Posts Tagged ‘proving’

How Israeli university presidents are proving the case for boycott

Israeli university presidents condemnation of the Gaza solidarity protests in the U.S. is revealing Israeli universities’ complicity in occupation, apartheid, and genocide. Source

Mexico “Still Hasn’t Seen Science” From US Proving Genetically Modified Corn Is Safe

Mexico submitted an official reply to the United States in the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) trade dispute about importing genetically modified (GM) corn. Mexico argued that the herbicide glyphosate in the corn is unsafe for human consumption. Corn plays a vital role in the Mexican diet, particularly as the primary ingredient for tortilla flour. In a written submission […]

Russia Releases 2,000 Page Report Proving Deep State & Big Pharma Manufactured Covid Pandemic

Feb 26 2024 Russia Releases 2,000 Page Report Proving Deep State & Big Pharma Manufactured Covid Pandemic Russia has openly alleged that major pharmaceutical companies, along with influential figures within the US political landscape, orchestrated the Covid-19 pandemic as part of a global domination strategy. Among those named as participants in this scheme are Hillary […]

Trump Vows To Release Evidence Proving CIA Assassinated JFK

Donald Trump has promised to release evidence proving that the JFK assassination was an inside job by the CIA if he is reelected President in 2024. In a new campaign video, Trump promises to obtain […] The post Trump Vows To Release Evidence Proving CIA Assassinated JFK appeared first on The People's Voice. Source


Source of Deceptive Big Lie Bull Shit Headline: Source

Commercial documents proving child trafficking by the Ukraine govt implicate British private military company and Coca Cola (Video)


Missouri set to execute Marcellus Williams despite DNA evidence proving innocence—again

Unless we reform this corrupt system, racist politicians will be rewarded with higher political offices–for–”frying a black man.”  Source

Biden Covered Up Military Investigation Proving Vaccines Increase Risk of COVID

President Biden covered-up the bombshell results of a U.S. military investigation that proved Covid-19 vaccines increase the risk of a person catching Covid. The military investigation exposed just how inefficient and dangerous vaccines were as […] The post Biden Covered Up Military Investigation Proving Vaccines Increase Risk of COVID appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Trump Vows To Release Evidence Proving mRNA Vaccines Are Deadly

President Trump has vowed to publicly release damning evidence hidden by Big Pharma companies that prove mRNA vaccines are dangerous to human health. During a recent interview with former Michigan gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon, Trump […] The post Trump Vows To Release Evidence Proving mRNA Vaccines Are Deadly appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Russia Release Damning 2,000 Page Report Proving Covid Was a Globalist Bioweapon

The Covid-19 virus was created as a bioweapon against humanity, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin who has painstakingly compiled a 2,000 page report forensically detailing the crimes of the US Deep State and globalist […] The post Russia Release Damning 2,000 Page Report Proving Covid Was a Globalist Bioweapon appeared first on The People's […]

Russia Releases Evidence Proving WEF & Biden Admin Created Biolabs in Ukraine

The Russian Defense Ministry has obtained over 20,000 documents proving that the Biden regime and World Economic Forum colluded to create biolabs in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ordered all documents related to Metabiota to be […] The post Russia Releases Evidence Proving WEF & Biden Admin Created Biolabs in Ukraine appeared first on News Punch. […]

NBC Caught Quietly Deleting Report Proving That Pelosi Attack Was an Inside Job

On Friday, NBC News accidentally aired a report proving that the Paul Pelosi hammer attack was likely an inside job. The report revealed that Pelosi let police into his home, then walked away from them […] The post NBC Caught Quietly Deleting Report Proving That Pelosi Attack Was an Inside Job appeared first on News […]

FROM TUT:Lest We Forget–Trump tells UN Chief ‘Netanyahu Proving More Difficult Than Abbas on Peace Efforts’

October 27, 2022 By tuteditor According to Western diplomats, Trump nevertheless told Guterres he was optimistic about achieving a peace deal: Netanyahu, he said, knows he’ll never have a more understanding president, and Abbas needs a legacy to leave behind ed note–as the old saying goes, ‘hindsight is always 20/20’, and especially in the aftermath of disasters–either […]

Two More Articles Proving The USA & USA’s CDC are Trying To Mass Murder Americans With Killer Jabs

Killer Jab Spike Protein Detected in mother’s Breast Milk Covid Jab mRNA Detected in Human Breastmilk The Criminal CDC Has Been Hiding The Deaths & Disabilities Of The Killer Jabs For Over Two Years Why Did the CDC Hide the V-Safe Data From the American People for Almost 2 Years? Source

Pentagon whistleblower says release of evidence proving lab origins of COVID-19 imminent

(Natural News) An intentional whistleblower leak from the Pentagon threatens to blow the lid on the lab origins of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which could explain why Tony Fauci and his minions seem to be running for the hills. Attorney Thomas Renz spoke with Alex Jones about how whistleblower Andrew Huff has pulled the pin […]

Pentagon whistleblower says release of evidence proving lab origins of COVID-19 imminent

(Natural News) An intentional whistleblower leak from the Pentagon threatens to blow the lid on the lab origins of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which could explain why Tony Fauci and his minions seem to be running for the hills. Attorney Thomas Renz spoke with Alex Jones about how whistleblower Andrew Huff has pulled the pin […]

OBVIOUSLY! But this is scientific evidence proving the Covid jabs were designed to kill

READ HERE:   Source

Yellow Vest Win: Proving that Western Liberal Democracy is the same old autocracy

June 27, 2022 Source by Ramin Mazaheri If we say that the Yellow Vests are not socialist revolutionaries even latently, then what are they protesting about? To put it the most simply: they are protesting the end of European Social Democracy, with the limited protections it provided. (This is the seventeenth chapter in a new […]

Israel is Now #1 in Covid Cases Per Capita, Proving All the Draconian Measures Are Utterly Worthless

Despite the fact that Israel has implemented some of the most draconian COVID-19 pandemic measures in the world, the country is now number one in the world in new cases, according to local reports. Image: Jerusalem’s Via Dolorosa empty due to coronavirus fears (Reuters via Yahoo News) According to the Times of Israel, a leading […]

Trans Woman Breaks Jeopardy Record, Proving Once And For All That Men Are Smarter Than Women

Trans Woman Breaks Jeopardy Record, Proving Once And For All That Men Are Smarter Than Women CULVER CITY, CA—Trans woman Amy Schneider broke a winnings record on Jeopardy last week, earning more than any female contestant in the show’s history. Experts say this proves once and for all that men really are smarter than women. “As a […]

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