Posts Tagged ‘megyn’

Megyn Kelly Issues MASSIVE Warning to Democrats After Guilty Trump Verdict

“These Democrats will rue the day they decided to use lawfare to stop a presidential candidate,” warned Megyn Kelly, a prominent broadcaster and journalist, on her show Thursday evening. In light of the New York ‘hush money’ trial guilty verdict, making Donald Trump the first former president in American history to be convicted of a […]

“They Don’t Want It Discussed” – Megyn Kelly Reacts to Moderna Surveilling Her Vaccine Criticism

Political commentator Megyn Kelly has reacted to the fact that she was singled out and monitored by the large pharmaceutical corporation, Moderna, after sharing her adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine publicly. Last year, Kelly voiced regret over her decision to get the COVID shot which, in her case, reportedly resulted in autoimmune complications. As a healthy […]

Megyn Kelly Says ‘You May Hear from Jeffrey Epstein in the Coming Year Directly’ (VIDEO)

Megyn Kelly Says ‘You May Hear from Jeffrey Epstein in the Coming Year Directly’ (VIDEO) Source

Video: Megyn Kelly OBLITERATES DeSantis at GOP Debate

Last Updated on December 7, 2023 Journalist Megyn Kelly obliterated Ron DeSantis at Wednesday night’s News Nation GOP debate, in which Kelly was part of a team of moderators tossing questions at the Republican presidential candidates taking on 45th President Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination. “Governor DeSantis, your campaign and its Super PAC have […]

Megyn Kelly calls out Trump for GASLIGHTING America about COVID lockdowns – “you actually gave Fauci a presidential commendation before leaving office”

(NaturalNews) In one of the most cringeworthy interviews he has ever given, former President Donald Trump just about killed his chances of reelection in 2024 by… Source

Megyn Kelly Asks Trump a Few Hard Questions

One reporter has proven brave enough not to take the deal. The deal is: you can interview Trump provided you don’t ask perfectly obvious questions about his Covid response that shredded the Bill of Rights, wrecked his presidency, enabled mass mail-in ballots, elevated agencies to the status of dictators, and kicked off the biggest national […]

Megyn Kelly Says She Contracted VAIDS After Getting Vaccinated

SiriusXM host Megyn Kelly has revealed that she contracted Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS) as a direct result of taking the mRNA Covid jab. “I regret getting the vaccine even though I am a […] The post Megyn Kelly Says She Contracted VAIDS After Getting Vaccinated appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Megyn Kelly Publicly Says She REGRETS Taking the COVID Vaccine, Suspects It Caused New Medical Issue

Originally Published on Vigilant News Megyn Kelly just fired a shot heard around the world against the “safe and effective” narrative. In a viral video clip shared by “X” user Chief Nerd, Megyn Kelly joined Dan Bongino, becoming one of the few high-profile personalities to express vaccine regret publicly. Watch: “I regret getting the vaccine […]

Megyn Kelly Challenges Charlize Theron To ‘Come F**k Me Up’ for Exposing Sexualization of Minors

Megyn Kelly is taking up Hollywood transgender activist Charlie Theron’s threat to “fuck anybody up” who dares to question the sexualization of children. On Friday, Kelly hit back at Theron during an episode of her […] The post Megyn Kelly Challenges Charlize Theron To ‘Come F**k Me Up’ for Exposing Sexualization of Minors appeared first […]

Megyn Kelly’s Fully Jabbed Sister Dies ‘Suddenly and Unexpectedly’ From a Heart Attack

On Monday, former Fox News host Megyn Kelly revealed on her podcast that her fully jabbed 58-year-old sister, Suzanne Crossley, had died “suddenly and unexpectedly” on Friday from a heart attack. Megyn Kelly began her […] The post Megyn Kelly’s Fully Jabbed Sister Dies ‘Suddenly and Unexpectedly’ From a Heart Attack appeared first on News […]

‘It was sudden and it was unexpected’: Emotional Megyn Kelly announces death of 58-year-old sister from a Killer Jab Heart Attack

Those who could not see the scam were spiritually blind. Those who took the killer jab knowing it was bull s#it were spiritually weak. If they have not already, they will pay for their lack of trusting in God instead of trusting in man with their lives. The Ole Pure Blood Unjabbed Dog! Megyn Kelly […]

Megyn Kelly on Biden Administration: ‘These F*ckers Have Lied to Us for Long Enough’ on COVID Origin

[WARNING: Adult Language] Wednesday on SiriusXM’s “The Megyn Kelly Show,” host Megyn Kelly said that the Biden Administration’s scientists have lied long enough on the when and how the COVID pandemic started. Kelly’s criticisms centered on EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, a zoologist who worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and reportedly used U.S. government grants for […]

Megyn Kelly Speaks Out: Mainstream Media ‘Made Sh*t Up’ About Jan 6 Riot

Reporter Megyn Kelly has spoken out against the Democrat-controlled mainstream media, revealing that numerous outlets ‘made sh*t up’ about the January 6 riot to make the events at the U.S. Capitol appear “much worse than it actually was.” According to Kelly, Democrat activists posing as journalists in the mainstream media are using the riot at […]

Putin Confronts Megyn Kelly

Putin Confronts Megyn Kelly Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids Putin Confronts Megyn Kelly March 13, 2018 © Watch ‘EU-Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________ MORE: If Putin’s A Killer-America’s A Butcher Here Why Congress Hates Russia Here How The Media Fakes The News Here Russia Beats US In The Middle East Here America’s Two Minutes Of Hate Here Did […]

Putin to Megyn Kelly: ‘US Started New Arms Race When They Pulled Out of Missile Treaty’

This week, Russian President Vladimir Putin sat down with NBC presenter Megyn Kelly where he blames the US for starting a new arms race beginning when George W. Bush pulled out of the landmark 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty on June 13, 2002. This latest debate was initiated by Putin’s annual state of the nation […]

Megyn Kelly: Wrongly Convicted Black Men Can Forgive White Cops With God’s Help

MINNEAPOLIS — It just wouldn’t be Christmas without a story of hope and forgiveness. We can thank former Fox News figure Megyn Kelly, now an NBC News personality, for this one. The day after Christmas Kelly brought together for her feel-good show a wrongfully imprisoned man and the cop who framed him. The pair, Jameel […]

What We Can Learn From NBC’s Megyn Kelly’s ‘Hit Piece’ On Alex Jones

Over the past week, NBC’s Megyn Kelly has taken a lot of heat over her controversial interview with Alex Jones. You may be familiar with Alex Jones’ work at Info Wars, as he’s gained an extensive following after years of work in alternative news and “conspiracy theories.” To be clear, I genuinely believe that Alex Jones […]

BREAKING: The REAL Reason Megyn Kelly Hates Trump – She’s A Closet Liberal Lesbian! (SECRET REPORT)

I don’t know about you, but I have always had a strangely unsettling feeling about Megyn Kelly. It always seemed to me that she had an agenda of her own and was never really an ally to true conservatives. And, guess what? It looks like I was right all along! It was recently reported […]

How Alex Jones made Megyn Kelly look like a complete FOOL

Look, I don’t agree with Alex Jones on everything, and he’s made some journalistic mistakes that he’s apologized for, but he sure pulled off a strategic victory against the fake news media (NBC, CNN, NYT, etc.) in his recent face-off with Megyn Kelly, leaving her looking like a complete fool. Actually, “fool” isn’t quite the […]

Alex Jones Releases Secret Recording of Fake News Megyn Kelly Interview

Eric Striker Daily Stormer June 16, 2017 Megyn “The Viper” Kelly thought her stripper come-ons were enough to ensnare Alex Jones. This expired bimbo really thought she could outsmart a man on BRAIN FORCE!? Sensing that Jews would edit the talk to make him look as bad as possible, Jones secretly recorded […]

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