Posts Tagged ‘fully’

Fully Jabbed 17-Year-Old Chinese Player Drops Dead Mid-Game

A fully jabbed 17-year-old Badminton star collapsed mid-game on Sunday and died after suffering a fatal heart attack. Zhang Zhijie was playing against Kazuma Kawano of Japan at the Badminton Asia Junior Championships on Sunday […] The post Fully Jabbed 17-Year-Old Chinese Player Drops Dead Mid-Game appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Former Amb. Says US Fully Shares Netanyahu Gaza Objectives & Rights Group Records 141 IDF Mass Graves

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/26/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Lloyd Austin, with No evidence supporting him, says Jewish Terrorists fully comply with law when murdering, raping kids, looting

Apr 09, 2024 The U.S. defense secretary’s remarks came after Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other law experts around the world asserted that Israel’s Gaza onslaught meets the legal definition of genocide. BRETT WILKINS U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Tuesday became the latest Biden administration official to deny that Israel’s six-month bombardment, invasion, and siege […]

Fully Vaccinated OJ Simpson Dies After Sudden Bout of Cancer

Former Hollywood and football star OJ Simpson, who encouraged his followers to get the Covid mRNA vaccine on social media, has died of cancer at the age of 76. In a statement on X, Simpson’s […] The post Fully Vaccinated OJ Simpson Dies After Sudden Bout of Cancer appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

So Many of the Fully Covid Vaxed Are No Longer the People You Once Knew and Loved

So Many of the Fully Covid Vaxed Are No Longer the People You Once Knew and Loved  Tue 4:14 pm +01:00, 9 Apr 2024  1 posted by pete fairhurst 2 There is no getting around what—we who refused the COVID-19 vaccines—are witnessing with our own eyes. People whom we knew, and in some cases loved, […]

Cancer risk soars 52% among fully vaccinated aged 15-59, pathologist finds

(NaturalNews) A Croatian pathologist by the name of Ivana Pavic spoke with investigator Steve Kirsch recently about a disturbing phenomenon she is observing in… Source

Medicine Has Been Fully Militarized

I am thinking of a certain industry. See if you can guess what it is. This industry is huge, constituting a large portion of the nation’s GDP. Millions of people earn their living through it, directly or indirectly. The people at the top of this industry (who operate mostly behind the scenes, of course) are […]

Fully Vaccinated Actor Alec Musser Drops Dead Days After Receiving Booster

50-year-old Actor Alec Musser, who was vaccinated against COVID and had recently received a booster, has died suddenly and unexpectedly. According to Musser’s fiancée, Paige Press, the actor was suffering from “a severe case of […] The post Fully Vaccinated Actor Alec Musser Drops Dead Days After Receiving Booster appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

‘I feel fully betrayed by the United States’: an interview with Yasmeen Elagha

Yasmeen Elagha has lost more than 100 relatives in Israel’s attack on Gaza and is now part of a group of Palestinian-Americans in Chicago who are suing the Biden administration over its failure to evacuate their family members. Source

Don’t believe Haaretz and the NYT. Israeli society fully supports the Gaza genocide.

Haaretz and the New York Times are peddling fantasies about how genocidal incitement in Israel is only coming from an extremist fringe. But evidence shows there is near universal support across Israeli society for the genocide in Gaza. Source

Fully Vaccinated Starting To Develop Early-Onset Arthritis, Doctors Warn

Fully vaccinated patients are developing early-onset arthritis, according to disturbing new research published in the peer-reviewed journal Cureus on December 18. According to the research, a 56-year-old woman who, one month after taking her second dose of […] The post Fully Vaccinated Starting To Develop Early-Onset Arthritis, Doctors Warn appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Modern Insider Trading Fully Exposed

MUST SEE: Industry Insider Spills the joo beans.  How the banksters corrupt every government agency in order to profit from fleecing the people.  Anyone who has been victimized by an economic crash needs to understand how it happened and who did it.  How banksters rule the world. The Great Taking – Documentary – YouTube Please […]

Fully Jabbed Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante Collapses Mid-Speech

The world’s media captured the moment on Tuesday when the mayor of Montreal, Canada, Valérie Plante, suddenly collapsed halfway through a press conference. Plante was answering reporters’ questions at a news conference when she dramatically […] The post Fully Jabbed Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante Collapses Mid-Speech appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Adams says team is ‘fully cooperating’ with FBI investigation

Adams says team is ‘fully cooperating’ with FBI investigation lead image Source

Fully Vaxxed Brooke Shields Rushed To Hospital After ‘Foaming at the Mouth’ and ‘Turning Blue’

Fully vaccinated Hollywood star Brooke Shields has revealed the extent of her poor health in recent years, admitting she was recently rushed to hospital after “foaming at the mouth” and “turning totally blue.” Brooke, who […] The post Fully Vaxxed Brooke Shields Rushed To Hospital After ‘Foaming at the Mouth’ and ‘Turning Blue’ appeared first […]

Top Doctors Warn Fully Jabbed Now Have PERMANENT Heart Damage

Two top American doctors have spoken out to warn the public about the “permanent heart damage” being inflicted on people who have received the Covid mRNA vaccines. According to a disturbing new study published in the […] The post Top Doctors Warn Fully Jabbed Now Have PERMANENT Heart Damage appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

“We cry for and fully support the Palestinians” — Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss (Video)


Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices

All around the world, people who used to be healthy are sicker than ever before after getting the COVID jab. Their symptoms are not just physical, according to experts. One fully jabbed person who can […] The post Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Russia has almost fully bypassed Western sanctions on oil exports

(NaturalNews) Western sanctions against Russian oil exports have proven to be unsuccessful as Moscow continues finding ways to completely bypass them.Revenue… Source

9 in every 10 COVID Deaths over the last year have been among the Fully/Triple Vaccinated

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON SEPTEMBER 16, 2023 • ( 8 COMMENTS ) Official figures published by the UK Government reveal the fully/triple vaccinated population have accounted for over 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England over the past year, 91% of all Covid-19 deaths since the beginning of 2022, and 94% of all Covid-19 deaths since the beginning of April 2022. […]

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