Posts Tagged ‘Draconian’

‘Draconian’: Arizona Dems rage after abortion ruling

‘Draconian’: Arizona Dems rage after abortion ruling lead image Source

As always, the UK leads the way with draconian online censorship laws designed to stifle the truth, especially the most politically incorrect TRUTH.

READ HERE: UK quietly passes “Online Safety Bill” into law   Source

EU issues Draconian Law which will force Social Media to Censor Content at the behest of Bureaucrats

Today, I want to address a matter of utmost importance – the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA) law, its implications, and our stance as a platform committed to protecting free speech. The law goes into effect starting today and Gab will not be complying. Recent developments have brought this law to the forefront, as […]

The Great De-Banking: Global, Draconian And Devastating


Police resign over draconian ‘rules’ (i.e. not even law)

Mass departures and recruitment issues a major challenge for Victoria Police command Police members have revealed why they are walking away from the job amid calls for change to stem the exodus and fix recruitment issues. Victoria Police is fighting for numbers with almost one in nine officers leaving since 2019 and the force struggling […]

Draconian tactics are the only defense Israel has left

The growing awareness of Israeli apartheid is leading Israel and its supporters to double down on draconian tactics to silence the truth. Source

Brutal Draconian Laws of Ancient Greece Were Etched in Blood

Athens is perhaps most famous for being the birthplace of democracy. One of the cornerstones for the establishment of Athenian democracy was the introduction of a written law code that could only be enforced by a court. The institution of such a law code eliminated the (often unjust) interpretation of oral laws which were once […]

Israel is Now #1 in Covid Cases Per Capita, Proving All the Draconian Measures Are Utterly Worthless

Despite the fact that Israel has implemented some of the most draconian COVID-19 pandemic measures in the world, the country is now number one in the world in new cases, according to local reports. Image: Jerusalem’s Via Dolorosa empty due to coronavirus fears (Reuters via Yahoo News) According to the Times of Israel, a leading […]

Huge Crowd Protests Australia’s Draconian Pandemic Powers Bill: ‘Stop Medical Apartheid!’

Thousands of protesters gathered in Melbourne’s CBD on Saturday calling on Premier Daniel Andrews to resign as they rallied against the Victorian government’s new pandemic legislation. daniel andrews evil Chants erupting from the crowd included: “End the mandates,” “Stop medical apartheid,” and “We need Bill of Rights!” “Kill the bill,” protesters chanted. #Melbourneprotest — […]

Former Trump Adviser Aays Australia With Its Draconian Covid Policies Is A ‘Warning’ To US

A former foreign policy adviser to President Donald Trump, has declared that Australia, under Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his draconian covid policies, should be a “warning”to the US George Papadopoulos made his comment a day after Florida governor Ron DeSantis compared Australia to ‘communist China’ RT reports: During a conference in Tampa, Florida on […]

Researcher Michael Swifte on draconian covid policies in Australia

Posted on September 9, 2021 by martyrashrakat September 8, 2021  Eva Bartlett Michael Swifte is an independent activist and advocate residing in Brisbane, Australia. He is a part of the critical thinking collective Wrong Kind of Green. From a brief bio on him: “His work focuses on the non-profit industrial complex with a special interest […]

The ‘Mastermind’ Behind the Draconian ‘Heartbeat Bill’ Banning Abortion as Early as 6 Weeks

Americans woke up last Wednesday morning to a new reality: Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark legislation granting a woman a right to an abortion, was violently under attack through the passage of a new “heartbeat bill” in Texas.  That law—which bans abortion as early as six weeks into pregnancy, makes no exception for rape […]

Australians Defy Restrictions To Protest Draconian Lockdowns, Hundreds Arrested

A day after hundreds of protesters were arrested for ‘breaching Covid restrictions’, Australian PM Scott Morrison has reiterated that the country will continue with lockdowns until the majority of citizens are fully vaccinated. Authorities in Sydney extended the city’s lockdown until at least September to try to head off the ‘Delta variant’ Stay-at-home orders were […]

“Impractical, immoral, illegal”: Kerala’s draconian Covid rules trigger outrage

Kerala, once celebrated as a model state for its effective response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and which had only eased its second state-wide lockdown nearly a month ago, has been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately. On August 3rd, fresh Covid-19 cases in the state surged to 23,676, the highest single-day count […]

Switzerland Adopts Draconian Police Law

The new anti-terror law adopted by Switzerland last weekend is one of the harshest police laws in all of Europe. Its adoption in a referendum highlights the urgency of building a genuine workers’ party in Switzerland that defends as a matter of principle the democratic rights of working people. The “Federal Law on Police Measures […]

‘My mistake alone’: Merkel cancels Germany’s draconian Easter lockdown after facing widespread resistance

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has pulled the plug on harsh Covid-19 restrictions planned during the Easter holiday, after the decree caused an uproar among the public as well as within her own party. In a video call on Wednesday, Merkel told state premiers that she was dropping the five-day lockdown, which would have closed all […]

New York Lawmakers Start Impeachment Process Against Draconian Democrat Andrew Cuomo

New York lawmakers on Thursday began the impeachment process against Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo. Assembly Republicans announced a resolution to create an impeachment commission, the first crucial step in the process of impeaching and ousting Cuomo. The announcement comes just 24 hours after New York Senate Democrats moved on Wednesday to strip Governor Andrew Cuomo of […]

Biden Shamelessly Exploits Parkland Shooting to Push Draconian Gun Ban

Renegade Editor’s Note: The Parkland School shooting was an obvious psychological operation. By Matt Agorist Pulling on the heartstrings of Americans on Valentine’s Day, President Joe Biden urged Congress to implement unprecedented gun bans, magazine bans, ammo bans, and going after gun manufacturers. He pushed for these draconian measures by evoking an emotional reaction, through […]

Berkeley’s Draconian COVID-19 Restrictions Look More Like Prison Than College

By Ashley Carnahan and Adam Sabes UC-Berkeley is requiring students who live on-campus to undergo a “self-sequester” period, during which students cannot leave their dorm room to go to the store or even exercise outside alone. One student told Campus Reform that the university is placing them under “house arrest.” The University of California-Berkeley imposed […]

12,785 Medical & Public Health Scientists and 38,464 Medical practitioners say NO to draconian lockdown measures

Phi Quyền Chính – Anarchism: The Tao Of Anarchy Oct 10, 2020 Bill Muehlenberg In just a few days 20,000 medical health experts have signed it, as have 180,000 members of the general public. I refer to an important new Declaration which gives lie to all the bogus claims we keep hearing, such as: ‘The […]

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