Posts Tagged ‘voices’

UK Parliament: Misinformation And Trusted Voices, Also Known As Censorship – UKColumn News


Independent Voices Sing in Symphony

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL One of my earliest memories of classical music is accompanying my father and older brother to hear Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony when I was 7. The symphony conveyed pure magic, filling my head with sonorous themes and exquisite harmonies, permeating the whole of my being.  Enveloped in an emotional reverie, I […]

Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices

All around the world, people who used to be healthy are sicker than ever before after getting the COVID jab. Their symptoms are not just physical, according to experts. One fully jabbed person who can […] The post Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Pence slams Trump, GOP ‘voices of appeasement’ as Israel comes under attack

GLENWOOD, Iowa — Former Vice President Mike Pence tore into Donald Trump and pointed to isolationism in the Republican Party as complicit in the sweeping Hamas attack on Israel, decrying American “retreat on the world stage.” In a scathing rebuke, Pence faulted “voices of appeasement like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis that I […]

Washington Post and MSNBC voices say ‘Apartheid’ (and J Street inches closer)

The letter accusing Israel of apartheid initiated by Israeli Jewish scholars has given permission to commentators at mainstream publications to echo the accusation. Even J Street acknowledges it’s two sets of law based on “racial and ethnic” distinction. Source

Prof. Dr. Mattias Desmet: “Continue to speak out. If other voices are available in the public space, then the mass hypnosis will be disturbed.”

BY RHODA WILSON ON OCTOBER 26, 2021 • ( 16 COMMENTS ) “The most important thing for people to do is to continue to speak out even if it’s just to say that you don’t agree with the mainstream narrative because mass formation is provoked by the specific voice it’s gotten used to.  Totalitarian leaders know this very well. They start every […]

Leading liberal Zionist voices call for ending U.S. aid to Israel

A New York Times Op-Ed featuring liberal Zionist leaders calls to end military aid to Israel as the country passes a law gutting its judiciary. This is the moment people working to end U.S. aid to Israel has been waiting for. Source

Thousands march at Budapest Pride as LGBTQ+ community voices anxiety over Hungary’s restrictive laws

Thousands of participants of the Budapest Pride march wound through the streets of the Hungarian capital on Saturday – with many voicing their anxiety over the increasing pressure on the LGBTQ+ community from the country’s right-wing government. The 28th annual event comes as the country’s laws, which ban the depiction of homosexuality or gender transition, […]

Voices of Ancestors: Listen to the Sound of 14 Ancient Languages (Video)

Language is a powerful tool that allows us to communicate with one another across time and space. Read more Section:  News Video History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

‘We could hear their voices’: Digging with bare hands for earthquake survivors

Desperate search for suvivors ongoing as international teams join rescuers trying to reach survivors of Monday’s devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Source

Iran voices concerns over Brazil violence

TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani has reacted to violent events in Brazil in the wake of the country’s inauguration of a new president. Source

Palestinian Voices are Still Presumed Guilty in Canada

December 26, 2022 By Paul Salvatori The recent article by Yves Engler, published by The Palestine Chronicle, resonates with me. It reminds me that many in the Canadian establishment not only do not care about Palestinian justice. They will go out of their way to undermine efforts that aim to achieve it. I was at the pro-Palestinian demonstration Engler […]

Greek and Jewish choirs unite angelic voices in love Ballad of Mauthausen

Australia’s premiere Greek and Jewish choirs, the Australian Hellenic Choir (AHC) and the Sydney Jewish Choral Society (SJCS) have united their voices to treat music lovers to the extraordinary Ballad of Mauthausen with lyrics by Greek poet Iakovos Kambanellis and music by world acclaimed Greek composer the late Mikis Theodorakis. The première choral performance of… […]

The nasty voices in our heads

The paranoid nature of American foreign and domestic policy. Source

Space Force Launches New Intelligence Unit as Congress Voices Concerns over Growth

The Space Force has assumed command of a new unit that will be focused on keeping an eye out for foreign threats in space, but it comes as Congress is warning the small service branch that it has to prepare to slow its growth. Source

Iran voices support for UN program to combat illegal arms trade

TEHRAN – The Iranian Permanent Mission to the United Nations has expressed support for a United Nations program that aims to galvanize nations in combating the illegal arms trade. Source

Watch – Pro-Abortion Voices: ‘Your Mother Should Have Aborted You!’

Pro-abortion leftists have been freaking out in protests across the country over the past two weeks since the SCOTUS leak.

Voices from the gasfields.

Voices from the gasfields. Tap News / Tapestry Fracking. You don’t live in a gasfield. You die in one. Watch the film here. Original Article: Become a Patron $1 Per Month or make a small Donation Support Independent Media Armed With The Truth United We Stand Source

Voices from the Covid Battlefield – Episode Eight In this series of interviews Covid Response Watch brings you the voices of doctors, health workers, social activists and others, working ats the grassroots, speaking about the multiple impacts of the Covid pandemic on the lives of ordinary Indian citizens. Some aspects of the Covid disaster are new and unprecedented but many of them […]

Voices of Concern: Aussies for Assange’s Return

With Julian Assange now fighting the next stage of efforts to extradite him to the United States to face 18 charges, 17 of which are based on the brutal, archaic Espionage Act, some Australian politicians have found their voice.  It might be said that a few have even found their conscience. Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister […]

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