Posts Tagged ‘psychosis’

Mass Psychosis – How an entire population can go mentally ill

The most dangerous of all mental epidemics is mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness that occurs when a large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not fiction. Two examples are the American and European witch hunts of the 15th and 16th centuries and the rise of […]

Killer Jabbed Sheep Suffering Psychosis, Panic Attacks and Hallucinations

Have you been wondering why necked women are walking down a Kalifornia freeway shooting at random cars, killer jabbed zombies are trying to attack and eat other people, sheep are doing totally stupid and outlandish things all over the world? Ever notice it is the killer jabbed doing this shit and not Purebloods? It is […]

Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices

All around the world, people who used to be healthy are sicker than ever before after getting the COVID jab. Their symptoms are not just physical, according to experts. One fully jabbed person who can […] The post Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

COVID vaccinated suffering psychosis, panic attacks and hallucinations

(NaturalNews) All across the country, people who used to be healthy are sicker than ever. And the cause, they say, is Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)… Source

The Truth on the West Memphis 3-Satanism, Sickness, Psychosis & Murder

Real Crime with Trench Reynolds Twitter Facebook Tumblr LInkedIn Pinterest Spotify YouTube Instagram Post RSS Posted onAugust 22, 2011 Damien Echols has fooled you all How does my hair look? It seems that 2011 is shaping up to be the year that child killers are released. First Casey Anthony gets off then the West Memphis 3 […]

Google ‘Psychosis’ & You Get: “You May Be Worried That The Government Is Trying To Harm You.”

It feels irresponsible to take a basic and widespread belief that “people don’t trust their government,” and tie it in so closely with a mental illness. Source

‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Not Even Wrong. Millions of People Bought into the Establishment Corona Narrative

By Dr. Emanuel GarciaGlobal Research, October 13, 2022   All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.***Wolfgang Pauli is reputed […]

‘Mass Formation Psychosis’: Propaganda Glitch Exposes Worldwide Mainstream Media Climate Doom Agenda

Climate change alarmism is back on the agenda and mainstream media around the world is attempting to convince citizens of every country in the world that their country is heating faster than the rest of […] The post ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’: Propaganda Glitch Exposes Worldwide Mainstream Media Climate Doom Agenda appeared first on News Punch. […]

Conspiracy Psychosis vs Conspiracy Reality

Conspiracy Psychosis is real. Some conspiracies are real many are not real. Because the so-called Deep State has pulled off some amazing assassinations and false flag terror attacks as a result many people have gone mad or at the very least have gotten very depressed trying to figure them all out. Obsession with conspiracy theory […]

Stage Two Of Mass Psychosis TAKING HOLD

Stage Two Of Mass Psychosis TAKING HOLD The COVID World post date: March 8th, 2022By Dylan Charles It wasn’t but a week ago that our future looked brighter than it had in the last two years. The mandates were lifting and science was finally switching teams to join the side of rationality. Then… FULL STOP.But […]


[embedded content]… Adam Curry Antonia & Nicola Horlick, Georgie & Nicola Horlick ‘As her favourite song played for Antonia’s birthday, extraordinarily, Georgie manifested herself to Antonia in physical form.  [embedded content]…Crusades – Christian thugs killing Christians Obama’s mother. Mishko commented – This comment relates to Jakarta Kid 20-25 Here goes:  I am of mixed origins, my […]

‘Mass Psychosis’ is Trending on Twitter

The concept of a ‘mass psychosis’, an unrecognised force which is influencing humanity in its darkest hour, has been gaining traction on social media. It might provide a useful mechanism to explain how so many people could be fooled by a fake pandemic, but is it in danger of letting certain narrative kingpins and zealots […]

Leaked: ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Admittedly Used by Governments as Tool of Population Control

Dr. Robert Malone’s assertions about “mass formation psychosis” in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are underscored by the fact that authorities in the UK admitted to using “totalitarian” methods of “mind control” to instill fear in the population. In Canada, the military also admitted launching a psychological operations campaign against their own people in […]

UK Gov’t Confess to Using ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ – Stunning Admission

The UK government has admitted to using “totalitarian” psychological warfare tactics on the British public in order to brainwash citizens during the Coronavirus pandemic, adding weight to claims about “mass formation psychosis” by Dr. Robert Malone last week. During his viral podcast with Joe Rogan after he was banned by Twitter, Dr. Malone explained how […]

The Term ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ is Now BANNED by Google Following Bombshell Dr. Malone Interview

Dr. Robert Malone, the virologist who invented the mRNA technology used in the COVID injection, spoke of a fascinating phenomenon while on Joe Rogan’s podcast regarding a large swath of humanity who have been induced into semi-permanent hysteria over the establishment’s constant COVID propaganda — called “mass formation psychosis.” Malone explained to Rogan how the […]

‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ Admittedly Used by Governments as Tool of Population Control

Dr. Robert Malone’s assertions about “mass formation psychosis” in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are underscored by the fact that authorities in the UK admitted to using “totalitarian” methods of “mind control” to instill fear in the population. In Canada, the military also admitted launching a psychological operations campaign against their own people in […]

Dr Robert Malone with Joe Rogan on Mass Formation Psychosis

Dr Robert Malone with Joe Rogan on Mass Formation Psychosis During his interview on the Joe Rogan podcast last week,  mRNA technology inventor, Dr Robert Malone explained the truth about mass formation psychosis. Malone was shortly afterwards de-platformed by Twitter. He says he doesn’t know which tweet got him banned from the platform.This clip of […]

A Brief Exploration of COVID-Induced Mass Psychosis

Guest post from Nicholas Creed (pseudonym) – a Bangkok-based journalistic infidel impervious to propaganda: We can draw upon popular culture across film, fiction, and a vast array of dystopian novels to reference, attempt to make sense of, and draw parallels to our current shared plight. A lesser-known, less readily-acknowledged concept social affliction at play — […]


or… mass hypnosis- the madness of crowds As many of you know, I have spent time researching and speaking about mass psychosis theory. Most of what I have learned has come from Dr. Mattias Desmet, who realized that this form of mass hypnosis, of the madness of crowds, can account for the strange phenomenon of […]

Dr. Chris Martenson Interview – COVID Mass Psychosis & Gov Lies Are Creating An Authoritarian Future

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Joining me today (12/17/21) is Dr. Chris Martenson, here to discuss the many different lies surrounding the COVID-19 narrative and how these lies created a mass psychosis in a large portion of the population. This then led to the abuse of that […]

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