Posts Tagged ‘battlefield’

True the Vote Conspiracy Theorists Urge Supporters to ‘Step Onto the Battlefield’

True the Vote, a group that has promoted false claims about election fraud to justify restrictions on voting, made a fundraising pitch on X/Twitter on Tuesday, saying it was trying to raise $150,000 to meet a match and advance toward their goal of recruiting and training “1,000,000 pro-liberty election workers.” Given that True the Vote leader […]

EI live: Justice and the battlefield

Join the Electronic Intifada livestream this afternoon for our ongoing coverage of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and the Palestinian resistance to it. This afternoon’s lineup: Ali, Nora, Jon and myself will discuss the ICC charges against Israeli leaders Jon will host another bumper edition of his resistance hour And as always, we’ll open with […]

How Ansar Allah are schooling the West on the battlefield: Bloomberg

11 Mar 2024  Source: News Websites Ansar Allah fighters stage a rally against the U.S. government designating Ansar Allah as a terror group and against the U.S.-led sustained airstrikes on Yemen, near Sanaa, Yemen, January 25, 2024. (AP) By Al Mayadeen English An opinion piece published in Bloomberg details the significant challenges the Yemenis pose […]

Sayyed al-Houthi: US starving Gaza, turned Red Sea into battlefield

 January 25, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English The leader of the Ansar Allah movement highlights the US’ direct role in war crimes against Palestinians in his latest address. The leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abul-Malik al-Houthi, lambasted the United States for its role in supplementing and supporting the ongoing […]

Sayyed Nasrallah: Battlefield Has the Final Say, Our Drones Reach Israeli Depth Daily

November 11, 2023 Hezbollah S.G. Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah during televised speech via Al-Manar (Saturday, November 11, 2023). Marwa Haidar Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed on Saturday that in the Lebanese front, eyes should be on the battlefield, noting that the events taking place in the combat zone will dictate the course of the […]

Ukraine Begins Firing U.S.-Supplied Cluster Bombs on Battlefield

Ukraine is using cluster bombs against Russian forces less than a week after they were first delivered from U.S. reserve stores, the White House confirmed Thursday. Source

MIND GAMES: ‘Electronic Telepathy’, The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future – By Peter Koenig

MIND GAMES: ‘Electronic Telepathy’, The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future – By Peter Koenig SM  Source – “…Ex-MI5 Microwave scientist, Barry Tower, explains how they destroy a targeted individual. He says, “If you want to cause a specific psychiatric illness, you would have the microwave beam always target a specific gland, or a specific part of […]

Romans Wore Red-Crested Helmets to Avoid Fratricide on the Battlefield

We’ve all become accustomed to seeing iconic red-crested helmets depicted in Hollywood battle scenes set in the Roman era. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

Islamic Jihad chief: Gen. Soleimani was champion on battlefield; Palestine was his main concern

Friday, 06 January 2023 11:06 AM   [ Last Update: Friday, 06 January 2023 11:06 AM ] 5 Jan 00:26  Source: Al Mayadeen English By Ali Jezzini  The leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement has hailed the late top Iranian anti-terror commander General Qassem Soleimani as an undisputed champion in various spheres of the resistance front, stressing that the […]


December 31st, 2022. Dr. Robert Malone On —Twitter Files, Fifth Generation Warfare, and the COVID Vaccine Psyops Campaign. “Is it 10 billion or 13 billion, in the United States alone, that was employed in this—what else can you call it—psyops campaign?… The government felt that it was acceptable to deploy these military-grade technologies against all […]

Voices from the Covid Battlefield – Episode Eight In this series of interviews Covid Response Watch brings you the voices of doctors, health workers, social activists and others, working ats the grassroots, speaking about the multiple impacts of the Covid pandemic on the lives of ordinary Indian citizens. Some aspects of the Covid disaster are new and unprecedented but many of them […]

Iran Has Upper Hand on Battlefield to Confront Enemy – Navy Chief

Posted on November 8, 2021 by uprootedpalestinians Nov 8, 2021 By Staff, Agencies Iranian Army Navy commander said that today, Iran has the upper hand on the battlefield in case of confrontation with an enemy, in reference to the aims of holding the ‘Zolfaghar 1400’ drill in the southeast of the country. Rear Admiral Shahram […]

Voices from the Covid Battlefield – Episode Four In this series of interviews, Covid Response Watch brings you the voices of doctors, health workers, social activists and others, working at the grassroots, speaking about the multiple impacts of the Covid pandemic on the lives of ordinary Indian citizens. In this episode we speak to Dr Punyabrata Gun, joint-convener of the West Bengal […]

Taliban continue talks whilst making big gains on the battlefield

As heavy fighting continues in Afghanistan, the Taliban and the government are still talking but there’s little sign of moves towards peace. Both sides met in Qatar on Saturday, as they have done for months. But sources familiar with the talks suggest that as the Taliban are making rapid gains on the battlefield, there is […]

Telesilla, Warrior Poetess From Argos, Who Manned-Up On The Battlefield and Bedroom

An ancient oracle told by a Pythian priestess says, “ But when the time shall come that the female conquers in battle, driving away the male, and wins great glory in Argos, then many wives of the Argives shall tear both cheeks in their mourning .” This oracle was later alluded to by historian Herodotus […]

Battlefield Archaeology: Ancient Warrior Helmets and Head-Gear

Books, text, manuscripts and oral histories of most ancient cultures abound with heroes wielding an array of ancient weapons including endless famous swords, spears and supernaturally charged armor that were often gifted to the warriors by gods. However, while such weapons of war thrive in historical fictions they are no less prominent in the real […]

Civil War Spreading: Streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin Turn Into Battlefield

Kenosha, Wisconsin is a small city of about 100,000 people on Lake Michigan. Apparently it really felt like small town America, where people knew their  neighbors and there was a sense of tranquility. One of the tourist attractions is a Civil War museum, which seems all the more relevant now that civil war is raging […]

Civil War Spreading: Streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin Turn Into Battlefield

Kenosha, Wisconsin is a small city of about 100,000 people on Lake Michigan. Apparently it really felt like small town America, where people knew their  neighbors and there was a sense of tranquility. One of the tourist attractions is a Civil War museum, which seems all the more relevant now that civil war is raging […]

Civil War Spreading: Streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin Turn Into Battlefield

Kenosha, Wisconsin is a small city of about 100,000 people on Lake Michigan. Apparently it really felt like small town America, where people knew their  neighbors and there was a sense of tranquility. One of the tourist attractions is a Civil War museum, which seems all the more relevant now that civil war is raging […]

Civil War Spreading: Streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin Turn Into Battlefield

Kenosha, Wisconsin is a small city of about 100,000 people on Lake Michigan. Apparently it really felt like small town America, where people knew their  neighbors and there was a sense of tranquility. One of the tourist attractions is a Civil War museum, which seems all the more relevant now that civil war is raging […]

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