Posts Tagged ‘starving’

Israel Falsely Claims Gaza Famine A “Hoax” As It Continues To Block Aid & Bomb Starving Population

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/19/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

War on Gaza: French newspaper Liberation criticised over cartoon mocking starving Palestinians

12 March 2024 Social media users slam the illustration as racist and dehumanising, as experts warn that Gaza is on the brink of famine By Ayah El-Khaldi The French daily newspaper Liberation has come under fire for publishing a cartoon that mocks fasting Palestinians in Gaza searching for food. The cartoon by artist Corinne Rey depicts an emaciated Palestinian man chasing after […]

Gaza: Genocide by Starving

MARCH 7, 2024JAIME C. Global Research, March 07, 2024 By Jamal Kanj Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March *** Imagine you are at […]

Over 2/3 of Jewish Israelis oppose humanitarian aid to Palestinians starving in Gaza 

A new Israeli Democracy Institute survey shows that 68% of Jewish Israelis oppose “the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza residents.” Source

Sayyed al-Houthi: US starving Gaza, turned Red Sea into battlefield

 January 25, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English The leader of the Ansar Allah movement highlights the US’ direct role in war crimes against Palestinians in his latest address. The leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Sayyed Abul-Malik al-Houthi, lambasted the United States for its role in supplementing and supporting the ongoing […]

Israeli jets dropped explosive-laden food cans as bait for starving displaced Palestinians

AbsoIutely sick and eviI! Israeli jets dropped explosive-laden food cans as bait for starving displaced Palestinians kiIIing two children and their parents!

‘I expect you to die’—Israel’s biggest crime isn’t threatening hospitals, it is starving 2.2 million civilians of potable water

Netanyahu is saying the same thing to pregnant mothers, toddlers, and other civilian collateral damage of his total war on Gaza. Source

NYC To Begin Starving Senior Citizens To Feed Illegal Aliens

In a bid to address the influx of illegal migrants, New York City has announced plans to starve senior citizens in nursing homes to feed the illegal aliens. The cost to house illegals, allowed into […] The post NYC To Begin Starving Senior Citizens To Feed Illegal Aliens appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

6 TOP Crops to Grow at Home to Save You From STARVING

» Californians are told NOT to charge their electric cars due to the heatwave – just days after announcing a future ban on gas carsToday at 12:22 am by PurpleSkyz » Unvaccinated Face Potentially Illegal DiscriminationToday at 12:19 am by PurpleSkyz » Good People Doing Good Things — Carolyn CollinsToday at 12:12 am by PurpleSkyz » WEF Caught Scrubbing the Internet of […]

Chinese in Brutal COVID Lockdown Screaming They Are Starving from Windows, Couple Jumps — Bill Gates Met by “Arrest Gates” Protest Convoy

Image above: Couple jumps out window during total lockdown in China As world governments and media stand by and say nothing, people in Shanghai are even jumping to their deaths while facing starvation during a brutal lockdown in which people cannot leave their apartments for any reason, except medical emergency. The exercise of raw power […]

UK tells starving Venezuelans: Your $1.7 Billion of Gold is Now Ours

    In its prolonged freezing of Venezuelan assets, the UK continues to withhold 31 tons of its gold stored at the Bank of England, with a new Supreme Court ruling supporting the seizure. The recent decision, CNN reported, “ruled that recognition of heads of state and government was solely the responsibility of the British […]

US Foreign Policy Condones Starving Children; The “Fugitive’s” Crime is Working to Help Starving Venezuelans’ to Circumvent U.S. Starvation Sanctions So They Can Eat

That’s what’s being fought for in the slow motion third world war that the empire is waging against unabsorbed governments like Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Russia and China. And that’s why those unabsorbed governments are fast at work moving away from the dollar in response. “The US rogue state just ripped up every international law, after imprisoning and now extraditing […]

The US Is Starving Venezuelans In the Name Of Democracy

Above photo: Massachusetts Peace Action. The Biden administration granted Temporary Protected Status to refugees from Venezuela, which will permit them to live and work in the United States. This is the right thing to do, and it is a break with the previous administration, but there need to be more significant changes to U.S. policy towards Venezuela. […]

US Sanctions Are Starving Syria

 Leading Syria scholar Joshua Landis on how crippling US sanctions are devastating Syria’s people and hindering post-war reconstruction. In a new article for Foreign Affairs, scholar Joshua Landis and former Obama administration official Steve Simon write that US sanctions on Syria “further immiserate the Syrian people, blocks reconstruction efforts, and strangles the economy that sustains […]

Watching The Hawks – Starving From War & March for Our Lives | Watching the Hawks on RT America |

Watching The Hawks – Starving From War & March for Our Lives | Watching the Hawks on RT America | Watching The A steady surge in conflicts around the world are causing a spike in hunger rates. RTs Ashlee Banks reports on the March for Our Lives that saw nearly a million protestors descend […]

Yemen War: 400,000 Children Starving, UN Report Says

The war in Yemen has left 400,000 children starving to death and another 5,000 dead, according to a shocking UN report.  In a report released Tuesday, Unicef said that almost 2 million Yemeni children were out of school and fighting for their lives, a quarter of them since the conflict escalated when a Saudi-led coalition […]

Socialism in action: Starving Venezuelan mobs ransack food banks, slaughter grazing cattle on private farms

(Natural News) Widespread food shortages in the socialist mecca of Venezuela are creating mass panic, as roving hordes of starving people are reportedly now ransacking food collection centers and supermarkets in search of anything they can find to satisfy their hunger. Economic conditions have gotten so bad throughout the country that some folks in extreme […]

THIS is socialism: Venezuelan children are STARVING to death as food must now be delivered under armed guard

(Natural News) All of the various economic models employed by dictators, thugs, and autocratic rulers worldwide have produced nothing but misery, hardship, and death, yet far too many American Millennials are supportive and even fascinated by them. They are, in no particular order, communism, Marxism, and socialism. Communism, as practiced by the Soviet Union, was […]

‘Soul-crushing’: Filmmaker captures ‘slow, painful death’ of starving polar bear (VIDEO)

The emaciated bear was filmed just “hours or days” from death as it searched for food on the barren and iceless Baffin Island – Canada’s largest and the fifth largest in the world. The heartbreaking footage was captured by the conservation group Sea Legacy while filming a documentary over the summer. READ MORE: Alaska problems: […]

The Saudi blockade of Yemen is starving kids and killing thousands, so why is Washington still defending it?

The Saudi blockade of Yemen is starving kids and killing thousands, so why is Washington still defending it? Saudi Arabia on Saturday intercepted and safely destroyed a missile aimed at the capital city of Riyadh by Houthi rebels in neighboring Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition is intervening to oppose the rebels in the Yemeni civil […]

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