Posts Tagged ‘articles’

Dem-controlled U.S. Senate REJECTS ALL articles of impeachment against Mayorkas

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Senate, which is controlled by the Democratic Party, has rejected all articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro… Source


Seeing a Lot of Pig S#it Articles About “Americans” Taken Captive or Killed In Occupied Palestine By Semitic Palestinian Freedom Fighters

If one self identifies as an End of Times Death Cult Member, or a Jew, Same difference, one can not be a real American. Nitwityahoo- year 2002 A Jew cult member must always be first loyal to the Jew Cult. Any “American” who was in occupied Palestine doing anything other than trying to help the […]

1000 Peer reviewed articles on “Vaccine”, injuries. Dr Trozzi. Source

The Four Biden Impeachment Articles Are Already Proven By The Hard Evidence Unless You Read This Legal Opinion

READ HERE:   Source

Google rolls out new generative AI feature that summarizes articles – meaning, you can only see what it allows you to see

(NaturalNews) Google has begun rolling out a new artificial intelligence-powered Search Generative Experience (SGE) feature which will summarize articles being… Source

“Lab Leak” Articles About “COVID-19” Are Propaganda To Fool The Sheep Into Believing The Scamdemic Was Real

There is and never was a “SARS-COV-02” “virus. 217 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever No Worries No Virus Those who got the yearly flu were relabeled sick with “COVID-19”. According to the evil anti-human psychopaths who dreamed up the scamdemic and their […]

RIGGED: Members of the British media have already written articles blaming Russia for a dirty bomb attack in Ukraine that hasn’t even happened yet

RIGGED: Members of the British media have already written articles blaming Russia for a dirty bomb attack in Ukraine that hasn’t even happened yet British media outlets have already written articles claiming that Russia is the culprit of an expected dirty bomb incident in Ukraine. This is according to award-winning British journalist and Daily Mail correspondent […]

Appendix 206: Gangstalkers = New Secret Police! A.K. Forwood (TI) Articles: 1) Social Self-Destruction: Secret War of Controlled Chaos, 2) The Network: Inside the Targeting System

Epigraph Quotes: 1) (Organized stalking) is a cleverly disguised system of torture and murder (aimed primarily) at opponents of the New World Order. Mark M. Rich, The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against The Domestic Population (2011) 2) The program,” which I refer to as the National Security Racketeering Network, is an extra-judicial […]

Why I Don’t Get All Hot & Bothered About Articles Screaming the UN or the WHO Is Being Given “authority” to Dictate Policy in the USA

“1:The USA is a Corporation, not a country, not a nation. #2:I am a Texican. #3:The political whores, Israhell Firsters, Mexico Firsters, yankee carpetbaggers and scalawags holding forth in Sodom & Gomorrah on the Colorado Are not Texicans, and the sub corporation of the USA Corporation, ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’ is not, and can never […]

Appendix 202: Govt Says It Owns Everyone’s Thoughts, Calling It “Cognitive Infrastructure” (2 articles w/ videos & DoD/GAO document)

Epigraph Quote from 2nd article: CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) has categorized people’s “thoughts” as being part of the government’s infrastructure – meaning the government believes it owns whatever activity takes place inside your head. Webmaster Comment:  The US governments’ claim that they own people’s thoughts springs directly from the technologies of thought reading, […]


HEADLINE: ‘McCarthy Warns Biden Could ‘Bumble’ Into First Default In US History’. In 1913, Woodrow Wilson who had been placed into the USA presidency by Rothschild INC., Criminally betrayed Americans by signing into Unconstitutional “law” the Private Usury Scam which to confuse the public was called the Federal Reserve Act, which turned America’s dollar over […]

BuzzFeed Caught Using ‘Woke’ AI To Write Its Articles

Far-left outlet BuzzFeed has been caught using woke AI technology to generate articles amid declining readership and revenue. The company admitted earlier this year that it would start publishing “AI-assisted content,” according to CEO Jonah […] The post BuzzFeed Caught Using ‘Woke’ AI To Write Its Articles appeared first on News Punch. Source

Most Popular Ancient Origins Articles of 2022

We’ve shared what we thought the most impressive finds of the year, and now we will share those articles which really caught our readers interest this this year. Read more Section:  News General Read Later  Source

Two More Articles Proving The USA & USA’s CDC are Trying To Mass Murder Americans With Killer Jabs

Killer Jab Spike Protein Detected in mother’s Breast Milk Covid Jab mRNA Detected in Human Breastmilk The Criminal CDC Has Been Hiding The Deaths & Disabilities Of The Killer Jabs For Over Two Years Why Did the CDC Hide the V-Safe Data From the American People for Almost 2 Years? Source

Pelosi Drafts Articles Of Impeachment Against New Prime Minister Of Italy

WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi drafted articles of impeachment against newly elected Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni Tuesday to combat what she calls “far-right extremist Mussolini cosplay under the Tuscan sun.” Source

Articles of Impeachment Being Filed Against Biden For ‘High Crimes’

Articles of Impeachment Being Filed Against Biden For ‘High Crimes’Date: September 1, 2022Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: The Republic BriefRepublicans are getting ready to impeach Democrat President Joe Biden, and more crimes and misdemeanors have been added to the growing list that faces Biden if the GOP retakes the US house in November.Left-leaning media is […]

Articles of Impeachment Being Filed Against Biden For ‘High Crimes’

Articles of Impeachment Being Filed Against Biden For ‘High Crimes’Date: September 1, 2022Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: The Republic BriefRepublicans are getting ready to impeach Democrat President Joe Biden, and more crimes and misdemeanors have been added to the growing list that faces Biden if the GOP retakes the US house in November.Left-leaning media is […]

Articles of Impeachment Being Filed Against Biden For ‘High Crimes’

Articles of Impeachment Being Filed Against Biden For ‘High Crimes’Date: September 1, 2022Author: Nwo Report Posted BY: The Republic BriefRepublicans are getting ready to impeach Democrat President Joe Biden, and more crimes and misdemeanors have been added to the growing list that faces Biden if the GOP retakes the US house in November.Left-leaning media is […]

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The easiest way to print articles is to right click your mouse and select “Print.” Another way to print articles is to activate Reading mode before printing to eliminate content not related to the article being printed. See here for info on how to do this in your browser. After enabling reading mode, click in […]

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