Posts Tagged ‘regrets’



Pandemic of retail THEFT: Democrat county supervisor now regrets stupidly backing a radical crime bill that legalized shoplifting in California

(NaturalNews) A California county supervisor recently took to X, formerly Twitter, to admit his mistake of backing the radical crime bill Prop. 47 a decade ago as… Source

Megyn Kelly Publicly Says She REGRETS Taking the COVID Vaccine, Suspects It Caused New Medical Issue

Originally Published on Vigilant News Megyn Kelly just fired a shot heard around the world against the “safe and effective” narrative. In a viral video clip shared by “X” user Chief Nerd, Megyn Kelly joined Dan Bongino, becoming one of the few high-profile personalities to express vaccine regret publicly. Watch: “I regret getting the vaccine […]

Macron: ‘I have no regrets pushing for this necessary reform’

France’s President Emmanuel Macron stood by his government and condemned violence in a much-anticipated interview over pension reforms. Source

Man Regrets Transitioning To Woman After Seeing Line For Restroom

PORTLAND, OR — A local man who recently completed his transition to living as if he were a woman immediately regretted his decision to do so after seeing the line for the ladies’ room at a large public event last night. Source

A Year On and Trudeau ‘Regrets’ Calling Freedom Convoy ‘Fringe Minority’

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has expressed “regret” for calling the Freedom Convoy protestors a “fringe minority” with”unacceptable views”. Source

God Regrets Writing ‘Sing To The Lord A New Song’ After Hearing The New Songs Christians Are Singing

WORLD — Worship leaders worldwide were left stunned today after word began to spread that the Lord now regrets including the command “Sing unto the Lord a new song” in His Word after hearing the new songs Christians are currently singing. Source

Elon Musk finally talks about his jabs, adverse effects and regrets.


LinkedIn founder REGRETS interactions with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein

Reid Hoffman, the founder of employment-oriented social media platform LinkedIn, expressed regret over his interactions with the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. He expounded on this regret in an email to Axios, saying that it followed Epstein’s first conviction for soliciting an underage prostitute. Hoffman, however, explained that he was forced to meet with Epstein […]

Man who regrets having his genitals removed says he was “brainwashed by the trans community”

(Natural News) A 32-year-old male who unsuccessfully tried to become a “female” is speaking out about his transgender regret. “Shape Shifter,” as this person now calls himself, tried to transform into a female by having his genitalia removed and replaced with a “neo-vagina.” Obviously, this did not work and left Shape Shifter with a host […]

Man who regrets having his genitals removed says he was “brainwashed by the trans community”

(Natural News) A 32-year-old male who unsuccessfully tried to become a “female” is speaking out about his transgender regret. “Shape Shifter,” as this person now calls himself, tried to transform into a female by having his genitalia removed and replaced with a “neo-vagina.” Obviously, this did not work and left Shape Shifter with a host […]

Brazilian President Regrets Removing Liability From Big Pharma For Covid Jab Side-Effects

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has explained why he chose not to have the covid jab. During a recent interview with Tucker Carlson he also expressed his regret at passing legislation to protect pharmaceutical companies from […] The post Brazilian President Regrets Removing Liability From Big Pharma For Covid Jab Side-Effects appeared first on News Punch. […]

“No Regrets”: A 2021 Monkeypox Simulation Predicted 270 Million Dead, Lockdowns, Mask Mandates & Social Distancing

As the world is hearing about the spread of monkeypox we are also learning of a 2021 exercise which simulated a worldwide monkeypox outbreak killing 270 million people.  In March 2021, two organizations partnered together to conduct a simulation to evaluate “high-consequence biological threats”. The simulation focused on a bio-terror attack which used a weaponized version […]

After Seeing Latest Jobs Report, Nation Regrets Buffalo Guy’s Failure To Seize Presidency

U.S.–As a dismal job numbers and economic data were released this week, many are regretting Buffalo Guy didn’t manage to body-slam Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and seize the presidency. The superviolent insurrection on January 6th was initially met with disdain by a majority of Americans, but though they may disagree with the methods, they now find […]

Mother Regrets Putting 12-year-old Daughter in Pfizer COVID-19 “Vaccine” Trial

Former Green Bay Packer Ken Ruettgers, left, touches his face while sharing about the numbness and tingle feelings he said his wife Sheryl, right, experienced after receiving the first dose of the Moderna vaccine in January 2021. According to her she continues to experience neurological reactions that inhibit her day to day quality of life. Image […]

UK Science advisory committee REGRETS using FEAR to Control People

    In March of 2020, the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavior instructed government officials across Europe to instill fear in the population and increase “the perceived level of personal threat.” As countries prepared to lock down, the science committee told government ministers “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently [and] […]

Biden news: President has ‘no regrets’ saying Putin a killer, as White House admits ‘crisis on border’

Watch live as Biden makes remarks on the state of vaccinations Joe Biden has “no regrets” for calling Russian president Vladimir Putin a “killer” and escalating tensions between Washington and the Kremlin, according to the White House. “We are confident that we can continue to look for ways where there’s a mutual interest,” said press […]

Capitol riot defendants facing jail have regrets. Judges aren’t buying it.

For many accused of trying to block Congress from confirming the winner of the presidential election on 6 January, an arrest was a reality check. Now they are getting another. As defendants charged in the Capitol siege have been coming through court, some have been shifting blame onto former president Donald Trump, downplaying their actions […]

EU top official regrets ‘mistakes’ over vaccine export gaffe

The European Union’s top official expressed regret for creating a row with Britain last month when the bloc briefly considered applying an emergency restriction on exports of COVID-19 vaccines also to the U.K.’s Northern Ireland Amid a dispute with Anglo-Swedish drugmaker AstraZeneca, the EU introduced tighter rules on exports of COVID-19 vaccines that could hit […]

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