million in payments since he oversaw the disastrously mismanaged withdrawal of US forces from Kabul in 2021. Unsurprisingly, the State Department attempting to cover up the […] The post Inspector General: Biden’s State Dept Covered Up $11 Million In Payments to Taliban appeared first on The […]

Shocking documents reveal Trudeau covered up massive PRC infiltration

march 4 2024 Trudeau has been reckless and dangerous with Canada’s national security – he can’t be trusted to protect the Canadian people. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to […]

Dr. Phil: “Facebook Covered Up Evidence of Pedophile Ring”

Former television host Dr. Phil McGraw has blasted Facebook and Instagram for censoring an important video he recently made exposing the pedophilia problem in America. Dr. Phil told “Breakfast Club” host Charlamagne tha God that […] The post Dr. Phil: “Facebook Covered Up Evidence of Pedophile Ring” appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Report: FBI Covered-Up COVID Lab Leak Theory in March 2020

The FBI had credible evidence that COVID-19 had been deliberately leaked from a Chinese laboratory, but decided to hide this information from the public and Congress. According to a report released on Tuesday, FBI Director […] The post Report: FBI Covered-Up COVID Lab Leak Theory in March 2020 appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Massive Lost City Found Covered in Vegetation, Site Is ‘Older Than Any Other’ and Could Rewrite American History


How Much Of The World Is Covered By Croplands?

Over the last 50 years, the world’s human population worldwide has grown exponentially. And, as Visual Capitalist’s Adam Symington details below, this population explosion brought greater food production needs with it, through livestock breeding, cropland expansion, and other increases in land use. But how evenly is this land distributed globally? In this graphic, Adam Symington maps global croplands […]

Threatening letters laced with FENTANYL and covered in Antifa symbols found in election centers all over the country

(NaturalNews) Authorities are currently conducting investigations after election offices in Georgia, Nevada, Oregon and Washington received letters laced with… Source

Biden Covered Up Military Investigation Proving Vaccines Increase Risk of COVID

President Biden covered-up the bombshell results of a U.S. military investigation that proved Covid-19 vaccines increase the risk of a person catching Covid. The military investigation exposed just how inefficient and dangerous vaccines were as […] The post Biden Covered Up Military Investigation Proving Vaccines Increase Risk of COVID appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

How an ‘Absolutely Catastrophic’ Autism Link Was Covered Up by Health Authorities

23 may 2023 Simpsonwood Scandal: How an ‘Absolutely Catastrophic’ Autism Link Was Covered Up by Health Authorities “Simpsonwood was effectively a highly-secret meeting between representatives of federal agencies and vaccine experts to cover up the fact that they had discovered a highly-significant link between exposure to thimerosal in the hepatitis b vaccine and autism,” shared […]

‘Every street in Bakhmut is covered with our blood’, says Ukrainian soldier

Ukraine said its troops were under pressure in the near-destroyed frontline city of Bakhmut, where Russian forces were launching heavy assaults after months of fighting. Source

Southern California Covered In 6 Feet Of Global Warming

ANAHEIM, CA — The Southland was turned upside down this week as an unexpected weather pattern left the region blanketed by what experts were only able to call “massive amounts of Global Warming.” Residents were told to remain indoors to avoid making direct contact with the Global Warming. Source

Archaeologists discover RARE and possibly the OLDEST gold-covered Egyptian mummy

Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered what could possibly be the oldest gold-coverered Egyptian mummy. The said mummy, who was named Hekashepes per the hieroglyphic inscriptions on his sarcophagus, was found among a whole set of tombs going back around 4,300 years ago. Hekashepes’ huge rectangular sarcophagus made of limestone was still sealed with mortar when […]

Memphis police chief covered up child sex crime

Police are sometimes the worst at abusing children as they hide behind their badges, like pedophile priest and ministers hide behind the pulpit and bible. I personally know of a case in the city where I live in which a cop repeatably raped his step daughter “because her mother was not giving him enough sex”. […]

What is covered by the “pictures of the Russian train”?

We recently wrote about the ways the United States’ allegations of North Korean munitions shipments to Russia had created a new standard of proof. However, it appears that the US side is not content with having hit rock bottom once again. On January 20, 2023 National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby raised new […]

Autopsy Reveals Media Covered Up Anne Heche Murder After She Vowed To Expose Pedophile Ring

News regarding Anne Heche’s tragic death stunned the world in August. The Hollywood actress was involved in a serious car crash in Los Angeles and the mainstream media reported that she was high on drugs and out of control. Except now we know that Anne Heche, who had vowed to expose an elite Hollywood pedophile […]

WOW!!! Now that the Khazarian-directed Moscow police department completely covered up the Idaho murders, citizen sleuths have cracked the case. Was this senseless crime purposely perpetrated in Moscow, ID as a subliminal programming psyop?

Submitted by Citizen Investigator GA Since clearly the police are dropping the ball with this case, I think it is nice to see American Citizens working on this of 4 students murdered at Univ of Idaho, on Nov 13, 2022: In summary, the guy who was stalking these girls, and seen on videos stalking them […]

Why is the 13th Century Kelburn Castle covered in Colorful Graffiti?

Kelburn Castle is one of the oldest castles still standing in Scotland. Located in Fairlie, North Ayrshire, Kelburn Castle has a rich history that dates back to the 13th century. Now, however, it is mostly known as Scotland’s famous ‘graffiti castle,’ after a group of Brazilian graffiti artists painted over the exterior in 2007. Tourists […]

Pedophile Pope John Paul II covered up Child Rapes as bishop

Pedophile Pope of Pedophile “priest” giving a private “blessing” to Mossad Jeffery the Child Rape Pimp and his Mossad Madam God Bitch slapping the Pedophile pope’s scrotum cap off his evil child raping skull Jesus the Christ said a pedophile should have a donkey millstone tied around their necks and be thrown in the deep […]

Very Serious Cardiac Risk From COVID mRNA Injections Being Covered Up By FDA, CDC & Corporate Media

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/25/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Israel Covered Up The Murder Of Shireen Abu Akleh With US Help

The results of Israel’s official investigation into their own murder of veteran journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh, was published this Monday. Unsurprisingly, the conclusion is the same as the US report, which was accused by human rights groups of being a whitewash. Israel has all but admitted it killed a US citizen and knows it will […]

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